What Windows-installer tools support Windows 7 conventions? [closed] - windows-7

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Many years ago, the premier Windows installer tool was NSIS, from the makers of WinAmp. It was great because:
It was free
It was text-scriptable
It had a preprocessor, (!ifdef and !ifndef)
It was plugin-able, to add specialty features not included by NSIS out the door.
Now, NSIS fails to keep up with conventions, especially with security components of Windows 7. I saw a 3.0a1 release, but even these release notes were unreadable.
What are people using out there, to solve the problem of a Windows-installer? In particular, I'm looking for the same kinds of features listed above from NSIS, but are keeping up with Windows Vista, 7 and 8 installer standards?

The current alpha release has a problem with links in RTF files on the license page, other than that there are no real issues with 3.0a1 AFAIK.
The release notes are somewhat broken online because SourceForge keeps changing stuff but they are available in the help file if you install it. You can view the raw SVN release notes here.
2.4x added support for RequestExecutionLevel and 3.0 offers more control over DPI aware and the supported OS guids in the manifest, not sure what other NT6 stuff you believe are missing.

The premise of your question is false-- NSIS works fine with "security components" of Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1. I use it for Fiddler, and it's used by untold thousands of other applications from small companies to the largest enterprises.
I don't know what you mean by "unreadable"-- the 3.0 release notes are perfectly reasonable. v3 addresses the only major limitation of NSIS2, lack of Unicode support. Now that this support is present, NSIS3 looks to be a fine choice of Windows Desktop installer for the foreseeable future.


Current alternatives to Google Code [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If I understand things correctly, at the end of the year Google Code will be shutting down most of what is useful for an open source project I help maintain, described below.
I'm wondering what the current alternatives are to Google Code? I'm looking for a site that has the following attributes, some of which are attractive about Google Code (but which will not be available soon or in the long term):
svn/mercurial/git version control services that we can use to manage code and share trunk/branches with the public
hosts files (source code and prebuilt binaries) with reasonable storage (we currently have a 4 GB quota, but we don't use much of it, at this time)
offers wiki-like or relatively free-form web space to publish documentation (text and graphics)
I guess we could "roll our own" server to do all of this, but then it becomes a maintenance issue for all the services that run in the background. So I'm wondering if there are other companies that offer this kind of setup for open source projects?
(Note: While this is a software development question, it is more about the distribution side of things. If this is the wrong spot for this question, feel free to comment on where I should move it. Thanks for your help, hiveminds.)
Google code isn't shutting down, it's just stop hosting binaries.
For your binaries you have Bintray.com.
Bintray is a social platform for community-based software distribution. It is also the only platform that integrates developer tools (Build tools, etc.) and APIs, allowing full process automation, including auto-generating of indexes for multiple repository formats and also, the platform is highly available and optimized to deliver high-performance downloads (CDN).
Microsoft's codeplex would fit these needs

Simple project management tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I use TFS at work which I am quite famililar with, I need a simple version of something similar that integrates into VS for my home hobby projects.
The only things I really need is :
Task lists, with detail pages where I can record info about how I might implement the task / test it.
Categorisation, prioritisation.
SVN / VS support so I can commit to SVN at the same time referencing the task.
I have tried using notepad and the tasks in VS but thats just too mimimal. And other solutions that cater for full agile/scrum are OTT.
Microsoft now provide "Visual Studio Team Services" (it was first released under the name "Team Foundation Service" and later renamed to "Visual Studio Online" and then renamed again recently). It provides most (perhaps all) of the facilities of TFS but in the cloud; actually in Azure which is Microsoft's own cloud. The system is free for up to five users.
Local Mantis BT (it's mainly bugtracker, but can be configured and used as to-do list|planner) with TortoiseMantis
Hosted Assembla (free) Space
You could try Trac and put all your tasks in those Trac tickets. The SVN cross-linking is excellent. First, have a look at the Trac playground to test it. If it makes you happy, there is a good Windows bundle called Bitnami Trac including all necessary tools, and it's for free and easy to install. Also check out the Trac homepage.

Magento Development IDE [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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¿Which is the best IDE for Magento professional development: NetBeans, ZendStudio, PhpStorm, etc.?
I really need know which one have the best performance during
development and testing, the features that any IDE can bring me.
any answer will be wellcome.
Excuse my english,
Mexican Boy!
PHPStorm is the best in my opinion (however NetBeans also works good with Magento, probably Eclipse and ZendStudio work good. but have no experience with them).
Code Completion
Strong integration with Git, SVN and Mercurial
Remote Deployment and Remote comparison
PHPUnit Integration
Portability (Windows, Mac OS and Linux)
and many more useful features
But PHPStorm becomes really powerful IDE for Magento with the help of Magicento plugin
Magicento is a free PHPStorm plugin for Magento developers. Features include:
Goto for factories and template paths, autocomplete for factories, xml files and class names, documentation for xml nodes, evaluation of PHP code inside Magento environment, and much more to come!
Netbeans is the best free IDE for php in my opinion (once your computer have 500mb to 1gb of free memory)
i have been using Eclipse with pdt plugin download from here zend eclipse ptd
if you develop module than this is right IDE

EXE Setup Installation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know an easy to use application that creates exe setup installation package for any windows program? InstallJammer looks a good candidate but its development is discontinued and it does not create a desktop icon although I configured it to do so (probably a bug - googling did not help much). Any comment would be appreciated. Thanks.
All a question of how complicated you want to get. If you just need something quick to install a handful of files, I would recommend NSIS. If you need something with a bit more power and flexibility I'd go with WiX, which emits Windows Installer MSI packages.
Both of these a script\text based, so you can see what you are doing, and don't have any license fees.
I second the recommendation for NSIS. It will do everything you need, works with XP, Vista and Windows 7. Is compatible with 64-bit and handles user privileges and short-cuts.
It is all I use for all of my installers and patches and some of them are quite complex, it is also free and open-source.
Download the main framework at http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download and then I would also recommend using the HM-NSIS editor for writing your scripts http://hmne.sourceforge.net/

Free professional development software [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I've just stumbled on a Microsoft program that offers Visual Studio Professional, among other things like SQL Server and Windows Server 2008, for free (as in beer). The catch is that you have to be a student.
Anyone know any other places where you can acquire software like this for free - legally that is.
Visual Studio Express and SQL Server Express are free for anyone.
Unfortunately there's no Windows 7 Express :(
It's not free per se, but with Microsoft's BizSpark programme, you can get an MSDN (which includes all of their operating systems and development tools, and most of their office software) if you own a private company that is turning over less than $1,000,000 and less than 3 years old.
I think you have to pay $100 when the 3 year programme comes to an end.
If youre the lucky owner or is somehow involved in a small company, the Microsoft BizSpark programme is excellent. 3 years of free use of practically all MS software.
You can't, as that would cripple their business model. Free is an invitation that will get people to use that when they're learning, and hope to force them to use the software later, but paid.
There are, as suggested by Radu, a number of equally good, but different, alternatives (Eclipse, Code::Blocks, Netbeans, QtCreator).
You can use the Visual Studio compilers and tools through the Windows SDK, but that won't provide you with the IDE.
