iSight/FaceTime camera not working after upgrade - macos

right now i am running the OS X Yosemite beta 10.10, after upgrading my OS X i lost my camera, i tried everything in the forums, but nothing helped.
i can't FaceTime, or Skype or anything. normally i would take it in to an apple store, but the closest apple store to me is about 200 miles away.
since i am beta testing OS X Yosemite, i knew i was going to have some problems, but i need this to work
also; i also installed the update 2 days ago as it was recommended in the app store.
(not a hardware problem, was working perfectly before the upgrade and it is not found in the "system info> USB"); also not user specific.

Open your terminal and type this command:
$ sudo Killall VDCAssistant
Now, go to your Skype->Preferences->Audio/Video and you can see the webcam working.
Have a good one!

Apparently, this problem persists even in the recent versions of OS X Yosemite. I also had this problem. So, the answer to solve it is basically resetting the SMC, which Apple provides instructions in
Now, I was not able to sort it even by resetting the SMC in a Macbook Pro 15 mid 2012. At least, not immediately. As I keep a few things connected in the USB ports, I believe it might have been the reason, so I closed all my applications (just in case), turned off the computer, unplugged all the USB and thunderbolt connectors (yes, including the LAN adaptor), as well as the earphone connector to speakers. THEN, reset the SMC (for non-removable battery computers, by pressing and releasing control-shift-alt-power [left shift] simultaneously while connected to power). For me, it worked.
It might be useful to remember that the SMC is the System Management Controller, that takes care of the hardware in a low-level, including i/o, keyboard backlight, speakers, camera... so, if you are going to reset it, it might make sense to release all the possible burden it might feel.

Resetting SMC is the only thing that solved the problem on my MBP Mid-2012.
The issue came about around the time I upgraded to High Sierra.

This issue is solved with the newest update of OSX Yosemite. Just update through the Appstore app and everything will be normal.


Psychtoolbox issue after recent Mac update

I recently got an update (macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 Update), and it seems to have messed with the display a bit.
I use Octave (v4.2.2) to run experiments off of my laptop (MacBook Pro 13-inch, 2.3 GHz Intel Core i5), which requires me to put images on the screen (Psychtoolbox v3.0.14). Since I updated my computer the script errors out at the point where I attempt to put anything on the screen. Unfortunately, because of a bug with Octave, I can't see an error message, so I don't know the exact nature of the problem.
Apart for this problem with Octave, the screen randomly switches to "static" (like the old school TVs!). This only lasts for half a second before it switches back. But I can't help but wonder if both problems have a common root.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

System Freeze after launching Apportable app

I am brand new to Apportable. I installed and am able to launch the sample Spin app on my Android device. However, after launch, my system is completely frozen and will not respond to any trackpad or keyboard touch. I hard booted and tried again with an iOS app I developed with the same results.
MacBook Pro 15" Early 2011 running OSX 10.9
16GB RAM, 20 GB disk space available
Xcode 4.6
Any ideas why this is happening and what I can do to prevent it? Thanks!
Sometimes while copying the apk to the device, the USB driver gets blocked for a few seconds. If this is the same issue, then your system should return to normal pretty quickly (no more than five seconds on most machines).
If that isn't the case for you, you can try the following command:
MTP=no apportable load
If you still have the issue after that, something else is going on that I have never seen.
I had the same problem and MTP=no apportable load solved it for me.

Xcode freezes at indexing, randomly, iPhone dev

My Xcode version is 4.6.2, which is the latest at this moment 2013.6.2, when I try to run a project(not a specified one) in simulator, it randomly freezes(stops) at indexing. I don't know if it's my macbook's problem because it's relatively a old one. My project is very light-weighted, just some demo. I'm a newbie. Normally, it works well, but sometimes it freezes at indexing, say 5% possibility.
And I cannot stop it even I clicked the "Stop" button at the right of "Run", and either if I close the simulator. I have to force the computer to shut down by keep pressing the power button. It brings damage to computer.
Anyone knows how to fix this? Or I have to get a newer one? Any help will be appreciated. THANKS.
Xcode 4.6.2 in 1.4GHz, 2GB Ram
This is the main problem, the Xcode needs 2GB+ itself, and there are others applications and processes running in foreground and background.
I have 3GHz C2D, 4GB RAM, still at times it hangs at times :(
So, either you need to upgrade the hardware or degrade the Xcode version.
As you have Macbook air, you cant upgrade the RAM which is soldered to the motherboard.

How to Virtualize iOS on a Windows 7 computer

I'm trying to learn to code in Objective C, but I am not ready to commit to purchasing a Mac for just this purpose, seeing as I have a good Dell laptop. My computer has VMware installed on it, but I do not know how to actually go through the steps, and I do not know what I need to install or purchase(if absolutely necessary). Eventually, I hope to get a Mac, so this won't be needed, but until then, I want to find a way to compile Objective C so I can actually learn how to use it. Thanks.
While it is technically possible, I'll tell you from experience:
To run Xcode and the iOS Simulator, you will need to have MacOS running. Oficially it only runs on Apple Hardware, buuut, you can always use virtualizers and Hackintosh. There are plenty of good tutorials online if you choose this method.
My advice: DON'T do it!
When I started to develop iOS apps, I had a Windows PC, but after trying lots of different approaches to virtualize MacOS, with none I had great results. I bought a MacBook on a sale, and it's just a better iOS development experience overall. It's priceless not to have to deal with driver searching and compatibility issues.
First virtualize MacOS X, inside then iOS with XCode. See
Yes you can, you need to virtualize OSX inside you Windows, and then use XCode as the other stated, however it doesen't work with nearly all AMD CPU's but i think Dell uses mostly Intel. And a Mac costs alot. For example i don't have money for one, the cheapest one costs $1,600 where i come from, but if you are going to get a Mac, i would wait for that.
But they really are expensive, and i only need a Macbook for debugging.
[Assuming you already have the mac installation image or vmware file]
Sadly Vmware does not include support for mac in it's latest versions
So you'll have to patch(aka Vmware Unlocker for OS X) it.
Follow this link (you'll be required to set up an account)
Or alternatively you can download the VirtualBox(
Happy Coding
Use virtualbox instead of VMWare. If it does'nt work, install the extension pack for virtualbox.

Using mac ports to install py26-gtk switches off my Mac

I'm trying to run sudo port install py26-gtk but my MacBook doesn't get further than building gcc43, while doing that it switches off without shutting down.
It is not overheating since I tried it again while my MacBook was sandwiched between two cold packs. The Mac was cool and the ventilation was not running. i.e. the Mac was not trying to cool itself when I used the cold packs.
Does anyone have any idea what is causing my Mac to switch off?
I have a Mac OS 10.6.3, python 2.6, mac ports 1.8.2.
If this happens to you this means you have a hardware problem. Let's hope you still have apple care. I can't help but get the impression that apple hardware quality gets worse every year : (
