Autocomplete textbox in Windows Phone 7 - controls

I'm creating my first Windows Phone 7 application, and I'm struggling to find an autocomplete textbox. Is there an easy way to add one to the toolbox? Or do I need to create my own control?

The one from Silverlight 3's SDK, the AutoCompleteBox, works relatively well on the phone. It requires minimal styling changes to work.
There is a known issue today where selecting an item that pops up requires two taps: one to select and another to "really" select. We should have that issue in the platform (the bug is not in AutoCompleteBox) fixed by the time the phone development experience is ready.

AutoCompleteBox is in the Silverlight Tookit so you have to add a reference to that in your project.

After investigating it appears that there's not an auto-complete textbox control for windows phone 7 applications, so I've had to create one myself...


Multi Phrase / Word Autocompletebox for Silverlight

I have been using the autocompletebox from Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone.
What kind of changes (changes/extended ?) will be needed to enable the autocompletebox
to support auto completion for multiple phrases/words ? i.e. support something similar to
as soon as 'c' is entered in above the dropdown list shows items starting with 'c' etc.
(or how can this be achieved using normal text box?)
Related to this
I found this article useful..
Using (and customizing) the AutoCompleteBox for Windows Phone

How to add mulitple screen on one page? Windows Phone 7 application

I am completely novice in Windows phone app development. Till now I have been developing iPhone application. In iphone there is a concept of view and view controller. You can add multiple view on one screen and do hide/show to display multiple screens.
I am searching, How can I achieve same things in Windows phone app development.
For a similar pattern, see MVVM:
How Do I: Use MVVM in a Windows Phone 7 Application?
Windows Phone Mango: Getting Started with MVVM in 10 Minutes
MVVM in real life Windows Phone applications Part1
To hide/show different views/XAML objects/panels, use their name and visibility property, for example:
contentpanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
Windows Phone applications in general follow the Page based Navigation. If you want to achieve a hide/show multiple views in a single page without Navigating to a new page, you can do that with the help of UserControls.
You can define as many UserControls (==views) as you want and then hide are show them based on your requirements in the YourPage.xaml
And additionally, you would better go with MVVM approach.
check this good example for any further details Implementing the Model-View-ViewModel Pattern in a Windows Phone Application

Adding control template to project

I want to use metro styled combobox item in windows phone 7 (mango). I ve found toturial to do this but i don't know where should i put code of control template (it should work on every combobox on project).
Any ideas?
Is there any particular reason you want to use that ComboBox? The link you've posted is a hack to get it to work on Windows Phone. Have you taken a look at the ListPicker control from the Silverlight toolkit?
This article provides a great introduction on how to use it.

Years' ComboBox WP7

I'm actually working on a Windows Phone 7 application that contains a few comboBox, in one of them "a years ComboBox".I want to insert a loop in that comboBox that should contain years from 1919 till the present year.How should i proceed?
I would take a look at the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone. It contains a DatePicker bring up a looping/scrolling date/month/year selector, emulating the feel of the native applications. Since the source is available, you could use this as a starting point to create your own "year selector" from the components.
Check out this blog from Telerik on how to accomplish the looping effect. Essentially it is just a list with a virtualized data source.

Windows Phone 7 Page Transition

Is there any built-in way to reproduce the behaviour showed on the Office app, a 0:36 ? When the user tap the Shared Document item, a nice WP7-like transition makes it goes to the next page
Thanks !
You should take a look at the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit. It has a "Page Transition" control that does, I think, exactly what you want. It's a new feature in the November 2010 release.
Good luck.
