EXE Setup Installation [closed] - installation

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know an easy to use application that creates exe setup installation package for any windows program? InstallJammer looks a good candidate but its development is discontinued and it does not create a desktop icon although I configured it to do so (probably a bug - googling did not help much). Any comment would be appreciated. Thanks.

All a question of how complicated you want to get. If you just need something quick to install a handful of files, I would recommend NSIS. If you need something with a bit more power and flexibility I'd go with WiX, which emits Windows Installer MSI packages.
Both of these a script\text based, so you can see what you are doing, and don't have any license fees.

I second the recommendation for NSIS. It will do everything you need, works with XP, Vista and Windows 7. Is compatible with 64-bit and handles user privileges and short-cuts.
It is all I use for all of my installers and patches and some of them are quite complex, it is also free and open-source.
Download the main framework at http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download and then I would also recommend using the HM-NSIS editor for writing your scripts http://hmne.sourceforge.net/


What Windows-installer tools support Windows 7 conventions? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Many years ago, the premier Windows installer tool was NSIS, from the makers of WinAmp. It was great because:
It was free
It was text-scriptable
It had a preprocessor, (!ifdef and !ifndef)
It was plugin-able, to add specialty features not included by NSIS out the door.
Now, NSIS fails to keep up with conventions, especially with security components of Windows 7. I saw a 3.0a1 release, but even these release notes were unreadable.
What are people using out there, to solve the problem of a Windows-installer? In particular, I'm looking for the same kinds of features listed above from NSIS, but are keeping up with Windows Vista, 7 and 8 installer standards?
The current alpha release has a problem with links in RTF files on the license page, other than that there are no real issues with 3.0a1 AFAIK.
The release notes are somewhat broken online because SourceForge keeps changing stuff but they are available in the help file if you install it. You can view the raw SVN release notes here.
2.4x added support for RequestExecutionLevel and 3.0 offers more control over DPI aware and the supported OS guids in the manifest, not sure what other NT6 stuff you believe are missing.
The premise of your question is false-- NSIS works fine with "security components" of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. I use it for Fiddler, and it's used by untold thousands of other applications from small companies to the largest enterprises.
I don't know what you mean by "unreadable"-- the 3.0 release notes are perfectly reasonable. v3 addresses the only major limitation of NSIS2, lack of Unicode support. Now that this support is present, NSIS3 looks to be a fine choice of Windows Desktop installer for the foreseeable future.

Please recommend opensource automation tool for windows form based application testing [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for an open source tool for doing automation testing of my windows form application in windows 7.
Personally I use http://nunitforms.sourceforge.net/ NUnitForms. It's an extension of the venerable NUnit framework and supports Visual Studio. There are lots of plugins for Visual Studio that can help with managing your tests. I use JetBrains Resharper http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/ to do the trick. You can also just use the built in functionality and run the tests from NUnit itself.
Hope this helps,
Jeffrey Kevin Pry
If you need GUI testing, hook up unto gui manually and create your own 'clickers' and 'inputers' for it. Keep it as simple as possible, to avoid producing bugs in that code. Then, you can call this from Nunit.

I'm looking for a nice local ticketing system [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a nice software to store tickets information locally. It should work only on my laptop under Linux, and be easily installed. The core features that I need:
storing tickets
allows to create additional documentation
don't take too much ram
very easy installation (I don't have whole days for configuring)
You can try Project Kaiser
I use redmine and it's fantastic for all of the above. It's browser based so you'd need to install and configure it but it's not hard and well worth the effort.
Redmine is quick efficient and it's the best tool of its kind that I've ever found and I've looked tried many.
I know little about ruby/rails and it took me a few hours to install from clean using the guides.
How about a TidliDu http://www.giffmex.org/tiddlydu2.html. You can't make it easier to install. Create a new one for each project.
OpenOffice spreadsheet?

Anyone using a third-party Windows registry editor that they would recommend to others? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I work with the Windows registry editor (regedit.exe) on a near-daily basis, and occasionally find myself wishing it had more features.
For example, it'd be nice if it had:
a way to import and export favorites.
an advanced search feature that lists all the keys it found, rather than a simple Find feature. It would be great if there was a way to narrow the results as you type, but yes, I realize I'm probably asking for a lot.
a list of keys I recently accessed (history)
So essentially, I'm just looking for a reliable third-party tool that builds upon the existing regedit feature set. I'm interested in both free and commercial solutions.
Previous developer recommendations have led me to discover great tools like Notepad++ and RegexBuddy, so I'm really looking forward to your answers.
Besides the applications suggested by others, you might consider looking into learning a bit about Windows PowerShell. PowerShell's registry provider allows access to the registry with its powerful scripting language, so you might be able to script solutions for some of your common problems.
Perhaps this is to your liking:
Registry Workshop
These programs might be worth looking at:
I can't vouch for them (haven't used them), but they might meet your needs.

VS Code Snippets automatic synchronizer? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I use more than one machine for development in VS 2008. Is there a tool to automatically synchronize the snippets between the machines? Same concept of synchronizing browsers' bookmark.
If you have Vista and the LiveMesh client installed try this suggestion
Hope this helps.
The machines are in different locations, home and work so software like SyncToy won't work.
I don't know about SyncBack. It's not clear from their web site if it can be done over the web. I can't find the client software on MS's site for Live Mesh.
I will check ideas here:
Try one of these:
1) http://www.getdropbox.com
2) https://www.foldershare.com/welcome.aspx
3) Microsoft Office Groove
I personally use SVN.
I tried foldershare and did all the setup and it's not syncing. Also when I chose On Demand type of synchronization instead of Automatic, I expected to see an option to trigger the synchronization manually and I couldn't find it. I didn't like the software.
Looked around and found syncplicity and it works fine.
Assuming you already know what files you need/want sync'd then some additional options to Mesh would be to tool-out. Maybe look at SyncToy or SyncBack to keeps these collection of files centralized - then have all your machines pull from the central data store.
There is also Live Sync (formery FolderShare) which works over the internet.
