Pressing the Enter key instead of Clicking button with Shoes (Ruby) - ruby

As the title suggests, I'm just looking for a way of pressing a button in Shoes without clicking it.
I've searched the forum, but unfortunately can't find anything.

that won't work in red shoes under windows since the windows controlls steal all the events.
I managed to get this at work in green shoes under windows though.
Here an example
e = edit_line
button("Click me!"){alert("You clicked me.")}
keypress { |k| alert("You pressed Enter") if k == "\n"}

I do not have shoes at the moment, but I believe you could trap the keypress and execute its action like so:
button('Click me') { do_something }
keypress { |k| do_something if k == '\n' }
From the manual:
One caveat to all of those rules: normally the Return key gives you a
string "\n". When pressed with modifier keys, however, you end up
with :control_enter, :control_alt_enter, :shift_alt_enter


AutoHotKey If Key pressed while win11 TaskView is open syntax

I've recently been using Gnome 41.5 and fell in love with the way the Activities menu works
So I am trying to use AHK to create a script that when I press the windows key it opens Task View - then if Task View is open and I start to type, (to search for an application) I want AHK to open the start menu so that I can utilize its search function
My rough outline for how I imagine it would work below - I've been trying to learn but got stuck here
Send, #{Tab}
if (""taskview is open"" + ""any char pressed"") {
Send, Rctrl + Esc
In the future I'd love to have the start button just appear on the Task View screen so that it's almost just like Gnome
i wanted to do the same thing and got this so far, i like how this works tbh, but you might wanna add RWin as well (i don't have it, so i didn't)
before task view appears the start menu flashes shortly, but the activation timing keeps shortcuts working without opening task view, so it's a good tradeoff imo.
;couldn't check these names bc the names are different based on system language
;double click on the script in the task tray and hit CTRL+K to figure out the correct name
taskView := "Task View" ;these 2 names are guesses
search := "Search"
;Hotkey function hotkeys have to be created first
Hotkey, ~*LButton, mousedown, off
Hotkey, ~*RButton, mousedown, off
Hotkey, ~*MButton, mousedown, off
Hotkey, ~LWin, showTask
;checks every half second if you're in task view to activate the key logging
SetTimer, taskInput, 500
;prevent repeats
keywait, LWin
;cancel if a different key got pressed while win was held down
if (A_PriorKey != "LWin") {
if WinActive(taskView){
sleep 1
send {Esc}
else send #{tab}
if (!WinActive(taskView)){
Mouse_Flag = 0
Hotkey, ~*LButton, on
Hotkey, ~*RButton, on
Hotkey, ~*MButton, on
;wait for any key
Input, key, L1 V, {VK0E}{LWin}{RWin}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Pause} ;excluded: {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{CapsLock}{NumLock}{PrintScreen}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}
if WinActive(taskView){
if (key = LWin) {
keywait, LWin
sleep 1
send {Esc}
else if (Mouse_Flag || key = Chr(27)) { ;chr 27 = blank space character, matches some characters specified in the any key input check, notably Esc
else {
;open search
send #s
WinWaitActive %search%
if("LWin" != A_PriorKey && key != A_PriorKey){ ;slight fix if you type very fast and the letters get jumbled bc winwaitactive takes too long
send {BS}
send {%key%}
send {%A_PriorKey%}
else send {%key%}
Hotkey, ~*LButton, off
Hotkey, ~*RButton, off
Hotkey, ~*MButton, off
Mouse_Flag = 1
sendevent, {Blind}{VK0E} ;unused virtual key

adding events to random buttons of the keyboard

Hello guys i really need your help . I want to make some program in javafx so i need to add listener to random generated button on the keyboard. For example :
i don't want to add some action if user type enter but i want to add action to some random button and nobody would know which is that button . so the user need to click every single button on the keyboard to find out which is that button.How would he knows that this is the correct button ? - > well the program will be executed , when he click on the wrong button -> nothing will happen.
Try something like this:
private void handleKeyPress(KeyEvent ke) {
String text = ke.getText();
KeyCode code = ke.getCode();
if ( ke.isControlDown() || ke.isMetaDown() ) {
//DO something for example

SketchUp API: How to add a check box to a menu item

I don't see it anywhere in the Ruby API documentation but just in case I'm missing something...
I'm writing a plugin for SketchUp and I'm trying to add some options to the menu bar. One of my options would work best as a checkbox, but right now I have to have two separate buttons. Is there a way to create a checkbox menu item with the Ruby API?
Here's what I had to do instead:
foo = true"Plugins").add_item("Turn foo_option on") { #foo = true }"Plugins").add_item("Turn foo_option off") { #foo = false }
...and then I just use foo to change the options. Is there a cleaner way to do this?
SketchUp can have check marks in menu items. Both menu items and commands can have a validation proc. The documentation for set_validation_proc gives this example:
plugins_menu ="Plugins")
item = plugins_menu.add_item("Test") { UI.messagebox "My Test Item"}
status = plugins_menu.set_validation_proc(item) {
if Sketchup.is_pro?
Although for checkmarks you would use the constants MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED
I have not seen a checkbox menu item created from an extensions before, but I'm a beginning user so that's maybe why.
An other approach would be to do it like this:
unless file_loaded?(__FILE__)
plugin_menu ="Plugin")
option_menu = plugin_menu.add_submenu("NameOfOption")
option_menu.add_item("OptionA"){ }
option_menu.add_item("OptionB"){ }
The file_loaded?(_ FILE _) makes sure the menu only is created once, instead of every time you load your script. I hope this is helpfull. Maybe some experts now a way to create a checkbox menu.

JavasctiptMVC keypress event

My work in JavascriptMVC is capturing the enter press event and i have steal ('jquery/event/key') plugin and my code is
'input keypress': function(ev){
if(ev.key() == '\r') {
but it doesn't work in firefox itself my first alert('inside') is working but after that it says "ev.key() is not a function". Can anyone help me
What object is ev? Isn't 'key' a property instead? Maybe this will help How to detect pressing Enter on keyboard using jQuery?

AutoHotKey For Loop

I am trying to get a script like this in AHK but I don't know how to write it in AHK:
string arrow
if (leftArrowKeyPressed) {
arrow = "left"
if (rightArrowKeyPressed) {
arrow = "right"
if (arrow = "left") {
for (int number = 1000; number < 10000; number++) {
I did something similar to this. It uses the While command. Your code might look something like the following:
While GetKeyState("left", "P") {
Line 1: '~left::' tells the following lines of code to activate when the left button is pressed. The '~' tells the program to still allow the 'left' arrow key to work. If you wanted this code to run and simultaneously block the 'left' arrow from working, remove the '~'.
Line 2: 'While GetKeyState("left", "P")' is self-explanatory. It's a 'while' loop that runs as long as you are holding the 'left' arrow key.
Line 3 and line 4 are for your code to go. Note that 'NUMBER' can be replace by any number 0-9, and 'MOUSE_BUTTON' can be replaced by either the left mouse button (LButton) or the right mouse button (RButton).
I hoped this helped get you started. Also, as formentioned, the AHK Help manual is very informative. You can search 'AutoHotKey Help' on your computer for your off-line version, or visit this link for the online version. These manuals include documentation of just about anything you could ever hope for, as well as a useful example of code at the bottom of each page.
