Windows Phone 7 textBox - visual-studio

I am working in Windows phone 7, and I am learning the basics in it. I basically have a textBox which can get a username in it, and I want it to have a placeHolder like, and on tapping the textBox, the text should disappear and the it should be empty for input.
How do I setup a placeholder ? And if possible, can you help me with the code for email verification ?
Thanks !

I believe the PhoneTextBox from the wp7/Silverlight toolkit is all you need. :)
<toolkit:PhoneTextBox Hint="" />
Some tutorial.

Google windows phone watermark textbox; you'll find several implementations. Here's one off codeplex.


Checkbox behavior in Windows phone 8 like Email in phone

I wanted to know is there any way I can achieve the same behavior of CheckBox we have in our windows phone outlook. In a listbox I have checkbox on every item but it should appear only when I touch and hold.
Please see the windows phone email program where your touch and hold in the left side and see all the checkboxes.
What you're looking for is the MultiselectList control, which is part of the WP Toolkit...
Here are a a couple of tutorials from GeekChamp to get you started:
Windows Phone Toolkit MultiselectList in depth
How to get the Tapped Item in a MultiselectList control
I would also recommend downloading the source code for the WP Toolkit which contains a sample app that uses all the controls and features:

Accordion List in Windows Phone

Does windows phone have a 'accordion list' control? If not what else can one do to achieve the same look and experience of a expandable list?
I've been googling around and it seems like there's no straight answer to this.
Thanks in advance!
You could try using the ExpanderView control from the Microsoft Windows Phone toolkit which is free.
May be you just have to style it a little so that it looks like an Accordion List.
You can use the control in a simple way, by populating it with Items:
<toolkit:ExpanderView Header="Expander Header" x:Name="expander">
<TextBlock FontSize="40" Text="Expanded Content"/>
Or you can use Data Binding.
Hope this helps.
There are a lot of 3rd party quality custom controls built for WP7. Try to download WinPhone DevHub and Telerik Examples from the Marketplace, I am pretty sure you will find what you want already implemented.
Telerik controls are not free, but WinPhone DevHub has a lot of free controls. You will find details on where to download them also in the app.

Adding control template to project

I want to use metro styled combobox item in windows phone 7 (mango). I ve found toturial to do this but i don't know where should i put code of control template (it should work on every combobox on project).
Any ideas?
Is there any particular reason you want to use that ComboBox? The link you've posted is a hack to get it to work on Windows Phone. Have you taken a look at the ListPicker control from the Silverlight toolkit?
This article provides a great introduction on how to use it.

How to filter contacts by name

I'm developing a windows phone 7 application.
I'm trying to understand how I'm supposed to filter contacts by letters. I want to display the keyboard to the user and show all the contacts. If the user pushes "a" everyone with an a in the name should be shown.
Please tell me this is possible. I'm getting more and more frustrated with this API..
It might be easier if you actually show us some code to show where you've got to so far.
It sounds like what you need is the AutoCompleteBox from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone 7. There's a good post on AutoCompleteBox for WP7 in depth, which should show you how to use this control.

Autocomplete textbox in Windows Phone 7

I'm creating my first Windows Phone 7 application, and I'm struggling to find an autocomplete textbox. Is there an easy way to add one to the toolbox? Or do I need to create my own control?
The one from Silverlight 3's SDK, the AutoCompleteBox, works relatively well on the phone. It requires minimal styling changes to work.
There is a known issue today where selecting an item that pops up requires two taps: one to select and another to "really" select. We should have that issue in the platform (the bug is not in AutoCompleteBox) fixed by the time the phone development experience is ready.
AutoCompleteBox is in the Silverlight Tookit so you have to add a reference to that in your project.
After investigating it appears that there's not an auto-complete textbox control for windows phone 7 applications, so I've had to create one myself...
