I have succesfully downloaded the full theme from my shopify store but i am unable to upload any changes. WHen i try to upload I get the following error:
xattr: /Users/**/desktop/shopify_store/layout/theme.liquid no such xattr: id error... try again
I am using Mac OSX 10.6.8
Yes. I'll echo that sentiment. best place is the forum, or github issues for the project.
That being said, in this case, you are most likely in HTML language mode, and you need to be in liquid mode. Pages and assets are different.
The first result in google is a discussion involving the bundle's author on the Shopify forum. I think you'll get better help over there.
My app serves up a bunch of files as links that the user has to download individually. The customer wants me to provide a bulk download option as well. I'm using ColdFusion, but can probably use other languages or translate into one I can use. I mostly likely cannot download a commercial tool to do it. Thanks!
Use curl - in your case it would be libcurl. This would require C++ bindings.
Create a list of your links in a string or a file that your app would access.
Get started with the curl cli.
See here - https://curl.se/docs/httpscripting.html and here - https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-start-using-curl-and-why-a-hands-on-introduction-ea1c913caaaa/
Once you are comfortable with this, use libcurl linked within your app and download the files using the libcurl API.
Thanks for your reply - I appreciate it. A coworker found the best answer for ColdFusion. There's a tag called cfzip that does it all.
Now, i using vuejs and laravel. when i see view page source (Ctrl+U) but have not html code.I went to find in google.And found need to use Server side rendering
(I learned form https://medium.com/js-dojo/server-side-rendering-with-laravel-vue-js-2-5-6afedd64aa90) But problem is "Class 'V8Js' not found"
Someone can help ?
sorry I don't speak English that well
The problem is, that V8JS is a PHP library, that is not shipped by default and you have to compile it by yourself. You can learn more about it and how to install it on it's GitHub page. Follow the installation instructions for your local machine operating system and you should be good to go. If you would like to deploy your app to your hosting provider, first you have to make sure that your host has this PHP extension compiled and enabled. Hopefully this helps you :)
Something is broken on https://dev.modern.ie/tools/vms/
After selecting the VM that I want to download, the links do not appear...
And there is a js error in my console log...
ReferenceError: i18n is not defined
I am experiencing the same issue.
I have found this gist with the direct links to the downloads:
Only mac links but maybe the others can be built from the structure.
This Github project has the VMs available through a bash script. I'm trying to download one now, and it appears to be working. Appears to work on multiple platforms.
This is fixed since around 7.00am PST.
The issue was a missing file in the CDN that didn't get pushed (i18next\i18next.js).
I just installed red5 on my server, and the install seems to work fine. As you can see here: http://onelifemedia.com:5080
I got this far by using this walkthrough: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1046590
The /demos page gives me a 404 error. So I logged onto the server, and checked to see if the "demo" directory was already there. It was not.
The applications that I installed were a directory up from the root directory. I'm not sure if this is right or not.
Either way, my end goal is to actually get something working besides the main page. If I can get the demos to work, then hopefully I should be well on my way.
I guess my questions can be broken down like this:
Does anyone know how to get the demos working?
Should I forget about the demos, and try to start writing my own code?
If I should write my own code, how should I go about installing it? Since the installer is not properly installing the demos.
The tutorial is good but you dont need the admin app. Use the installer link in the tutorial and install the demo you want to use. The content of the "demos" directory is only the swf files used to access the server demos which you use the installer app to install. For instance , select "oflaDemo" and then from the main page navigate to demos/oflaDemo et voila.
I know I'm biased being a core developer, but we've attempted to make the server as ez as possible to use.
I could install demos from the latest svn trunk, Checkout the source, use ant&ivy to build and run the server and you can install two sample apps(oflaDemo and SOSample).
You may need to use ivy commands resolve some of the common issues during installations.
E:\dev\red5\java\server\trunk>ant ivyclear dist
()Red5 user mailing list may help you, because this is not exactly problem with Red5 source.
I could resolve the issue based on the information in Red5 users mailing list and comments by Mr.Mondain in one of the posts in Stackoverflow
i have recently created my first app and got it onto my ipad, however, i wasn't getting the "phonegap is working" alert. After digging around the code, it seems the onDeviceReady function is not running and i narrowed it down to the phonegap-1.3.0.js, which was missing. I thought that phonegap build this file automatically, but can't seem to find it anywhere. can someone tell me hoe to generate this file or where i can download it?
You should check that you have all the phonegap files that you need, and download the zip file from here: http://phonegap.com/download-thankyou (assuming you're ok with using the latest PhoneGap).
Visit http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/mobile-web-development-with-phonegap/source/browse/trunk/com.mds.apg/resources/phonegap/js/phonegap-1.3.0.js?r=126