Joomla: Publish and Unpublish pages automatically? - joomla

Is there anyway to publish and unpublish pages automatically in certain time in Joomla or any other CMS? If so how?

In Joomla, in the article itself, there is a section about publishing, where you can set INITIAL DATE of PUBLISHING and END DATE. By default, the INITIAL date is the moment you created and published by the first time the article... and the END DATE is set to "NEVER".
You need to edit your article to access this publishing section.


magento google calendar integration

I am new to magento, and working on already installed magento system. The thing is, we have integrated google calendar with our magento booking system. But, nowdays, the bookings are not getting pushed into the calendar.I also checked the configuration settings, and the username password for Google calendar are correct. So, when I go to any product, then the dropdownlist for google calendar doesnt pop up anything. Please I need some help in bringing this calendar back.
I think you could open Firebug and try to click in the calender, then select the element which stands in your way. It could be something wrong with the HTML or CSS.
Besides that, keep in mind don't overwrite the original file as it will be overwritten again on next update. Create a new file and include this instead via layout xml.
Hopes that can help.

Joomla expired article

I have a list of articles in Joomla, these are events and are ordered in the front-end on date (from old to new). I filled in "finish publishing" as the date when the event ends. I understand that when the finish publishing date is reached, the article gets expired and thus is not visible in the front-end. So far so good, old events are not visible anymore.
However, what I want is to have a module "past events" in which it shows the last events that happened, at the bottom of the screen. I have looked at archived articles but that gives me a link per month, and when I click on the month it gives me a blank page (?). I have tested and apparently, because a "finish publishing date" is still present this module doesn't work probably.
I have looked at the article category module with the option of filtering the date range on a relative date, but because the events are expired (unpublished?) they don't show up either.
Now my question is, is it even possible to have a list of expired articles from a certain category, without the whole archive function (because I don't see the added value of that)? How can I just show a list of events, ordered on date in a box called "upcoming events", and if the event is over, move it to another box called "past events"?
In Joomla 3 you usually need to create a Guest user group and Guest access level.
Set Guest user group parent to publish.
Set Guest access level to Guest User Group.
In the options of user component set the Guest User Group to Guest.
You need an archive plugin to complete your task.
The archive plugin will check all expired articles and move them to archive with new expiration settings. Then you could publish your past articles with Archived Articles module.
A list of available plugins is under:

Auto publish and enable articles from registered users in Joomla 3.3

I want to let registered users to create/edit their own articles under only one menu of my website. It works well but I need to manually enable them.
How can I set automatic publishing/enabling without giving them publisher rights?
I'm not sure what you mean by "under one menu" but you can limit publishing rights for a group to a single category. Otherwise I would write a plugin to either automatically publish on save or to modify the form for htat group so that the form shows the state field.

How to display old articles?

I wanted to set created date of the articles, so I set the date of the articles to 2012-2-1 but after the setting the date of the articles it's not displaying in the front-end anymore now.
After doing a deep dive into this I saw the article in the back-end it isn't being published. It's saying published, but has expired.
So, can I not publish the old-dated articles?
Please, help me on this topic. Thank you.
Published but has expired means that you have set a Finish Publishing date and that date is in the past. It sounds like you changed that date instead of the create date.
for created date You should change Created Date field you may accidentally changed Start Publishing or Finish Publishing

Auto enable published article from registered users in joomla 2.5

I have created a site where registered users can publish articles.
Is there a way to make the articles they publish be enabled automatically without me, as administrator, have to check if there are new articles submitted.
EDIT 1: Found a solution by setting the mysql default value of state to 1 from 0. But, is this a good way?
The ability to publish is controlled by the edit.state permission. You would want to give edit.state allow for registered for either all of content or just for specific categories they are allowed to publish in.
