magento google calendar integration - magento

I am new to magento, and working on already installed magento system. The thing is, we have integrated google calendar with our magento booking system. But, nowdays, the bookings are not getting pushed into the calendar.I also checked the configuration settings, and the username password for Google calendar are correct. So, when I go to any product, then the dropdownlist for google calendar doesnt pop up anything. Please I need some help in bringing this calendar back.

I think you could open Firebug and try to click in the calender, then select the element which stands in your way. It could be something wrong with the HTML or CSS.
Besides that, keep in mind don't overwrite the original file as it will be overwritten again on next update. Create a new file and include this instead via layout xml.
Hopes that can help.


I want to add CAPTCHA on shoppingcart.asp as well one-page-checkout.asp page in Volusion, can anybody help me how to do this? Thanks

My client has ecommerce store on Volusion and he is getting so many fake orders and now I want to add CAPTCHA before user login on shoppincart.asp page or one-page-checkout.asp page (before place order button).
My client website is
I already contacted Volusion support and they don't have any specific answer about this problem and just suggesting to take their serivce or get this done by their partner.
You can use google captcha for this :
Google reCaptcha
It is easy to use... You can find out the code how to put it. You just have to get one Public Key & Private Key for specific domain.
It's under the design menu in the admin panel, Hover over design, then click on articles.
Once on articles change display mode to list, and find one-page-checkout.asp and shoppingcart.asp click edit and add your code.
For reference use see:
Volusion File Editor Support
One Page Checkout and Advanced Shopping Cart Functionality in Volusion

How to go about making a form in magento which requires image upload

I am new to magento so basically unable to figure out a solution for a current problem at hand. We have an eCommerce store built on top of magento. Now, we need to have a form in which the user can fill in some details and upload their image. How can this be effectively done in magento.
As of now, I am thinking of having a form page with upload php script and then save the details in CSV text file. Is this the right way to go for it. Also, we might need to add this information as a customer and use it later.
Actually we are starting a monthly item delivery system for which we need to have customers information and photo. Just throw some light on the issue and let me know how to go about it. Thanks
Check the below link, it show how to upload and saved a image in Magento.

How to find which admin user posted the product?

Currently Im working on a magento project and it have a plugin developed by another team. This project have merchant logins also. But the issue I am facing now is. When I add a product from merchant panel, it is not getting displayed in his product list. It is shown in admin product list. I want to track down what userid is entering corresponding to that record inserting from merchant login.
In which table I have look? After searching a lot I believe they are not storing any userid corresponding to each product. But I am not sure about that. How can I confirm that?
Please help me
Thanks in advance
There is no such functionality in magento admin, as far as I know. But you can write your own module to controller_action_predispatch or to core_abstract_model_save_after(or something like this) events. And you will be able to see who did what.
If I am right, meaning this is not implemented, then you should your own custom logging module.
Module should use Observer functionality. If you want particullarly catch the product save, then you should catch the events of product saving.
To compare product data you can see an example here.
Well to get current user you can read this example.
Moreover in case it is not enough, you may watch here, something might be interestring for you.

Adding products to Google Base/Content in Magento?

I've been trying to add the products in my Magento store to Google's product search for the last day. I was using the built-in Google base, then found that that 'API' was retired a month or two ago and that the Magento Connect 'Google Content' plugin is what I should be using.
Having installed that, when I then try and add products to Google Content all I ever get is:
"Captcha confirmation error." (I'm typing the captcha correctly).
I've mapped all the required attributes accordingly and all my Google merchant account settings as they should be in Magento's configuration.
Couldn't find anyone with the same issue via Google or Stackexchange, but hopefully someone will have an idea for as to where to start troubleshooting! I've tried adding individual products, not just the whole lot...
Install this extension :
From Mage Core team
I've just managed to solve our problem, in the settings for Google API there is an 'Account Type' dropdown, I've set this to google and now the CAPTCHA problem isn't tripping things up and it's submitting product to our merchant account.
log into your google account then put this in the address bar:

Editing email templates

this is probably really easy, but here goes:
My changes to the magento email templates don't show in the emails.
What am I doing wrong? Do I need to reinstall magento to get the updates? Am I simply editing the wrong files?
UPDATE: So now:
I have a fresh magento install
I haven't touched the Transactional Emails admin
I don't have locale set to 'en_US' (but since 1.4 that shouldn't be a problem right? Anyway, I tried setting the locale but it didn't help)
I ERASED the entire app/locale/en_US/template/email/ catalog
With this setup I completed an order and I still get the default email.
The only thing I can think of is I'm coming at this from the wrong direction, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.
Is it possible that your email templates are already saved into the database, and that your changes of the files are therefore not editing the correct version of the templates? Take a look at System -> Transactional Emails to see any templates that have been "promoted" to the database.
Hope that helps!
Make sure you have the proper locale selected within the admin if you are using the Transactional Emails to create new templates. Also you can also edit the files directly via
