Accordion List in Windows Phone - windows-phone-7

Does windows phone have a 'accordion list' control? If not what else can one do to achieve the same look and experience of a expandable list?
I've been googling around and it seems like there's no straight answer to this.
Thanks in advance!

You could try using the ExpanderView control from the Microsoft Windows Phone toolkit which is free.
May be you just have to style it a little so that it looks like an Accordion List.
You can use the control in a simple way, by populating it with Items:
<toolkit:ExpanderView Header="Expander Header" x:Name="expander">
<TextBlock FontSize="40" Text="Expanded Content"/>
Or you can use Data Binding.
Hope this helps.

There are a lot of 3rd party quality custom controls built for WP7. Try to download WinPhone DevHub and Telerik Examples from the Marketplace, I am pretty sure you will find what you want already implemented.
Telerik controls are not free, but WinPhone DevHub has a lot of free controls. You will find details on where to download them also in the app.


Xamarin.Forms - Choose list

I don't know what is the real name of what I want to do, but I would like to make a list similar as this website link (Standard Select part at the top), does anyone can help me? I know it's something easy but I can't find what I want to do it for Xamarin. Maybe I don't search in the right direction, I assume it too!
There's no 1-1 implementation of a dropdown control in Xamarin.Forms but you'll get very close by using the Picker control.
Please notice that the default Picker control doesn't support binding so you might want to look for an extended version with that support.
There is no such thing built in Xamarin.Forms. You can choose one of the controls described in documentation.
To implement what you are looking for you will have to use Custom Renderer with control like this from Android. Of course for iOS you will have to use something different because there is no such control on iOS platform, but you can use this.
Have you looked at the Syncfusion AutoComplete control?
I think this is the closest you will get to what you are looking for.
They also provide a free community licence for developers

Page Transition Style Like Flipboard on Windows Phone 8

I'm searching how to create the flip effect on a wp8 application like the Flipboard style :
could you help me how to proceed to create this effect?
I would recomment using Telerik's SlideView control. You can set a Flip transition. You can download the Telerik sample application and try it out. The phone controls are only $99. Even better is to use Nokia Developer Offers. You get Telerik's phone controls, as well as Infragistics controls, a DevCenter account and BugSense tracking for $99. I know it's not free, but how much is your time worth creating all the controls you get from this?
NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of the above companies.
Look here: How to Perform a Card Flip Animation
I have told how to make FlipAnimation, un projections menu there are also other effects that affect XYZ axes - your effect is quite simple.
But if you wan't a whole page transition then i think you should NOT use pages, but use different Views on one page.

Adding control template to project

I want to use metro styled combobox item in windows phone 7 (mango). I ve found toturial to do this but i don't know where should i put code of control template (it should work on every combobox on project).
Any ideas?
Is there any particular reason you want to use that ComboBox? The link you've posted is a hack to get it to work on Windows Phone. Have you taken a look at the ListPicker control from the Silverlight toolkit?
This article provides a great introduction on how to use it.

wp7 which control is used for the PhoneNumberChooserTask

I need to develop a similar grid to the one for searching phone numbers. See sample picture below.
Any ideas?
You can use the LongListSelector from the [Silverlight Toolkit for WP7] to achieve a similar UI. There's a great couple of posts on that cover it in detail.

Listbox item click animation toolkit?

Is there some toolkit for the animation when a user clicks on a list box item? The animation that I am referring to is when you tap on a list box item (like an email in your inbox) and the text depresses under your finger (or topple? its kind of hard to describe). I see this in many Windows Phone 7 applications like Yelp, OneBusAway, GoVoice, etc and was wondering if there was some toolkit for this animation or if I have to develop this animation on my own.
If anyone know if such a toolkit exists or not please let me know! I could do this using storyboards but I don't want to reinvent the wheel unless I have to :).
This would be Tilt Effect. Detailed here.
Tilt Effect Overview for Windows Phone
The Silverlight Toolkit has this functionality built in.
