Product status changed after clicking "place order in magento - magento

I hope someone can help me out.
I want : The product isn't taken out of stock until the payment transaction is complete.
Suppose I have one product and someone(customer) is checkout this product but before payment transaction process this product taken 'out of stock'.

I would try turning off the Magento stock management functionality (System->Configuration->Catalog->Inventory). Then you can write an extension that listens for the sales_order_invoice_save_after event and adjust stock quantities yourself. You'll also want to handle returns/credit memos using the same type of event observer code. Keep in mind, however, that if you get 2 orders for the same item and you only have 1 in stock you'll end up in a backorder scenario. As long as you're okay with that, this should work.


Custom status for orders that have been partially refunded

Is there any way I can create a status for an order saying "Partially refunded" if only part of that order has been returned?
Usually products that are shipped back are refunded only for the cost of goods and not the cost of shipping that falls in the responsibility of the customer.
I've been looking into this aspect also for orders that have been completely refunded and the status is "Cancelled" instead of "Totally refunded".
This link will help you to create custom order status and states in magento.Try this.
Create Custom Order Status
Usually there are several events fired when creating a credit memo. Find out wich one suits best in your situation by logging the fired events in Mage::dispatchEvent().
Create a custom orders status as mentioned above.
Finally create an observer that hooks up the right event right before or after the status is changed. Write some logic to determine a partial refund, and save the order with the new status.
No need to rewrite or extend core magento models.

How to stop quantity being added back to stock when an order is cancelled in Magento

I need to stop decreasing the stock quantity when an order is placed and reduce the stock only on successful payment because there are lot abandoned transactions on my site. I found an article to do this link, which says how to credit back the quantity to the product on redirect action and the decrease it on successful response action.
Also I am running a cron to cancel the abandoned orders. When the orders are cancelled the quantities get added back to product stock.
My problem is, how do I overwrite the cancel action so that the product stock is not updated when an abandoned order is cancelled?
You can stop this by configuring from admin panel.Go to:
system->configuration->inventory->stock options->Set Items' Status to be In Stock When Order is Cancelled
change this value to "No".
You can also stop to decrease the stock quantity on order placed:
system->configuration->inventory->stock options->Decrease Stock When Order is Placed
Hope this will solve your problem

Magento - How to enable cancel button for a processing order (invoice created)

I have some orders in Processing state. I know Magento do not allow to cancel invoiced orders, just create a credit memo, but I need to change it. I need to do something to undo the creation of the invoice and return it to "pending", or just cancel it.
Any invoiced orders in Magento cannot be canceled, but they can be closed.
You need to issue a credit memo, which is refund in Magento.
As per my view you can do this by database.
Follow the below steps :
1. Find the order in sales flat order(sales_flat_order table) by order id.
2. Find the order item in sales flat order item(sales_flat_order_item table) by order id.
3. For enable cancel button you have to change below columns value from 1 to 0 for all order items.
//for invoice order.
A] qty_invoiced : 0
//for shipped order.
B] qty_shipped : 0
This change will enable "Cancel Button" in admin sales view page.
4. Now you can change the order status from sales_flat_order table or cancel order.
If someone still looking for it..
Module from called Delete Orders allows you to delete any orders in admin. However when you delete an order it doesn't change qty in stock. Delete Orders mgm
I fake it by assigning the status code 'canceled' to the state code 'processing', then I manually set the status code to 'canceled' and all is well... the customer sees the order as canceled and I can pretend it never happened and get on with my "life".
You can't cancel orders in Magento that have invoices. You also can't 'undo' an invoice. With that said, I've discovered a plugin that might be able to help with canceling orders (these should primarily be used in the testing phase of your website and not when its live to avoid any complications):

Magento Stock (Configurable, Bundle)

I have a website made with Magento, and a theme by me. The problem is:
The simple product with low stock is associated to a configurable product, and when i try to add a higher quantity of that simple product, it allows, and then, after the checkout proccess, we receive a e-mail from the store that there is a failure in the proccess like:
Payment operation failed:
Not all products are available in the requested quantity
It occurs in bundle products that have a default quanity more than 1 too.
Someone can help me?
Found this solution but i can't truncate my sales tables on database. I have all my sales records there, and there are a lot of them. I can't loose it. Magento: After ordering configurable product, its canceled because its out of stock
How many orders do you need to remove? If you got a handful that you can count by hand, you can try this solution to remove unwanted orders.
how can i delete test order from magento
It looks like it should work, but, as always, review the code and try it on one order first..

Magento cannot create credit memo

For certain orders I can't seem to create a credit memo.
I think the only thing these products have in common is that they have a "Fixed product tax" for their disposal fee.
When I disabled 'FPT' in System>configuration>Tax>"fixed product tax" it did change the display of the product in the order but not the fixed price.
For example, the product per unit price is 1640 including regular taxes.
The additional fee is 5 (so the total amount is 1645) but when I disable the FPT the subtotal excludes the fee but in the total the fee is still added.
Since they all where test orders they all need to be credited, but I get the following message when I try "Can not save credit memo".
We are running Magento version
In the Mage_Adminhtml_Sales_Order_CreditmemoController::saveAction method is written that if you have the 'Cannot save the credit memo.' error message, you should check the exception log file. Check it and maybe you will solve the problem. Otherwise come back to us with the error message.
