Is it possible to add shipping tracking number for different product in magento? - magento

I would like know
Suppose, A order consist of three product. When i submit this product to warehouse it ship the prodduct in different shipping method.
I would like to know how can i add these tracking number in magento either programmatic php or directly using mysql query
Thank you.

You can do this without having to run any code (i.e PHP or MySQL), simply partially invoice the order by navigating to the order itself, choosing the invoice tab & checking / unchecking the appropriate products. Then, when you choose to create a shipment, you can base it off of an invoice number and assign appropriate tracking information to it.


Magento - Create a Manual Invoice Number for Each Invoice (No Auto Numbering)

I have a situation where we are using Magento to manage Web based orders.
However .. all invoicing is occuring through our SAP system.
I therefore need to firstly create an invoice in SAP, and then manually use that number as my invoice number in Magento.
I do understand that this is by no means an efficient way of doing things, but our business IT restrictions mean that we cannot link the systems.
Is there a way of using Manual invoice numbers within Magento ?
Thank you in advance for any advice.

Show simple product with all possible attribute combinations based on configurable product

I have an e-commerce site that provides made-to-order clothing. I've created a configurable product and just one associated product.
Is it possible to display all of the possible attribute combinations within just one associated product rather than manually add every combination?
I've tried allowing out of stock products to be displayed, but this didn't show all of the possible combinations.
I'm not hugely experienced with Magento, but I've used many CMS systems and inventory management products. I've never once seen a matrix / configurable / multi-variation / whatever you want to call it setup where you didn't have to create each combination as a distinct SKU. I'm not saying it's 100% impossible, but I'd view it as extremely unlikely and probably a waste of time to pursue.
Why not just create your configurable products and their sub SKUs via CSV import? It will be far easier and faster than creating them one at a time. Creating every combination will also be extremely easy. If you're not comfortable with Excel, you need to correct that yesterday if you want to be good at product management.
See this article:

Product combinations from two or more products

I am trying to make something like in the following link, using Magento:
You can see that product main images and all other details change.
Now I tried configuring a bundled product with combination of two or more simple products, but this will create too many products.
Suppose I configure the following:
1: 3 products of stones
2: 2 products of ring base
3: Than the total number of products that I will have to create will be 3(stones) + 2(stone base) +6(3*2 bundled product with all possible combinations) = 11 products
For more options, this will be to complicated to manage.
How can we use Magento to do this efficiently?
There are two ways to approach this scenario, depending on whether or not you need to manage inventory stock for each combination.
If you don't need to manage the inventory for each possible combination, then you can use a Simple Product type and use the Custom Options to provide the various options to customers. You can put in price adjustments as well as the SKU that is generated when various selections are shown.
If you do have to manage inventory stock for each combination, then you do have to create — in your example — 6 simple products. Then you can present them using the Configurable product type. In this way if one of the rings is out of stock, the remaining 5 possible combinations are still presented to the customer. Still allowing them to choose a stone and ring base, but not allowing the combination of the one out of stock to be chosen.
So, it really boils down to whether you need to manage stock or not. With Magento CE 1.9.1, there are also more robust swatch image functions that might be helpful with what you're trying achieve, as well.
If you want unique images for every permutation, you will need to create each simple product to achieve this. To make life easier, you could create all the products in a csv and them import with Magmi.
In order to achieve the image option links, check out the latest version of Magento (1.9.1) which now supports option swatches and will load the simple product's base image which would achieve the effect you are after.

Creating an order processing system from magento?

I want to create a small order processing website, but in time I want the application to be able to extend to an e-commerce solution as well. So I decided to go with magento.
But I am not sure, if magento can be stripped down to only an order processing system. By order processing I want:
Guests should be able select products
Should be able to add products to cart
But at last, instead of processing the order by payment system, the order should be forwarded to email of administrators, who will contact them individually.
How to configure Magento this way??
Here is a full tutorial with all the files you will need, ready to download:
This does mark orders with the code 'free', however, you words are our servants and not our masters and you could change the word free to 'telesale' (or whatever):
...the basic idea of removing any step from checkout is to see a set a
default value for that step, so that magento order processing runs
smoothly. So when removing the payment method step, i have set the
payment method “Zero Subtotal Checkout” with code “free” as the
default payment method.
If I got you well, you just want to avoid the CC processing,
In this case you can disable in Magento all payment systems except the 'Money/Check' one.
Guests should be able select products
Should be able to add products to cart
But at last, instead of processing the order by payment system, the order should be forwarded to email of administrators, who will
contact them individually.
Magento offers you catalog/cart system by default ( mail is mandatory during order )
Magento offers you cart system by default
You can disable all payment system except 'Money/Check' one. (this will let user confirm their order without any check on the payment).
Then you can contact all user checking the new orders in the backend ( user/guest email will be displayed along with the order display ) ...
Add email notification for any new orders:
Log in into admin area
Go to System->Configuration
In Sales section, click on Sales Emails
Select the first section Orders.
Enter your admin e-mail in the field “Send Order Email Copy To”.
Now You will receive a new mail every new order.
Manage Payment Methods:
Log in into admin area
Go to System->Configuration
In Sales section, click on Payment Methods
Disable all except Check / Money Orders
Now your customer could order without any payment detail.
I think Magento should suit you, in case the 'Money/Check' payment system is not good for you, you will need to create a new module and add a new payment system.
I hope this helps you answer your doubt
So, as I can understand, you want to finish customers work on the cart step. For example, by clicking Create an Order except Checkout.
Yes, you can use cart2quote or something like this.
The main idea is to save quote with quote items (from the session) after clicking Create an Order button. For example, you can get Quote and serialize it, get Quote items and also serealize them. When it is needed to show them to admin (in email or in admin section) - deserialize all info and display it. This will not be very easy, but is possible. May be it is better to customize some ready solution.

Magento: Add a "fake" product to cart/quote

I understand how to programmatically create a product and also add to cart. I know this might sound dumb but is it is possible to generate a product on the fly and add that to the cart/quote but never actually save it in the database.
We want to create a made to order interface and I was thinking at the end it could add a bundle product with all the selections but that bundle product wouldn't actually exist in the backend.
I figured as long as you can make sure the quote and order has what it needs in terms of the product it would be ok, but obviously there is probably a lot that is tied to looking up stuff in the db on a specific sku or ID. I know that if you delete a product and then look at an order in the admin that causes issues, at least it did for this one scenario I was dealing with.
I was thinking of creating a giant bundle product that had like 6 different bundle items and each item could potentially have like 500 products and then based on what the user selects I programmatically add the bundle to cart. But then I wasn't sure if there would be a negative affect with having a gigantic bundle product like that as well.
I don't think this will work, obviously there are a lot of information tied to the product in the database and we setup a test and right away we get an error for $item->getProduct(). We are moving forward with creating a giant bundle product and also the generic product with adding custom options on the fly, which Anda pointed out below. Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I'm not sure that clockworkgeek's approach is going to work. On every page load, Magento loads the items from the cart to make sure that they are still valid (in-stock, prices correct, etc), and amends the cart to reflect those values. My understanding of the system in the past has been that a product in the cart needs to have a corresponding database value to survive this process.
The "giant bundle product" approach is a pain, but in the past has been the best approach I have found. Attempting to change the values of the product (such as price or attributes) will be overridden by the cart checks, so you need a product w/ maximal flexibility, such as an overly-customized bundle product or configurable product.
Hope that helps!
Why not create a generic product in db and then set the product customization as custom options (additional_options) on the fly depending on the user selection. You can add custom options to the product (actually to the quote item) without having to save them in the database. I did this once for a website that sells glasses with prescription. The prescription was added as an option.
You can programmatically create Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Items and add them to the cart. You've noticed it needs a product to match it's product ID but it needn't be a useful one. It could be a blank, disabled product, also created in code. All that's needed is a stub.
The necessary stuff for the cart is stored in the quote item - fields like name, value and quantity. Those fields are then copied directly to the order without using a product.
creates a new product. you can add it to a cart, by doing something like this:
$cart = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart');
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')
product attributes you can find in the DB in tables that start like catalog_product_... or take an already created product, and see what attributes it has in the _data array (with debugger or just print_r($product->getData))
