SketchUp API: How to add a check box to a menu item - ruby

I don't see it anywhere in the Ruby API documentation but just in case I'm missing something...
I'm writing a plugin for SketchUp and I'm trying to add some options to the menu bar. One of my options would work best as a checkbox, but right now I have to have two separate buttons. Is there a way to create a checkbox menu item with the Ruby API?
Here's what I had to do instead:
foo = true"Plugins").add_item("Turn foo_option on") { #foo = true }"Plugins").add_item("Turn foo_option off") { #foo = false }
...and then I just use foo to change the options. Is there a cleaner way to do this?

SketchUp can have check marks in menu items. Both menu items and commands can have a validation proc. The documentation for set_validation_proc gives this example:
plugins_menu ="Plugins")
item = plugins_menu.add_item("Test") { UI.messagebox "My Test Item"}
status = plugins_menu.set_validation_proc(item) {
if Sketchup.is_pro?
Although for checkmarks you would use the constants MF_CHECKED and MF_UNCHECKED

I have not seen a checkbox menu item created from an extensions before, but I'm a beginning user so that's maybe why.
An other approach would be to do it like this:
unless file_loaded?(__FILE__)
plugin_menu ="Plugin")
option_menu = plugin_menu.add_submenu("NameOfOption")
option_menu.add_item("OptionA"){ }
option_menu.add_item("OptionB"){ }
The file_loaded?(_ FILE _) makes sure the menu only is created once, instead of every time you load your script. I hope this is helpfull. Maybe some experts now a way to create a checkbox menu.


How to show and hide standard InDesign panels through scripting?

I’m able to get a reference to, for instance, the “Scripts” panel; but it doesn’t seem to have the show and hide methods like panels created through scripting (see code below). How can I get it to show or hide programmatically, without invoking the corresponding menu item?
function findPanelByName(name) { // String → Panel|null
for (var iPanel = 0; iPanel < app.panels.length; iPanel++) {
var panel = app.panels[iPanel];
if ( == name) {
return panel;
return null;
var scriptsPanel = findPanelByName('Scripts');; // → “ is not a function”
A few things: Your method to get the right panel is unneccessarily complicated. You could just get the panel by using the panel collection's item method like so:
var scriptsPanel = app.panels.item('Scripts');
Then, you don't need to use show() to show the panel (as that method does not exist), but you can just show the panel, by settings its visible property to true:
scriptsPanel.visible = true;
And lastly, in case anybody else is supposed to use the script, you should make sure, that it works with international versions of InDesign as well. In my German version, the above panel for example would not exist, as it is named Skripte instead of Scripts. To avoid that you can use the language independent key of InDesign:
var scriptsPanel = app.panels.item('$ID/Scripting');
So, in conclusion, the entire script could be shortened up to this one-liner
app.panels.item('$ID/Scripting').visible = true;

Testing if an element is visible with Xcode 7 UITest

I want to verify if an element is visible or not depending on its .hidden property but I don't find a valid way to do that using the new Xcode 7 UI test stuff.
I've tried with myelement.exists and myelement.hittable but they doesn't seems to work as I expected. I suppose they work on conjunction with the hidden property. An hidden element shouldn't exists and is not hittable... but this is not the current behaviour (I can understand the exists behaviour... but a hidden element should be not hittable IMO).
Is there another way to verify the "hidden" property value?
As of Xcode 7.1 Beta 3, UI Testing does not currently support validating the visibility of an element. I suggest filing a radar to bring the necessary attention to Apple.
Xcode 7.1 has fixed this issue. hittable now checks to see if the element is correct.
1) I am testing the UI with swift in Xcode 7.3 and I using both .hittable and .exists for testing whether a label is hidden or not and they both work. I test for 'true' and 'false' to make sure either way agree with the result.
I have a label whose static text is "Track Info" and set to be hidden when app is first loaded, then later on I press a button to show the label, and here is the result after the label is shown.
// test fails
let trackInfoLabel = app.staticTexts["Track info"]
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, true)
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, true)
// test passes
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, false)
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, false)
// test passes
let trackInfoLabel = app.staticTexts["Track Info"]
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, true)
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, true)
// test fails
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.exists, false)
XCTAssertEqual(trackInfoLabel.hittable, false)
Leter on when I press the button to hide the label, all the results turned opposite. This confirms that both properties (hittable and exists) works for label.hidden setting.
2) Another way to find out if an element is hidden, you can do is element.frame.size.width == 0 || element.frame.size.height == 0
XCUIElement.hittable works for me (in my particular test case where I am checking several UIButton elements for visibility) - quite sure it is not a right way to do it though
Next code worked for me.
At the end of the test you can past code as follow:
while ([app.staticTexts matchingIdentifier:#"accesibilityId"].count > 0) {
I agree hittable doesn't always work for buttons (Swift 2.0, XCode 7.2)
I just discovered that if button is visible, you can find it ONLY among buttons, while if button is hidden, you can find it's tag in staticTexts as well!
XCTAssertFalse(app.buttons["Log out"].exists && app.staticTexts["Log out"].exists) // This button is visible (hidden = false)
XCTAssert(app.buttons["Log in"].exists && app.staticTexts["Log in"].exists) // This one is hidden
Hacky, but works for buttons. Apple should just introduce .hidden or .visible along .hittable and .exists
The syntax is now .isHittable:
isHittable only returns true if the element is already visible and
hittable onscreen. It returns false for an offscreen element in a
scrollable view, even if the element would be scrolled into a hittable
position by calling click(), tap(), or another hit-point-related
interaction method.
Using the .isHittable property will work because hidden elements are not visible or hittable on screen.
My solution is to add accessibilityIdentifier dynamicly
func someMethod() {
label.isHidden = true
label. accessibilityIdentifier = "isHidden"
func someOtherMethod {
label.isHidden = false
label. accessibilityIdentifier = "isVisible"
and the in UITest you can use it as
if app.staticTexts["MyLabel"].identifier == "isHidden" {

Disable MDI child Form buttons

Is there possible to disable child's form buttons from parent form?
For example, I have 2 radio-buttons in parent form, one is True second False, when I choose one of them fires radiobutton.CheckedChanged event and there I have code what goes like this, but it's not working:
ChildForm.Button1.Enabled = False
where seems to be the problem? Can anyone help with this?
You would need to create an instance of the childform.
ChildForm cf = new ChildForm();
cf.Button1.Enabled = false;
You have to keep in mind though, it could be a different instance than the child form that is currently being shown.
To be sure, depending on your code (which I can't see) and how your program is laid out I would probably do something like this...
ChildForm cf = new ChildForm();;
cf.Button1.Enabled = false;
so here I know that the ChildForm that is showing is the one that has the button disabled.
In VB6 the following project works:
1 MDI form:
Option Explicit
Private Sub MDIForm_Click()
Form1.Option1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
End Sub
Form1 is a MDI child form with 2 radio buttons on it

Menu bar icon in OS X for script running as daemon?

I have a ruby script( that runs on my macbook as a daemon and monitors a bunch of directories for file changes and rsync any changes that happens. I was wondering would i be able to let it create a icon in the menu bar at the top? Just so that I know it's actually running, without having to check for it with ps.
Maybe later if needed I might want to be able to control the script from there, simple drop down with stop and status entries, etc.
It seems from ObjectC I can call NSStatusItem to get the icon, but I really just want to do it easily from my Ruby script. Perhaps maybe some applescript call that I can do?
This MacRuby script creates a status bar icon:
So does this one:
Here's a Gist including code that does it:
# We build the status bar item menu
def setupMenu
menu =
menu.initWithTitle 'FooApp'
mi =
mi.title = 'Hellow from MacRuby!'
mi.action = 'sayHello:' = self
menu.addItem mi
mi =
mi.title = 'Quit'
mi.action = 'quit:' = self
menu.addItem mi
# Init the status bar
def initStatusBar(menu)
status_bar = NSStatusBar.systemStatusBar
status_item = status_bar.statusItemWithLength(NSVariableStatusItemLength)
status_item.setMenu menu
img = 'macruby_logo.png'
# Menu Item Actions
def sayHello(sender)
alert =
alert.messageText = 'This is MacRuby Status Bar Application'
alert.informativeText = 'Cool, huh?'
alert.alertStyle = NSInformationalAlertStyle
response = alert.runModal
def quit(sender)
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
You could look at MacRuby. It's a way of developing OS X apps using Ruby instead of Objective-C. It includes a number of improvements, such as getting rid of header files, so yu just have "implementation" files in Ruby. You can use IB for building windows too

NSMenuBar mouse down notification?

i'm trying to find notification/way to check if NSStatusItem from NSStatusBar (System wide bar) was clicked.
Does anybody knows how to achive this ?
EDITED 20120111
I meant "any" item from whole status bar.
do something like: = self;
statusItem.action = #selector(mouseDown:);
statusItem.sendActionOn = NSLeftMouseDownMask; // try without this at first - i can't remember what the default it so you probrably don't need it
- (void)mouseDown:(id)sender {
NSLog(#"click click");
