How to install php-v8js on window - laravel

Now, i using vuejs and laravel. when i see view page source (Ctrl+U) but have not html code.I went to find in google.And found need to use Server side rendering
(I learned form But problem is "Class 'V8Js' not found"
Someone can help ?
sorry I don't speak English that well

The problem is, that V8JS is a PHP library, that is not shipped by default and you have to compile it by yourself. You can learn more about it and how to install it on it's GitHub page. Follow the installation instructions for your local machine operating system and you should be good to go. If you would like to deploy your app to your hosting provider, first you have to make sure that your host has this PHP extension compiled and enabled. Hopefully this helps you :)


Laravel QR code scanner

I'm interested in adding QR Scanner to my Laravel project, I found one that suits me it's called gruhn/vue-qrcode-reader there is also a written tutorial how to install it, but I just don't know where to add those codes or files. I've installed everything the problem is that I just don't know what to edit and how.
This is a late response: but for anyone who comes across this like me...
gruhn/vue-qrcode-reader was created using VueJS a Javascript Framework. Since you use Laravel: VueJS already comes preinstalled with Laravel depending on the version you use. You should also have Npm in order to use the npm run watch (the watcher).
Follow the installation steps found at their GitHub and then Simply create a new VueJS component and paste the code found in GitHub: gruhn/vue-qrcode-reader: while having a little understanding you can easily integrate this with Laravel by mounting the component where you wish to have the scanner in your project and viola it should work as advertised.
I hope this helps a bit.
You should try this one laravel package:-
It would be best for you, because there are only few steps and that are too easy.

Laravel Homestead: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined error

This problem is driving me mad, I have been researching and have read about the standalone and runtime version of Vue. As far as I can tell Laravel 5.4/homestead ships with the standalone version as default.
The Vue development tools in chrome show the example component so I think that part is working correctly, just cannot render the template.
I am relatively new to Vue and npm been stuck in the past with jQuery, firstly where in laravel can I check/set I want the stand alone version of Vue? If it is not that problem does any one have any ideas?
Thanks for help
VueJS supports two ways of building apps like you said.
Load all necessary scripts within your page via script tags (not combined .vue files).
Compile and bundle all your files with Gulp, Browserify, Webpack or other tools.
Can you explain what you did so far. I guess you don't compile everything down.
The comment by peaceman was the solution, I had multiple calls to elixir, I condensed down to one and it worked straight away. Thanks everyone for your help.

Red5 demos don't work

I just installed red5 on my server, and the install seems to work fine. As you can see here:
I got this far by using this walkthrough:
The /demos page gives me a 404 error. So I logged onto the server, and checked to see if the "demo" directory was already there. It was not.
The applications that I installed were a directory up from the root directory. I'm not sure if this is right or not.
Either way, my end goal is to actually get something working besides the main page. If I can get the demos to work, then hopefully I should be well on my way.
I guess my questions can be broken down like this:
Does anyone know how to get the demos working?
Should I forget about the demos, and try to start writing my own code?
If I should write my own code, how should I go about installing it? Since the installer is not properly installing the demos.
The tutorial is good but you dont need the admin app. Use the installer link in the tutorial and install the demo you want to use. The content of the "demos" directory is only the swf files used to access the server demos which you use the installer app to install. For instance , select "oflaDemo" and then from the main page navigate to demos/oflaDemo et voila.
I know I'm biased being a core developer, but we've attempted to make the server as ez as possible to use.
I could install demos from the latest svn trunk, Checkout the source, use ant&ivy to build and run the server and you can install two sample apps(oflaDemo and SOSample).
You may need to use ivy commands resolve some of the common issues during installations.
E:\dev\red5\java\server\trunk>ant ivyclear dist
()Red5 user mailing list may help you, because this is not exactly problem with Red5 source.
I could resolve the issue based on the information in Red5 users mailing list and comments by Mr.Mondain in one of the posts in Stackoverflow

How to debug magento application

I am working with Magento but i didn't find a very good way to debug my modules. For example, many time, i got a blank page with no php error and no apache error. For example, in backend, if one grid controller isn't well set, i don't have an error.
How to debug Magento module?
It sounds like you want to enable Developer mode. Add this to your .htaccess file:
You may also want to enable display errors in index.php:
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
The best way I have found to debug is with X-Debug in a local environment. You can also use log files to help debug in a production environment, if your unable to run X-Debug in the environment.
I've got a more detailed posting here:
Consider also installing XDebug
This thread is old but useful.
Debugging tools and tricks are important as it saves lots of time of a developer.
Here is a compiled list My company Uses.
Use of Eclipse debugger: Magento is installed on a desktop using Eclipse debugger we apply breakpoints and other debugging tricks.
Use of Bug commerce as suggested in above post.
Use of Mage::log for error log and exception log.Also Magento Report files.
Use of Varien Object getData, debug.
Use of back trace: Mage::log(Varien_Debug::backtrace(true, true), null, 'backtrace.log')
Remote server level debugging.
var_dump PHP function to echo and exit.
If you are (want to be) a real Magento Developer, here is the best combination of IDE and plugin you must use to work on your Magento Projects.
First of all, phpStorm the best IDE you can find.
Exist a very helpful plugin called magicento that you can use auto-complete, find in path magento, create modules very quickly and without issue, other great stuff you can use with that plugin.
Of course need to install Xdebug (be carefully if you already run a project with ioncube, bc you need to make some trick there, Xdebug doens't work properly with ioncube loader).
This last item on the list is something I need to be reviewing but I think should be great to debugging porpoises, MagentoDebugger Chrome App.
Let me know if you need something else or any help installing some of the stuff.
You can look in var/log/exception.log or system.log in the magento root. These are the directories for Magento excepetions and logs. Otherwise you might need to increase the php error log level.
Alan Storm created a Commerce Bug to help with some inline development issues.
Please try to use this magento debugger, it's chrome extension. it's realy speeds up a work. Just need to configure on the backend once and use Chrome extension.
Here easy to debug blocks, mails. Easy profile your extensions, etc.

Running Umbraco source code in Windows 7 only produces login screen

I am trying to get started in development of my website and plugins using Umbraco. When I download the binaries from Codeplex, the installation and running of the website works fine. When I downloaded the source code, All I get is a login screen even when the web.config files are the same. Am I doing something wrong or is there something I missed.
The path I use to map IIS to is
You need to compile the source code to get it to work.
To be honest, you shouldn't need the full source unless you really want to start hacking around in the core (which may cause you problems with future updates) or you want to see how stuff works. The Umbraco framework is pretty extensible, I've not found too much so far that I couldn't do without having to touch the core source.
I had a similar issue when running the source and that was that the hashing of the admin password did not work. So i debugged it to see what value was expected and then changed it in the database.
