Portable Cocoa for Windows - xcode

So Im working on a project in Xcode and would like to also be able to work on it on my PC work laptop when travelling. Is there anything I could run off of a USB?

You can try installing Mac OS in your PC!!!
Many of my friends have installed dual Mac OS X Mountain Lion & Mac OS X Mountain-Lion in their Intel Based PC using VMWare 9 and its running fine. But I tried with no success as I am using AMD Processor.

You can edit all of the text files using a normal text editor, like Notepad++. I don't think that there's any software for Windows that can edit all of the different things you would have in your project, like the .xib files and such.

If you were ambitious you could try gnustep, but that is pretty tough to set up on cigwin, and would only be a very close fit for Mac OS X and not iOS.


Can I code Delphi apps in Windows and test them later n Mac OS X?

After several years away from Delphi (2006) I'm thinking about returning, to try cross platform Windows-OS X development. I have an old Mac Mini, dual booting Win10 and OS X. Everything I've found discussing cross platform Delphi involves configurations with the two OS's running simultaneously, either two machines or one machine+one virtual machine. (With 4G of RAM I don't think I have the memory for the latter option.)
I'm wondering if I could develop in Win10 (without MacOS running), compile, push to source control, etc. and then later pull the files to test in MacOS (without Win10 running)?
You could build OSX applications on Windows without OSX connection with Delphi XE2-XE6.
Since Delphi XE7 OSX SDK and connection profile is needed for building the OSX applications.
Building or deploying OSX app doesn't work without active connection profile to OSX computer

CBPeripheralManager startAdvertising not working on OS X yosemite

does anyone notice any issues when using your mac (running OS X 10.10 yosemite DP 6) as an iBeacon? I tried several tools and I also developed it myself (using the CBPeripheralManager startAdvertising) but without any luck.
When running those apps (+ the the code I developed myself) on a mac running OS X 10.9 Mavericks, it works like a charm.
Is there anything specific required for OS X 10.10 yosemite or is this a bug?
Any help is appreciated!
EDIT: Radius Networks has confirmed this issue has shown up on subsequent pre-releases of Yosemite. This OS veesion blocks sending an iBeacon transmission with the internal interface, but allows it with external interfaces. So you can add an external Bluetooth dongle like the GBU521 and transmission works again.
It's gotta be a bug in the code or something specific to your machine. We have tested our MacBeacon OSX app on Yosemite and have not noticed any problems.
In fact you can indeed advertise your Mac running Yosemite as an iBeacon with an external compatible Bluetooth 4.0 (USB).
I wrote a simple iBeacon transmitter for Yosemite written in Swift, look here https://updatemycode.com/2014/11/29/yosemite-as-an-ibeacon-swift/.
This does seem to be a problem with Yosemite 10.10. This is acknowledged now on the radius network website: http://www.radiusnetworks.com/ibeacon/macbeacon/
I'm having to buy usb beacons that I can easily power on and off for testing because of this issue.
I didn't test this with 10.10, but I'm able to use 10.11.3 to advertise as a beacon (at least with the project from #mgigirey). Perhaps Apple opened this again?

Is an app created in Qt on Mavericks executable on other osx

I usually use a computer on snow leopard to create apps compatible upwards but I'm on holidays at the moment and only have my macbook pro with Mavericks on it.
I need to send an app to a customer who's on snow leopard (or lion)
Is this possible? Can I create a compatible app building it on Mavericks.
I'm not an expert on building on Mac, but I believe it is/can be. If the target computer also has Qt 5, then it should work.
There used to be "Universal" binaries that would work with both Intel based Macs and with Power PC based macs... I've seen that break on my Mavericks install for some things that were built with a "Universal" binary. It might be just a problem with that one or two programs I was running.
The default compiler for Mavericks and Qt 5 is clang64, and so it should work on any 64 bit Intel based mac. Make sure you are using the commandline deployment tool for qt mac deployment, so that all the dylib's get included in your app package.
Hope that helps.

MonoTouch on OS X VM within Windows?

We're getting into iOS development with MonoTouch. All of our machines are Mac Pros with Windows 7 installed via BootCamp. I'm not crazy about rebooting into OS X just to access the MonoTouch IDE. I'm wondering if it's legal and possible to install OS X on a VM within Windows (if I'm already on Apple hardware, it should be ok, right?). Any other issues with Apple's SDK in a VM (I heard they do some hardware checking of some sort). Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
You can't really run OSX on a VM under windows without going the hacking route. The only way to properly virtualize OSX is to run OSX Server under OSX itself, which is not what you want.
The best option for you is to do what I do: run OSX on your Mac, then use something like VMWare or Parallels to run the Windows you have on your BootCamp as a VM. Works beautifully.
Yup, Eduardo is right, running OSX under non-apple hardware is considered illegal according to apple's license. Moreover, you may run into some issues when creating your developer's account or sumbitting apps.
However, if you still want go the hack way, you can refer to osx86project or just search google for "how to create a hackintosh".

Can you develop Windows Mobile applications on OS X?

Is it possible to develop an application for a Windows Mobile device, on Mac OS X?
This question mostly due to this answer, criticising Apple for only releasing the iPhone developer tools for the Mac platform..
I'm simply curious if this is possible or not, hopefully an Apple-vs-Microsoft argument can be avoided! There are similar questions for iPhone-development on Windows (1, 2, 3), but not the other way around!
MonoDevelop will run on Mac OS X and according to their FAQ it could be possible to create applications for the Compact Framework, but only after running a patcher (mentioned in the FAQ).
It does look like you wouldn't have any real debug support for the Compact Framework, as you can't install it on Mac OS X and the Windows Mobile emulators can't be used on OS X either.
You can always run Windows virtualized in VMWare, Parallels, VirtualBox or with BootCamp.
