I'm looking for a nice local ticketing system [closed] - project-management

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for a nice software to store tickets information locally. It should work only on my laptop under Linux, and be easily installed. The core features that I need:
storing tickets
allows to create additional documentation
don't take too much ram
very easy installation (I don't have whole days for configuring)

You can try Project Kaiser

I use redmine and it's fantastic for all of the above. It's browser based so you'd need to install and configure it but it's not hard and well worth the effort.
Redmine is quick efficient and it's the best tool of its kind that I've ever found and I've looked tried many.
I know little about ruby/rails and it took me a few hours to install from clean using the guides.

How about a TidliDu http://www.giffmex.org/tiddlydu2.html. You can't make it easier to install. Create a new one for each project.

OpenOffice spreadsheet?


Need application to deploy my software to clients (symfony2) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i am looking for some piece of software that would be able to deploy my symfony2 application to a customer, i tried capifony but it seems that it's a big hassle to deploy to different host with different settings.
I hope i have provided enough information, i've spent a lot of time searching for a decent solution but i couldn't manage to find one.
Well, I found an answer.
Another stackoverflow mate did the same question here: Use capifony to deploy to multiple production servers
And they gave him the answer, linking this other question: Deploying a Rails App to Multiple Servers using Capistrano - Best Practices
I hope I helped you, mate ;)
I didn't realize that you told me "not at the same time". But, if I'm not wrong, could be another solution:
Forget about I told you, get the deploy.rb as standard as possible. Then, if you delete de line where the host is specified (and also user and pass), each time you deploy with capifony you'll be asked to enter the host (and then the user, and then the pass)
Maybe isn't the cleanest solution, but I think it could work...
It think you need the capistrano multi-stage extension:
I use it with Capifony to deploy to test, staging and live environments for all my symfony 2 projects.

CodeKit for Mac - Windows equivalent? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have been using CodeKit for front-end developing on Mac. The most convenient features are:
Project File Organization
Easy compilation and minification for SCSS, LESS and CoffeeScript
Project watching, auto compilation
Browser Auto-reload and CSS-injection
These features are extremely useful and time-saving. Therefore I wonder if there is an equivalent software on Windows with the same features? Or, can I DIY something like this by combining all the existing tools?
I've only used it for five minutes and it has already auto complied my LESS files and live reloaded in my browser.
It is still in beta, it offers a huge amount that I've only started reading about.
You can try http://alphapixels.com/prepros. It can compile less, sass, scss, coffee and much more with live browser refresh.
Koala is an alternative that is quite similar to codekit, not as good but close enough.

Alternative to FogBugz? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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FogBugz is great bug tracking and project management software. But it is not free and non-open source. Is there a good enough, open-source and free application, which can be used as replacement to FogBugz?
Actually, I like EBS (Evidence-based Scheduling) feature in FogBugz. Are there good trackers with this feature?
There is Bugzilla, which is an open source issue tracking system.
Here is a more extensive list
While there are plenty of decent open source bug trackers such as Bugzilla (as Navi mentioned) and Mantis Bug Tracker, I haven't found many which also include solid project management features like FogBugz and other licensed software.
I suppose that it also depends on what kind of project you are tracking. If it's something which doesn't require much more security than a username/password, you might find a good number of web services which can host your needs; however, if you work for a company/industry which requires more discretion (say- government?), then you most likely won't be able to take advantage of the greater web community for these needs.

Open source project management software similar to Fogbugz? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking for an open-source project management and issue-tracking tool with features similar to Fogbugz, well, specifically with a clean, easy to use UI.
I've been looking around but can't seem to find a similar tool.
Has anyone got any suggestions?
I've just seen OpenAtrium - has anyone any experience of using it. What's it like?
You could try Launchpad, a popular code and project management tool known for its use by Ubuntu. You can either put your project on their website, or, if you prefer to keep the project on your own computer(s), get Launchpad and install it. It's open source.
Did you check the software listed on the Project Management Open Source Software Directory ?

Any tutorial-like articles out there that explain how to use jRuby on Android? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm planning to perhaps purchase an android phone, and would love to be able to script some simple apps in Ruby on it. I found this article from back in August where the author was able to get the scripts working, but since I'm not a Java head, I had a hard time understanding all the steps.
Do you know of any other tutorials or how to's out there that explain the process in more detail? Do you know if performance has improved since August?
There is a nice implementation of an Android app (irb in fact) based on JRuby in headius's repository on github. He has some details within the readme on how to use it and the source gives a good example of how to implement anything further.
There is a simpler app (think to "Hello world") but shifting to Mirah (formerly Duby) as opposed to JRuby. I know it's not exactly the same, but you get much the same coding experience but significantly more performance.
