Keymap issues with NX from Mac OS X Lion [duplicate] - macos

This question already has answers here:
Keymap issues with NX from Mac OS X Lion to Ubuntu
(8 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I tried to answer the question from Mark:
Keymap issues with NX from Mac OS X Lion to Ubuntu
However, it is locked so I figured I would post a new question / answer.
I have been trying to answer this for a few days now because I have no issues when connecting through NX Client (technically OpenNX) to FreeNX server from an iMac (with Lion), but if I try to connect with a Macbook Pro I get horrible keyboard binding issues.

I had the same issue (I'am on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.7 Lion) and reverting back to fixed the problem for me too.

I'm on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.8.4. I've tried release 648, 649, and 725 of OpenNX to connect to Ubuntu 13.04. Each didn't work out of the box and even with the above trick of editing my profile's cfg, my keyboard mapping still isn't right. (The sshlog shows '--keyboard="empty/empty"')
Once connected, in all of these cases, the 'd' key minimizes all open windows, the up arrow key maximizes the current window, and the down key restores it to its original size. My point is that with all of the above attempts changing something on the Mac OpenNX client, I'm starting to think the problem is something Canonical has done with Ubuntu 13.04 and/or FreeNX. That latter doesn't look like its been updated since I had to install it from the 12.xx ppa.
As a further datapoint, even X2Go connections exhibit the exact same behavior when using the Gnome desktop. In the X2Go case, the client dialog shows using a pc105/us keyboard.
I hope this gives others something to go on. I couldn't add this as a comment so had to do it as an answer, sorry.

I had this problem with 10.7.5, the fix was to install XQuartz instead of the native X server. Well, mostly fix. The CAPS LOCK is inverted, that is, it's all caps when it's off and normal when it's on but otherwise the keyboard works with XQuartz. Installation is easy
and it didn't break anything else on the Mac. Although what is working even better for me was to load Ubuntu on the Mac, right now I have it setup dual-boot.

The fix that is working for me is to go into:
and change:
<option key="Current keyboard" value="false"/>
<option key="Custom keyboard layout" value="empty"/>
<option key="Grab keyboard" value="false"/>
I have tried this on three NX Servers and all are fixed. Hope it helps or gets you closer. Always check in the ~/.nx/temp/ for the sshlog and see if --keyboard="empty/empty" instead of "pc105/en" because the Mac is really pc104.
9:05:35: startsession --session="HOST" --type="unix-gnome"
--cache="8M" --images="32M" --link="adsl" --geometry="2556\ x1396" --screeninfo="2560x1440x32+render" --keyboard="empty/empty" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --composite="1" --\ shmem="1" --shpix="1" --streaming="1" --samba="0" --cups="0" --nodelay="1" --defer="0" --client="macosx" --media="0" --st\ rict="0" --aux="1"


x11 window delay on OSX

I have a newer generation macbook pro. I have El Capitan installed with the latest X11 release from xquartz. Whenever I try to open up a X11 window, such as just running xclock, it takes about 15 seconds to get the window. If I do the same thing on my work laptop, which has an identical version of OS X and X11, it takes a fraction of a second. I can't figure out what is going on. Does anyone have some suggestions of what the problem could be, or how to diagnose such a problem?
I ended up figuring out that macports had its own X11, and didn't rely on XQuartz. I uninstalled XQuartz, and just used the macports xorg.server for my X11. Still don't know why having both works fine on my work laptop but not on my personal laptop. Oh well...problem fixed.

OS X Yosemite Download Upgrade Install Later

Why is the OS X upgrader so bad?
Once the OS X Yosemite upgrade is downloaded, if you restart the machine you have to download the whole thing again, in order to get the "Continue installation of OS X Yosemite ..." window to come back up.
Is there a way to install on a separate occasion to downloading? This is seriously frustrating because i just restarted since i couldn't get the window to appear, only to notice the window was hidden behind "App Store" once reboot was already initiated. After restart however it is not possible to get the upgrade window back.
Your question seems unclear.
After you finish your download of osx 10.10 and start the restarting process the downloaded file is installed not redownloaded. From the sounds of it you have already updated to 10.10 and if that is the case you can not get the update window back.
If you are having a lot of issues with your download, you can reinstall the entire os through internet recovery by turning off your laptop, holding command R and turning it back on
good luck

iSight/FaceTime camera not working after upgrade

right now i am running the OS X Yosemite beta 10.10, after upgrading my OS X i lost my camera, i tried everything in the forums, but nothing helped.
i can't FaceTime, or Skype or anything. normally i would take it in to an apple store, but the closest apple store to me is about 200 miles away.
since i am beta testing OS X Yosemite, i knew i was going to have some problems, but i need this to work
also; i also installed the update 2 days ago as it was recommended in the app store.
(not a hardware problem, was working perfectly before the upgrade and it is not found in the "system info> USB"); also not user specific.
Open your terminal and type this command:
$ sudo Killall VDCAssistant
Now, go to your Skype->Preferences->Audio/Video and you can see the webcam working.
Have a good one!
Apparently, this problem persists even in the recent versions of OS X Yosemite. I also had this problem. So, the answer to solve it is basically resetting the SMC, which Apple provides instructions in
Now, I was not able to sort it even by resetting the SMC in a Macbook Pro 15 mid 2012. At least, not immediately. As I keep a few things connected in the USB ports, I believe it might have been the reason, so I closed all my applications (just in case), turned off the computer, unplugged all the USB and thunderbolt connectors (yes, including the LAN adaptor), as well as the earphone connector to speakers. THEN, reset the SMC (for non-removable battery computers, by pressing and releasing control-shift-alt-power [left shift] simultaneously while connected to power). For me, it worked.
It might be useful to remember that the SMC is the System Management Controller, that takes care of the hardware in a low-level, including i/o, keyboard backlight, speakers, camera... so, if you are going to reset it, it might make sense to release all the possible burden it might feel.
Resetting SMC is the only thing that solved the problem on my MBP Mid-2012.
The issue came about around the time I upgraded to High Sierra.
This issue is solved with the newest update of OSX Yosemite. Just update through the Appstore app and everything will be normal.

OS X 10.10 install can't verify (Registered developer)

Well this is embarassing...
I'm a college student with an apple developer's license.
I'm currently stuck in the CMD+R recovery partition.
I installed 10.10 successfully earlier today. Then I got the bright idea to format my drive and do a clean install of Yosemite. When I clicked the 'Reinstall OS X' button in the recovery screen I recieved a message telling me that my computer cannot be verified with apple. I'm guessing this is because the recovery drive cannot recognize or download/install my developer certs.
Any ideas on how I can fix this? I'd prefer to install 10.10 but I'll roll back to 10.9 if absolutely necessary.
I solved my problem by doing an internet recovery (Cmd+Opt+R at startup). From there I installed 10.8 and re-installed 10.10 from the mac app store.
If you downloaded it from the developer site, you should have went through redeeming a code step, then Yosemite should be in your purchased app list. Are you sure you are using the account you redeemed the code? If you get the image from someone else, you probably want to redeem the code from the developer center.
I was able to get a clean install by booting to an external Mountain Lion disk and running the installer from there. More info:
I solved my issue by re-installing 10.8 onto my main partition and updating to 10.10 from there.
Since apple has not released OS X Yosemite to the public they can't verify the software because the recovery mode disk utility is for non developers, the software is not in the apple system yet. You should just make a bootable usb and do a clean install of OS X Yosemite.
Items to try:
1) Repair Permissions (better if booted into Recovery HD)
2) Resync time with Apple's Servers via System Preferences
...if all else fails, you can nuke and pave, or create a bootable USB installer.

Portable Cocoa for Windows

So Im working on a project in Xcode and would like to also be able to work on it on my PC work laptop when travelling. Is there anything I could run off of a USB?
You can try installing Mac OS in your PC!!!
Many of my friends have installed dual Mac OS X Mountain Lion & Mac OS X Mountain-Lion in their Intel Based PC using VMWare 9 and its running fine. But I tried with no success as I am using AMD Processor.
You can edit all of the text files using a normal text editor, like Notepad++. I don't think that there's any software for Windows that can edit all of the different things you would have in your project, like the .xib files and such.
If you were ambitious you could try gnustep, but that is pretty tough to set up on cigwin, and would only be a very close fit for Mac OS X and not iOS.
