VS Code Snippets automatic synchronizer? [closed] - visual-studio

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I use more than one machine for development in VS 2008. Is there a tool to automatically synchronize the snippets between the machines? Same concept of synchronizing browsers' bookmark.

If you have Vista and the LiveMesh client installed try this suggestion
Hope this helps.

The machines are in different locations, home and work so software like SyncToy won't work.
I don't know about SyncBack. It's not clear from their web site if it can be done over the web. I can't find the client software on MS's site for Live Mesh.
I will check ideas here:

Try one of these:
1) http://www.getdropbox.com
2) https://www.foldershare.com/welcome.aspx
3) Microsoft Office Groove
I personally use SVN.

I tried foldershare and did all the setup and it's not syncing. Also when I chose On Demand type of synchronization instead of Automatic, I expected to see an option to trigger the synchronization manually and I couldn't find it. I didn't like the software.
Looked around and found syncplicity and it works fine.

Assuming you already know what files you need/want sync'd then some additional options to Mesh would be to tool-out. Maybe look at SyncToy or SyncBack to keeps these collection of files centralized - then have all your machines pull from the central data store.
There is also Live Sync (formery FolderShare) which works over the internet.



Current alternatives to Google Code [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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If I understand things correctly, at the end of the year Google Code will be shutting down most of what is useful for an open source project I help maintain, described below.
I'm wondering what the current alternatives are to Google Code? I'm looking for a site that has the following attributes, some of which are attractive about Google Code (but which will not be available soon or in the long term):
svn/mercurial/git version control services that we can use to manage code and share trunk/branches with the public
hosts files (source code and prebuilt binaries) with reasonable storage (we currently have a 4 GB quota, but we don't use much of it, at this time)
offers wiki-like or relatively free-form web space to publish documentation (text and graphics)
I guess we could "roll our own" server to do all of this, but then it becomes a maintenance issue for all the services that run in the background. So I'm wondering if there are other companies that offer this kind of setup for open source projects?
(Note: While this is a software development question, it is more about the distribution side of things. If this is the wrong spot for this question, feel free to comment on where I should move it. Thanks for your help, hiveminds.)
Google code isn't shutting down, it's just stop hosting binaries.
For your binaries you have Bintray.com.
Bintray is a social platform for community-based software distribution. It is also the only platform that integrates developer tools (Build tools, etc.) and APIs, allowing full process automation, including auto-generating of indexes for multiple repository formats and also, the platform is highly available and optimized to deliver high-performance downloads (CDN).
Microsoft's codeplex would fit these needs

Project Management Tool [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I would like to ask you what is the most useful software to handle the lifetime of a project.
I will explain my need.
I'm working with some people in another town, and I will be the project manager of the project. I will receive the specifications from the client and send it to my developers (after slice it).
What I need is a tool where to put all the specifications (by small slice for instance) and each developer must write down the state of the development for each slice.
Using this I should be able to se which part is finished, which part is in progress.
I'm thinking to have also a bug handling process. I will test what is finished and create some sort of ticket for each bug.
The developers will receive a notification and for each bug fixed, they should be able to change some flag.
So, with something like that I should be able to monitor the development (what is finished, what is in progress, what bugs are stil open, etc).
I know MS Project Manager (but is not a web solution), some bug tracking solution, but nothing with all I want together.
So, does anyone knows some tool able to do that ?
I'm thinking at some web solution.
Thank you very much for any suggestion.
Best regards,
I think ASANA (http://asana.com/) can fulfill your requirements, but it is slightly expensive. For an opensource solution take a look at http://www.project.net/. You can install it on a web server and use it for free. It can also easily be customized by programming.
best regards

EXE Setup Installation [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Does anyone know an easy to use application that creates exe setup installation package for any windows program? InstallJammer looks a good candidate but its development is discontinued and it does not create a desktop icon although I configured it to do so (probably a bug - googling did not help much). Any comment would be appreciated. Thanks.
All a question of how complicated you want to get. If you just need something quick to install a handful of files, I would recommend NSIS. If you need something with a bit more power and flexibility I'd go with WiX, which emits Windows Installer MSI packages.
Both of these a script\text based, so you can see what you are doing, and don't have any license fees.
I second the recommendation for NSIS. It will do everything you need, works with XP, Vista and Windows 7. Is compatible with 64-bit and handles user privileges and short-cuts.
It is all I use for all of my installers and patches and some of them are quite complex, it is also free and open-source.
Download the main framework at http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Download and then I would also recommend using the HM-NSIS editor for writing your scripts http://hmne.sourceforge.net/

I'm looking for a nice local ticketing system [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a nice software to store tickets information locally. It should work only on my laptop under Linux, and be easily installed. The core features that I need:
storing tickets
allows to create additional documentation
don't take too much ram
very easy installation (I don't have whole days for configuring)
You can try Project Kaiser
I use redmine and it's fantastic for all of the above. It's browser based so you'd need to install and configure it but it's not hard and well worth the effort.
Redmine is quick efficient and it's the best tool of its kind that I've ever found and I've looked tried many.
I know little about ruby/rails and it took me a few hours to install from clean using the guides.
How about a TidliDu http://www.giffmex.org/tiddlydu2.html. You can't make it easier to install. Create a new one for each project.
OpenOffice spreadsheet?

What do you use as a system to manage your clients/support/development? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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i am normally developing either alone or with 2-3 other people. i handle almost all aspects of the business and development but as of current i am becoming overwhelmed with my client base. I need some system to help me out
What i am looking for is something that i can:
Use to manage my client contacts
Per client, manage the goals of the project im working/building on
Per client, per project, manage the bugs
Per client, per project manage support/helpdesk stuff... and then
turn those into bugs
Automate the communication of tickets and monitor email for support
I am down to hear ANY ideas/options you have no matter how radical. :)
thank you!
We have bought the Source Code licence to JitBit Helpdesk, my colleague is in the process of adding some extra fields to support our work-flow, I have been working Visual Studio and AnkhSVN integration so that we can see bugs from VS2008/VS2010.
The user interface is functional, it can be styled to our likings, the code is a bit haphazard but the database is simple enough.
I've been using Assembla -- No complaints, and it covers just about everything -- and it's free to try.
We use HEAT from FrontRange solutions for most of the things you've mentioned. They also offer other solutions, such as CRM, etc. Nicely customizable, easy to interface to, nice self-service modules, excellent monitoring tools and auto-escalations... (and no I don't work for them. I've just been very happy with them over the last 10 years.)
Have a look at Gemini & SimplyFi
Take a look at Checkvist - it may work for you for clients/goals/plans/priorities. It is general purpose outliner and task manager.
For tickets/bugs you probably need a real issue tracker, like YouTrack.
Disclaimer: I'm affiliated with both of them.
