Joomla Virtumart - Disable Checkout per Product Category - joomla

By federal law, I am required on some of my products that they have to be "Call to Order". Is there a way that I can disable the checkout process or at least the payment processing for specific categories on my site and instead are asked to call customer service to complete the order?
Workflow ==>
User finds a product he/she wants, customizes the color and other attributes as needed, they then click continue or checkout but at this point the order is sent to customer service and the customer is then asked to call customer services to complete the order.
But that same client and make and complete their order on the site for other products such as part and accessories.

You can make a product say call to order by simply enabling the inventory check and setting the product inventory to 0. However, that also prevents the user from adding the item to the cart. You'd have to hack the core significantly to achieve the workflow you specify.


Is it possible to add shipping tracking number for different product in magento?

I would like know
Suppose, A order consist of three product. When i submit this product to warehouse it ship the prodduct in different shipping method.
I would like to know how can i add these tracking number in magento either programmatic php or directly using mysql query
Thank you.
You can do this without having to run any code (i.e PHP or MySQL), simply partially invoice the order by navigating to the order itself, choosing the invoice tab & checking / unchecking the appropriate products. Then, when you choose to create a shipment, you can base it off of an invoice number and assign appropriate tracking information to it.

How to apply "20% Discount" to specific Customers of a Customer Group in Magento 1.7.2?

I have products with a normal price(let's say product A costs 20e) and a group price(lets product A costs 15e) assigned to my customer group
that I call it "Resellers".
I want to apply an extra 20% discount to specific Resellers (not to the whole Reseller group)
in the group price(meaning the 15e)
I tried to solve it by creating a "Shoping Cart Price Rule" (I called it "20% Extra Discount") it applies to the whole Customer Group
How Can I apply 20% it only to specific Resellers and not to the whole Reseller Group for the group price only?
What you are asking is not possible with Magento out of the box.
You can overcome this by generating a coupon that you can send out by e-mail to your specific customers.
or you can try to use an extension like this.
It's not free, but from the looks of it it might get you what you need.
I'm in no way associated to the extension provider. I just found it on a simple search on the web.
You need to do some coding in order to achieve above said, following is the way it should happen.
You would need to hook into an event, ex :
Changing the price in quote while adding product to cart: magento
Also in the observer created above you need to do something like
Add custom discount order in total with button
Now whats above will do :
Let us suppose you create a general rule for 20% discount but do not relate it to any customer group.
What happen is once a product is added to a cart you can check into an Observer whether you want to provide discount to this particular customer.
If yes programmatically add coupon to the quote or order else not.
Please note : there are various other type of event for ex: after moving to checkout etc, in case you do not want to use on adding of product to cart.
hope above helps.

Creating an order processing system from magento?

I want to create a small order processing website, but in time I want the application to be able to extend to an e-commerce solution as well. So I decided to go with magento.
But I am not sure, if magento can be stripped down to only an order processing system. By order processing I want:
Guests should be able select products
Should be able to add products to cart
But at last, instead of processing the order by payment system, the order should be forwarded to email of administrators, who will contact them individually.
How to configure Magento this way??
Here is a full tutorial with all the files you will need, ready to download:
This does mark orders with the code 'free', however, you words are our servants and not our masters and you could change the word free to 'telesale' (or whatever):
...the basic idea of removing any step from checkout is to see a set a
default value for that step, so that magento order processing runs
smoothly. So when removing the payment method step, i have set the
payment method “Zero Subtotal Checkout” with code “free” as the
default payment method.
If I got you well, you just want to avoid the CC processing,
In this case you can disable in Magento all payment systems except the 'Money/Check' one.
Guests should be able select products
Should be able to add products to cart
But at last, instead of processing the order by payment system, the order should be forwarded to email of administrators, who will
contact them individually.
Magento offers you catalog/cart system by default ( mail is mandatory during order )
Magento offers you cart system by default
You can disable all payment system except 'Money/Check' one. (this will let user confirm their order without any check on the payment).
Then you can contact all user checking the new orders in the backend ( user/guest email will be displayed along with the order display ) ...
Add email notification for any new orders:
Log in into admin area
Go to System->Configuration
In Sales section, click on Sales Emails
Select the first section Orders.
Enter your admin e-mail in the field “Send Order Email Copy To”.
Now You will receive a new mail every new order.
Manage Payment Methods:
Log in into admin area
Go to System->Configuration
In Sales section, click on Payment Methods
Disable all except Check / Money Orders
Now your customer could order without any payment detail.
I think Magento should suit you, in case the 'Money/Check' payment system is not good for you, you will need to create a new module and add a new payment system.
I hope this helps you answer your doubt
So, as I can understand, you want to finish customers work on the cart step. For example, by clicking Create an Order except Checkout.
Yes, you can use cart2quote or something like this.
The main idea is to save quote with quote items (from the session) after clicking Create an Order button. For example, you can get Quote and serialize it, get Quote items and also serealize them. When it is needed to show them to admin (in email or in admin section) - deserialize all info and display it. This will not be very easy, but is possible. May be it is better to customize some ready solution.

Product status changed after clicking "place order in magento

I hope someone can help me out.
I want : The product isn't taken out of stock until the payment transaction is complete.
Suppose I have one product and someone(customer) is checkout this product but before payment transaction process this product taken 'out of stock'.
I would try turning off the Magento stock management functionality (System->Configuration->Catalog->Inventory). Then you can write an extension that listens for the sales_order_invoice_save_after event and adjust stock quantities yourself. You'll also want to handle returns/credit memos using the same type of event observer code. Keep in mind, however, that if you get 2 orders for the same item and you only have 1 in stock you'll end up in a backorder scenario. As long as you're okay with that, this should work.

how can i decrease the product price on cart page?

If the user has an existing account balance, I'd like to give him the option to specify how much of his previous balance to apply to the item and sync this info with the cart and order. I have already implemented the user's account balance, both on the front and back end.
Would a coupon-like system work best, or should I try something else?
Thanks in advance.
I would let the customer decrease its cart total with the balance would be more simple / logic for the customer also (?)
What E-commerce solution do you use? Magento(?) If so there are coupon extensions that can handle this.
You could also build a simple balance system where users would see there balance in there account ( if such feature is implemented) or just mail them a message with a unique code that you save in DB + the value of balance then use this code as a coupon on checkout.
We have created quite a few e-commerce solutions up to date. Usually, when user balance is involved, then what you do is create two transactions referred to one invoice. In the first transaction specify the amount taken from balance, where as leave the other transaction for whatever checkout method you use. Upon callback from the checkout, see if the balance paid matches the invoice to mark it as paid respectfully.
Alternatively, you can use discount - decrease user balance and add "discount" to the order. It all depends on your accounting needs and preferences.
On Amazon they allow you to apply any unused balance to the existing order. Its when you checkout that they say you have $150 credit on your account, would you like to apply this to your order, it defaults to yes in a tick box.
Its quite neat and simple, it doesn't allow you to apply a part amount from what I've seen.
Then when you go to payment you pay $total - balance.
So if you have $200 total, the payment via credit card would be for the $50.
