JavasctiptMVC keypress event - keypress

My work in JavascriptMVC is capturing the enter press event and i have steal ('jquery/event/key') plugin and my code is
'input keypress': function(ev){
if(ev.key() == '\r') {
but it doesn't work in firefox itself my first alert('inside') is working but after that it says "ev.key() is not a function". Can anyone help me

What object is ev? Isn't 'key' a property instead? Maybe this will help How to detect pressing Enter on keyboard using jQuery?


How could I go about disabling the enter key whilst inside th tags for ckeditor 4?

Whenever a user creates a table in ckeditor 4 and presses the enter key whilst inside a table header (th) it creates a new paragraph. A paragraph inside a th is invalid HTML. Ideally I'd like to disable the enter key whenever the cursor is inside a th.
I'm aware of the enterMode config (changing it to a br or a div instead of a paragraph when enter is pressed) but that doesn't really solve the problem.
I guess I need to hook into the keypress event and then check which element type is the parent of the element in which the cursor is residing? But I'm not sure how to do that.
There is a similar question here but I'm specifically looking to disable the enter key in a particular scenario not just entirely. ckeditor turn off enter key
Any help appreciated, thanks.
I've figured this out, seems to work as I desired:
CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.on('key', function(event) {
var enterKeyPressed = === 13;
var isTH = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection().getStartElement().$.nodeName === 'TH';
var parentisTH = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSelection().getStartElement().$.parentNode.nodeName === 'TH';
if(enterKeyPressed && isTH || enterKeyPressed && parentisTH) {

adding events to random buttons of the keyboard

Hello guys i really need your help . I want to make some program in javafx so i need to add listener to random generated button on the keyboard. For example :
i don't want to add some action if user type enter but i want to add action to some random button and nobody would know which is that button . so the user need to click every single button on the keyboard to find out which is that button.How would he knows that this is the correct button ? - > well the program will be executed , when he click on the wrong button -> nothing will happen.
Try something like this:
private void handleKeyPress(KeyEvent ke) {
String text = ke.getText();
KeyCode code = ke.getCode();
if ( ke.isControlDown() || ke.isMetaDown() ) {
//DO something for example

Javascript "Click" event on disabled input type:file in Firefox

I want to make input type="file" becomes available and clicked only when I click on some element, which is also activated it (for example, stylized span).
For this I have the Javascript parameters on span:
onclick="document.getElementById('upload_hidden').Disabled = false;
But the trouble is that in Firefox only first click removes the input attribute disabled and second - opens the file selection window. In Chrome - all OK: input become enabled and clicked by first span click.
Why, first click in Firefox does not work ? :(
P.S. In firefox v21 - all OK. Firefox v25 and v26 - have this trouble.
I could imagine that the script is already ahead when it tries to click the button - but the button is still disabled
var f = document.getElementById('f');
var s = document.getElementById('s');
s.onclick = function () {
setTimeout(function(){; }, 100); // run the explorer after 100 ms
This does work.

How do you automatically confirm a modal in ruby using page-object?

I have a standard rails application with a delete link. This delete link comes up with a browser popup modal (using rails confirm option).
I am currently attempting to test the delete function with Cucumber, Selenium-Webdriver (or Watir-Webdriver, still haven't decided), and the page-object gem.
Once the modal has been triggered, anything I do on the page gives me the following error:
Modal dialog present (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError)
I have been looking all over, but cannot find a way to handle this condition. If possible, I would like to continue using the PageFactory module in the page-object gem.
How can I dismiss/accept the modal?
I figured out a way to do this, but haven't decided upon the exact implementation.
In Javascript you can overwrite any function, which means you can overwrite the confirm
This means that you can run the following code to disable any popups.
def disable_popups
# don't return anything for alert
browser.execute_script("window.alert = function() {}")
# return some string for prompt to simulate user entering it
browser.execute_script("window.prompt = function() {return 'my name'}")
# return null for prompt to simulate clicking Cancel
browser.execute_script("window.prompt = function() {return null}")
# return true for confirm to simulate clicking OK
browser.execute_script("window.confirm = function() {return true}")
# return false for confirm to simulate clicking Cancel
browser.execute_script("window.confirm = function() {return false}")
If you put this inside the initalize_page function of a page-object then the dialogs are automatically removed.
def initialize_page
Or you could do it right before the pop is triggered
def delete
delete_link # => clicks the link
Testing Webpages with Javascript Popups Correctly
Dismissing Pesky Javascript Dialogs with Watir
The page object gem has methods to handle javascript popups - see the original page-object gem post. In your case, I believe you want the confirm method::
(String) confirm(response, frame = nil, &block)
Override the normal confirm popup so it does not occurr.
message = #popup.confirm(true) do
what (bool) — response you want to return back from the confirm popup
frame (defaults to: nil) — optional parameter used when the confirm is nested within a frame
block — a block that has the call that will cause the confirm to display
(String) — the message that was prompted in the confirm
There is similar for the alert and prompt popups.
In your page-object, I would define:
class MyPage
link(:delete_link, :id=>'delete')
def delete()
confirm(true){ delete_link }
Then when you call page.delete, it will click the link and confirm the popup.

Pressing the Enter key instead of Clicking button with Shoes (Ruby)

As the title suggests, I'm just looking for a way of pressing a button in Shoes without clicking it.
I've searched the forum, but unfortunately can't find anything.
that won't work in red shoes under windows since the windows controlls steal all the events.
I managed to get this at work in green shoes under windows though.
Here an example
e = edit_line
button("Click me!"){alert("You clicked me.")}
keypress { |k| alert("You pressed Enter") if k == "\n"}
I do not have shoes at the moment, but I believe you could trap the keypress and execute its action like so:
button('Click me') { do_something }
keypress { |k| do_something if k == '\n' }
From the manual:
One caveat to all of those rules: normally the Return key gives you a
string "\n". When pressed with modifier keys, however, you end up
with :control_enter, :control_alt_enter, :shift_alt_enter
