AutoHotKey If Key pressed while win11 TaskView is open syntax - windows

I've recently been using Gnome 41.5 and fell in love with the way the Activities menu works
So I am trying to use AHK to create a script that when I press the windows key it opens Task View - then if Task View is open and I start to type, (to search for an application) I want AHK to open the start menu so that I can utilize its search function
My rough outline for how I imagine it would work below - I've been trying to learn but got stuck here
Send, #{Tab}
if (""taskview is open"" + ""any char pressed"") {
Send, Rctrl + Esc
In the future I'd love to have the start button just appear on the Task View screen so that it's almost just like Gnome

i wanted to do the same thing and got this so far, i like how this works tbh, but you might wanna add RWin as well (i don't have it, so i didn't)
before task view appears the start menu flashes shortly, but the activation timing keeps shortcuts working without opening task view, so it's a good tradeoff imo.
;couldn't check these names bc the names are different based on system language
;double click on the script in the task tray and hit CTRL+K to figure out the correct name
taskView := "Task View" ;these 2 names are guesses
search := "Search"
;Hotkey function hotkeys have to be created first
Hotkey, ~*LButton, mousedown, off
Hotkey, ~*RButton, mousedown, off
Hotkey, ~*MButton, mousedown, off
Hotkey, ~LWin, showTask
;checks every half second if you're in task view to activate the key logging
SetTimer, taskInput, 500
;prevent repeats
keywait, LWin
;cancel if a different key got pressed while win was held down
if (A_PriorKey != "LWin") {
if WinActive(taskView){
sleep 1
send {Esc}
else send #{tab}
if (!WinActive(taskView)){
Mouse_Flag = 0
Hotkey, ~*LButton, on
Hotkey, ~*RButton, on
Hotkey, ~*MButton, on
;wait for any key
Input, key, L1 V, {VK0E}{LWin}{RWin}{Home}{End}{PgUp}{PgDn}{Del}{Ins}{BS}{Pause} ;excluded: {LControl}{RControl}{LAlt}{RAlt}{LShift}{RShift}{CapsLock}{NumLock}{PrintScreen}{Left}{Right}{Up}{Down}{AppsKey}{F1}{F2}{F3}{F4}{F5}{F6}{F7}{F8}{F9}{F10}{F11}{F12}
if WinActive(taskView){
if (key = LWin) {
keywait, LWin
sleep 1
send {Esc}
else if (Mouse_Flag || key = Chr(27)) { ;chr 27 = blank space character, matches some characters specified in the any key input check, notably Esc
else {
;open search
send #s
WinWaitActive %search%
if("LWin" != A_PriorKey && key != A_PriorKey){ ;slight fix if you type very fast and the letters get jumbled bc winwaitactive takes too long
send {BS}
send {%key%}
send {%A_PriorKey%}
else send {%key%}
Hotkey, ~*LButton, off
Hotkey, ~*RButton, off
Hotkey, ~*MButton, off
Mouse_Flag = 1
sendevent, {Blind}{VK0E} ;unused virtual key


AutoHotkey key shortcuts with disabling Alt key

AutoHotkey v on Windows 10 (current version) with US keyboard layout.
Extending the US keyboard layout with non-existing keys by using key shortcuts with the right Alt key = RAlt. Therefore, the RAlt key should be disabled completely and only be used for the new shortcuts (the left Alt key = LAlt remains for program menu jumps and similar things).
RAlt and a pressed together should print ä (a special German letter)
RAlt and y pressed together should print ¥ (the Japanese currency Yen).
first working attempt
#MenuMaskKey vkFF
key_map_lower := {a: "ä", y: "¥"}
for key in key_map_lower {
Hotkey, $%key%, hotkey_label_lower, On
RAlt Up::
for key in key_map_lower {
Hotkey, $%key%, Off
Send, % key_map_lower[SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)]
This works fine, no problems so far.
The combination RAlt+a=ä prints only the lowercase German special letter, but there is also a equivalent in uppercase. Therefore, a new rule is needed like so: RAlt+Shift+a=Ä.
My attempt for this:
#MenuMaskKey vkFF
; lowercase letters
key_map_lower := {a: "ä", y: "¥"}
for key in key_map_lower {
Hotkey, $%key%, hotkey_label_lower, On
RAlt Up::
for key in key_map_lower {
Hotkey, $%key%, Off
Send, % key_map_lower[SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)]
; capital/uppercase letters
key_map_upper := {a: "Ä"}
RAlt & +::
for key in key_map_upper {
Hotkey, $%key%, hotkey_label_upper, On
RAlt & + Up::
for key in key_map_upper {
Hotkey, $%key%, Off
Send, % key_map_upper[SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)]
But this only works for lowercase letters as before. The uppercase letters do not appear.
alternative attempt
Hotkey, a, label_a, On
Hotkey, y, label_y, On
Hotkey, +a, label_a_, On
RAlt Up::
Hotkey, a, label_a, Off
Hotkey, y, label_y, Off
Hotkey, +a, label_a_, Off
Send, ä
Send, ¥
Send, Ä
This works for lowercase and also uppercase. But the uppercase only work when pressing RAlt before Shift. When pressing first Shift and then RAlt, the window menu gets focused.
How can either
the second script be fixed so that it is not important whether to press Shift or RAlt first?
Or how to fix the first script in order to work and also ignoring the order of RAlt and Shift?
The first attempt is more compact and more robust I guess because of less redundantly and also less lines.
(Also I think both attempts does not have any beauty in code at all, but combining lowercase and uppercase in one data structure in the first attempt only caused even more problems. With this doubling at least the lowercase letters work. But I am thankful for all optimizations as well.)
additional question
I also want to map RAlt+`=°
This is possible in the second attempt because the label are manually assigned. But with the first attempt this is not possible. So this is a next problem with the first attempt.
In some sources they use >! for RAlt, but no luck with this either.
original source on and some discussions about RAlt key combinations here.
Does this work for your purposes?
Hotkey, *a, label_a, On
Hotkey, y, label_y, On
*RAlt Up::
Hotkey, *a, label_a, Off
Hotkey, y, label_y, Off
if(GetKeyState("Shift", "P")) {
Send, Ä
} else {
Send, ä
Send, ¥
The '*', wildcard, lets the hotkey fire even if extra modifiers are being held down. The inside the label it checks if the shift is pressed down or not.

AutoHotKey: Toggle RAlt to Mouse Hotkey with Another Hotkey

I'm trying to create a Hotkey (Win+Shift+Q) that toggles on/off another Hotkey that changes the right Alt key to a left mouse click; however, I can't get it to work.
Expected Behavior:
Pressing Windows+Shift+Q will initially toggle the Right-Alt key to act as a left mouse click.
Pressing Windows+Shift+Q again will toggle the Right-Alt key back to acting as a Right-Alt key.
Pressing Windows+Shift+Q again will revert to the left-click behavior (see #1). And so on.
Here's the most current iteration of my code:
Hotkey, RAlt, MyClick, On
#+Q:: ;Win+Shift+Q :: ::Right-Alt acts as a left mouse button click
switch := !switch
MsgBox %switch%
Hotkey RAlt, % (switch ? "Off": "On")
When I run my script I get the following error after clicking OK on the MsgBox and the script quits:
Error: Nonexistent hotkey
Specifically: RAlt
141: Hotkey,RAlt,MyClick,On
143: switch:=!switch
144: MsgBox %switch%
-->145: Hotkey RAlt, % (switch ? "Off": "On")
146: Return
149: MouseClick
150: Return
The current thread will exit.
Most of the other posts that might relate (Can AutoHotKey toggle keymapping?, Autohotkey: Toggle a set of keybinds on and off) only deal with key to key mapping and not key to mouse mapping. I can't tell if that is the cause of my issues or not.
Previously I had this, but the Win+Shift+Q didn't toggle the behavior, RAlt always acted as a left-click so I commented it out:
#+Q:: ;Win+Shift+Q :: ::Right-Alt acts as a left mouse button click
;Hotkey, RAlt, Toggle ;Does not work for some reason
int += 1
test := mod(int, 2) = 0
if (test) {
msgbox on
Hotkey, RAlt, On
else {
msgbox off
Hotkey, leftClick, Off
I'll also add that I would like this behavior across Windows, not just a single application (which also seems to be a topic in other posts that allows for the #IfWinActive-type suggestions/solutions).
I tried your current iteration of code in AutoHotkey v1.1.13.01 Unicode 32-bit and I don't have any errors after pressing OK on the message box, the script works as advertised.
Try updating your AutoHotkey version here: and see if the problem persists.
#If bState
#+vk51:: ; win + shift + q
KeyWait, vk51
TrayTip, % "state of switch", % (bState:=!bState) ? "on":"off"

Cancel an existing key remap in autohotkey

I have a AutoHotKey script that asks me if I want to remap my Win keys to Ctrl or cancel their remapping, thus making them Win keys again.
However I cannot find a way to cancel the remap. If I use the command LWin::Lwin I get the error message that there is a "duplicate key".
I'm new to AutoHotKey, but I did search first, so please don't bite my head off is this is a stupid question. (It is a Lenovo laptop with Windows7-64).
Here's the script:
MsgBox, 4, , Remap CTRL for Desktop Keyboard?
IfMsgBox, Yes
; Otherwise, the user picked No
; LWin::LWin
; RWin::RWin
; return
Various ways.
Create a hotkey to close ahk, e.g. ^!x::ExitApp = [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[x]
Create a hotkey to disable/enable all hotkeys e.g. f12::suspend
Create hotkeys that ONLY work in a specific appliaction.
Here are all suggestions combined.
Under normal circumstances: LWin::LCtrl and RWin::RCtrl are active, Unless you pressed F12. You can in AHK_L set variables that can be used in #If (Var = 1), where you can define Hotkeys that only work when that variable is set to 1 (true).
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; Allow the use of a portion of the wintitle
If A_IsSuspended
TrayTip, HotKeys, Off, 3, 0
TrayTip, HotKeys, On, 3, 0
F1::MsgBox, Normal Mode
#IfWinActive, Window title
F1::MsgBox, Window X is active
F2::MsgBox, You pressed F2 inside Window x
Toggle := False
F10::Toggle := !Toggle ; Turns Mouse button ON|Off
#if Toggle ; ONLY worls in AHK_L
LButton::Return ; Disables Mouse button
Here's a version you can drive from the command line:
; Allow the script to be reloaded multiple times
#SingleInstance force
; Check the command line for input
NumberOfParameters = %0%
; If any command line param was passed then just unload the mappings
If ( NumberOfParameters > 0 )
MsgBox Command line parameter was passed, unloading...
; Let's ask the user what they want to do
MsgBox, 4, , Remap CTRL for Desktop Keyboard?
IfMsgBox, Yes
; If yes, then remap
MsgBox Keys have been mapped.
; If no, then unload
MsgBox Unloading mapping.
; Keys will be mapped so long as the script remains resident

Fix multiple middle mouse click

Basically I have an issue where the middle mouse button when clicked does multiple very fast middle mouses. For example, if I open a link in a new tab with middle mouse it will open about 10 of that tab. I have tried all of the conventional methods to fix it, ie. driver fixes etc. What I want to try now is a bit of mouse debouncing with AHK (Auto Hot Key) for windows.
Essentially what I am thinking is to do this:
while (forever)
if( capture the middle mouse)
sleep 500 ms
mouse click
Can anyone give some advice with this approach?
Alternatively i thought about making a middle mouse hotkey:
sleep 500
if not GetKeyState("MButton", "P")
break ; Break out of the loop.
send {MButton}
Can anyone see any problems with this?
You can have a much simpler solution without a delay.
This will ignore middle click if the last click was 50 ms ago.
global pressed_g := 0
global delay_g := 50 ; delay in miliseconds, increase this value if your multiple click take longer than delay_g time
if( pressed_g = 0 )
Send, {MButton}
pressed_g := 1
SetTimer, Countdown , Off
SetTimer, Countdown , -%delay_g%
pressed_g := 0
Could it be that you are looking for this? You press the MButton and while you keep the MButton pressed, the script will continue to fire MButton.
while GetKeyState("MButton", "P") ; While the Middle Mouse button key is being held down
Send, {MButton}

Pressing the Enter key instead of Clicking button with Shoes (Ruby)

As the title suggests, I'm just looking for a way of pressing a button in Shoes without clicking it.
I've searched the forum, but unfortunately can't find anything.
that won't work in red shoes under windows since the windows controlls steal all the events.
I managed to get this at work in green shoes under windows though.
Here an example
e = edit_line
button("Click me!"){alert("You clicked me.")}
keypress { |k| alert("You pressed Enter") if k == "\n"}
I do not have shoes at the moment, but I believe you could trap the keypress and execute its action like so:
button('Click me') { do_something }
keypress { |k| do_something if k == '\n' }
From the manual:
One caveat to all of those rules: normally the Return key gives you a
string "\n". When pressed with modifier keys, however, you end up
with :control_enter, :control_alt_enter, :shift_alt_enter
