Impossible to download VM on Modern.IE - download

Something is broken on
After selecting the VM that I want to download, the links do not appear...
And there is a js error in my console log...
ReferenceError: i18n is not defined

I am experiencing the same issue.
I have found this gist with the direct links to the downloads:
Only mac links but maybe the others can be built from the structure.

This Github project has the VMs available through a bash script. I'm trying to download one now, and it appears to be working. Appears to work on multiple platforms.

This is fixed since around 7.00am PST.
The issue was a missing file in the CDN that didn't get pushed (i18next\i18next.js).


Cordova file plugin can't access the application directory on windows 8

Please help, I can't seem to get an answer for this anywhere.
If I use the Cordova file plugin to try and access the application directory on Windows 8, it always fails! Here is the basic code I am using:
window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.dataDirectory + 'www/assets/images/image.png', gotFile, fail);
I have been using the same basic code on the Android and iOS versions of the app for some time now with no problem so I don't understand why the Windows 8 version doesn't like it.
Through console logs I can see that the link generated is in fact correct and it's actually exactly the same as one used to append the same image to the page (which works fine):
<img src="ms-appx:///www/assets/images/image.png">.
Can anyone please tell me why I can't use cordova.file.applicationDirectory with Windows? I know that folder is read only, I am just trying to read from it.
Note: I can use window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL with the cordova.file.applicationDirectory no problem at all, it works as expected. Its only the cordova.file.dataDirectory that always fails for me. The closest answer I could find was some people having trouble with the image paths of images saved from the camera plugin but that seems to have been a bug that was fixed by Cordova. If this is not a bug also then I'm assuming there is something really simple I can do to make the resolveLocalFileSystemURL work?
I found a solution to my problem by using '', I had success with the following code:
Windows.Storage.StorageFile.getFileFromApplicationUriAsync(new Windows.Foundation.Uri('ms-appx:///www/test.html')).done(win, fail);
More info can be found here:… I hope this helps some other people struggling with Windows 8 as I spent quite a time scratching my head about it and trying lots of different ways.

Red5 demos don't work

I just installed red5 on my server, and the install seems to work fine. As you can see here:
I got this far by using this walkthrough:
The /demos page gives me a 404 error. So I logged onto the server, and checked to see if the "demo" directory was already there. It was not.
The applications that I installed were a directory up from the root directory. I'm not sure if this is right or not.
Either way, my end goal is to actually get something working besides the main page. If I can get the demos to work, then hopefully I should be well on my way.
I guess my questions can be broken down like this:
Does anyone know how to get the demos working?
Should I forget about the demos, and try to start writing my own code?
If I should write my own code, how should I go about installing it? Since the installer is not properly installing the demos.
The tutorial is good but you dont need the admin app. Use the installer link in the tutorial and install the demo you want to use. The content of the "demos" directory is only the swf files used to access the server demos which you use the installer app to install. For instance , select "oflaDemo" and then from the main page navigate to demos/oflaDemo et voila.
I know I'm biased being a core developer, but we've attempted to make the server as ez as possible to use.
I could install demos from the latest svn trunk, Checkout the source, use ant&ivy to build and run the server and you can install two sample apps(oflaDemo and SOSample).
You may need to use ivy commands resolve some of the common issues during installations.
E:\dev\red5\java\server\trunk>ant ivyclear dist
()Red5 user mailing list may help you, because this is not exactly problem with Red5 source.
I could resolve the issue based on the information in Red5 users mailing list and comments by Mr.Mondain in one of the posts in Stackoverflow

TYPO3 folder is not found in TemplaVoila directory

I started using TemplaVoila plugin in TYPO3, and I am facing a problem in the installation.
When I click over "Start the mapping process button", a 404 error is shown with the message: /typo3conf/ext/templavoila/typo3/index.php was not found on this server.
I searched for this file, and I realized the /typo3 folder does not exist.
I am using Typo3 4.6 and TemplaVoila 1.6 in Windows 7
Has anyone had this problem as well? thanks!
Looks like something went wrong with the paths configuration here. /typo3conf/ext/templavoila/typo3/index.php is not supposed to exist at all. Here's some steps you might to try.
Did you define a General Record Storage Page? Howto
Try reinstalling the TemplaVoila extension
Try older versions of TemplaVoila
Try to get it running in TYPO3 4.5
It might be a bug as TYPO3 4.6 was released recently.
Templavoila 1.5.5 and above doesn't work with Color TV.

Joomla 'component not found' install error

I made a component that was working find on my local machine but when I tried to put it on live site it gives me '404 - An error has occurred. Component not found' error that doesn't seem to go away. I have tried everything from installing from different admins to putting the files directly to server but nothing works. I even tried installing it on another joomla site but that doesn't help either. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I was stuck on this since morning and finally got the solution. This might be of help...
The component name was com_ABCdef and it worked on local like that however when I installed in to site it became all small letters and was calling for option=com_abcdef and my installation files file ABCdef.xml and ABCdef.php and changing those to lower case solved my problem.
how are you doing it ?
Do you have the xml install file ?
name convention? i think name should always be com_componentName
have you placed it in the component directory ?
read more about joomla component here

Firefox + jssh build

Has anyone been able to get anything past 4.0b1 of firefox either nightly or releases to build with jssh enabled in the .mozconfig, I get the error .js component without matching .manifest and if I change the rules I get a missing header file, which if I manually copy to the jssh directory and then build gives many many compile errors, was wondering if anyone knew what was going on with jssh as I managed to build it for 4.0b1 and it worked fine (except for an issue involving td tags and events within those tags). I just hope mozilla doesn't discontinue jssh. Any answers would be appreciated.
Looks like it is known, but may not be fixed.
for JSSH users,
we have created a solution over MozRelp that simulates JSSH.
It's also very fast, since it execute JS on the fly and avoid execute it from a HD File.
Downloadable extension:
Fabián Baptista
