Joomla expired article - joomla

I have a list of articles in Joomla, these are events and are ordered in the front-end on date (from old to new). I filled in "finish publishing" as the date when the event ends. I understand that when the finish publishing date is reached, the article gets expired and thus is not visible in the front-end. So far so good, old events are not visible anymore.
However, what I want is to have a module "past events" in which it shows the last events that happened, at the bottom of the screen. I have looked at archived articles but that gives me a link per month, and when I click on the month it gives me a blank page (?). I have tested and apparently, because a "finish publishing date" is still present this module doesn't work probably.
I have looked at the article category module with the option of filtering the date range on a relative date, but because the events are expired (unpublished?) they don't show up either.
Now my question is, is it even possible to have a list of expired articles from a certain category, without the whole archive function (because I don't see the added value of that)? How can I just show a list of events, ordered on date in a box called "upcoming events", and if the event is over, move it to another box called "past events"?

In Joomla 3 you usually need to create a Guest user group and Guest access level.
Set Guest user group parent to publish.
Set Guest access level to Guest User Group.
In the options of user component set the Guest User Group to Guest.

You need an archive plugin to complete your task.
The archive plugin will check all expired articles and move them to archive with new expiration settings. Then you could publish your past articles with Archived Articles module.
A list of available plugins is under:


phpbb show custom field for activating newly registered users

I added in my phpBB 3.1.3 forum a custom profile field which has to be filled in if someone registers on my forum. I want that this field can be seen only by administrators. Therefore, I checked the following options:
I also require that newly registered users have to be activated by an administrator. Whether a user gets activated depends on the text that he puts into his profile field. However, the profile field does not appear in the inactive users list in the ACP, nor does it show up if I click on the user. How can I find the custom profile field for inactive users?
In the top right drop down box that is currently showing Overview change this to Profile and hit Go. This will show custom profile fields at the bottom of the page.

Auto publish and enable articles from registered users in Joomla 3.3

I want to let registered users to create/edit their own articles under only one menu of my website. It works well but I need to manually enable them.
How can I set automatic publishing/enabling without giving them publisher rights?
I'm not sure what you mean by "under one menu" but you can limit publishing rights for a group to a single category. Otherwise I would write a plugin to either automatically publish on save or to modify the form for htat group so that the form shows the state field.

Joomla 3.1 Front end editing - Deleting and article

I have set up user group called "Article Editor" with a parent of Administrator. Within that group I have a user of "Agent" and assigned them to the "Article Editor" User group.
I have a blog page in which when they are logged in they can create an article (only with a particular category called blog) and they can edit all articles, however, I cannot get any option anywhere to enable them to delete any article they have created within the "blog" category. I have gone into the article manage and made sure the permissions are set to enable Edit, Delete and Create.
Any ideas how I allow the user to log into the front end and have the option to delete? Ive tried everything I can think of an am going around in circles now.
The Delete permission should be given only to trusted administrators (with intended access to the back-end) and can be performed in the back-end.
From your description, you don't want this group of users to have access in the back-end and even more have delete permissions, as these users if they log-in to the backend they will be able to delete many things.
These users should be able to edit state (publish/unpublish) their own articles.
So, concluding:
Give this group only front-end access, with permissions similar to the author (core joomla group) with the addition of edit state.
So they will be able to create and publish/unpublish (**addition- or trashing) their articles.

only display Virtuemart products based on registered login

We are trying to setup a simple BTB site to support our retailers (somewhere they can download product text/images and corporate branding). We are using Joomla 1.5.2 and Virtuemart 1.1.9
We want it to be completely secure (unregistered viewers - and competition - just see simple intro page, and login with option to register). Not any content at all.
And we also also want to use VM registration for registering new users.
I set up the secure access for categories/products using Joomla menu items pointed to virtuemart categories, and set the menu item access to "registered". Worked perfect, user not logged in, don't see anything but splash page. Logged in, all of the product categories were available via the menu items.
But we just realized this messes up user registration. We want to use Virtuemarts user reg so we don't have to gather all of that data (address info, etc.) and come back and enter by hand.
Apparantly, with the virtuemart menu items set to "registered" access, the user gets redirected to joomla's registration page(which doesn't gather the data we need into Virtuemart). I've pasted a valid VM registration url everywhere I could find in the backend login files (com_user and mod_user), but no luck (didn't think that would work, im a beginner).
Anyone know if there is a workaround? Or a better way to do this?
Thank you.
I can you tell with absolute certainty that you'll need to make a minor adjustment in the VM code if you want to do this. The hurdle is that VM uses the same menu Item ID as it's default throughout the script, so even if you create a different menu item for the registration, it's always going to fall back to the first one that you had.
The only way around this is a small hack in the VM function that always forces this to happen. Put the below code at the very beginning of function getShopItemid() located in ps_session.php somewhere around line 459. Leave all the existing code in place, but this needs to run before that does.
/*Hack For multiple VM menu itemids, if there is a page specified, find THAT Itemid */
global $page;
if($_REQUEST['Itemid']) {
$_REQUEST['shopItemid'] = $_REQUEST['Itemid'];
} elseif($page) {
$db_hack = new ps_DB;
$q = "SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link='index.php?option=com_virtuemart' AND published=1 AND params like '%page=".$page."%'";
$db_hack->query( $q );
if( $db_hack->next_record() ) {
$_REQUEST['shopItemid'] = $db_hack->f("id");
Once this is in place, you'll need to have a Joomla menu item that includes at least this:
With that menu item in the database, the above code will find the menu item for that page, and use that one instead of the default VM method. The Joomla security will trigger as you expect because it has the correct menu item.

Does joomla virtuemart support reordering?

Does joomla virtuemart support reordering of products.If a customer shops a set of products and will he/she able to order it repeatedly after a custom time period(for eg: 2 weeks).So that once he/she gives an order for the first time ,will he/she would be getting products every 2 weeks.Is there any solution for this?
Only way I know of doing this would be to edit the VM 'Save to cart' function. The VM forums explain how to save the cart in database and call each time the user logs in. This is a core hack so ensure you backup before trying.
