Auto publish and enable articles from registered users in Joomla 3.3 - joomla

I want to let registered users to create/edit their own articles under only one menu of my website. It works well but I need to manually enable them.
How can I set automatic publishing/enabling without giving them publisher rights?

I'm not sure what you mean by "under one menu" but you can limit publishing rights for a group to a single category. Otherwise I would write a plugin to either automatically publish on save or to modify the form for htat group so that the form shows the state field.


How to disable user registration in Joomla 3.x

In Older versions this option was at Global Configuration section.
At joomla 3.x seems that this option has been moved.
I want only my existing users to be able to login.
Has anyone any idea where this option is available? Thanks in advance!
Log into your Joomla 3.0 admin dashboard
In the top menu, click Users and then click User Manager
In the tabs toward the top of the page, click the Options tab
Under the Component tab, find the following setting:
Allow User Registration
If set to Yes, new Users allowed to self-register.
To disable user registration, set Allow User Registration to No, and then click the Save button in the top left of the page.
After disabling the registration option, you will notice that the Create an account link within your Login Form will no longer show, as users can no longer create an account on their own.
It's very simple ,Follow the steps below:
a)select System --> Global Configuration -->Users manager.
b)Under the component tab you will see the 1st option as Allow user registration.
Please refer the screenshot below.

Joomla 3.1 Front end editing - Deleting and article

I have set up user group called "Article Editor" with a parent of Administrator. Within that group I have a user of "Agent" and assigned them to the "Article Editor" User group.
I have a blog page in which when they are logged in they can create an article (only with a particular category called blog) and they can edit all articles, however, I cannot get any option anywhere to enable them to delete any article they have created within the "blog" category. I have gone into the article manage and made sure the permissions are set to enable Edit, Delete and Create.
Any ideas how I allow the user to log into the front end and have the option to delete? Ive tried everything I can think of an am going around in circles now.
The Delete permission should be given only to trusted administrators (with intended access to the back-end) and can be performed in the back-end.
From your description, you don't want this group of users to have access in the back-end and even more have delete permissions, as these users if they log-in to the backend they will be able to delete many things.
These users should be able to edit state (publish/unpublish) their own articles.
So, concluding:
Give this group only front-end access, with permissions similar to the author (core joomla group) with the addition of edit state.
So they will be able to create and publish/unpublish (**addition- or trashing) their articles.

Auto enable published article from registered users in joomla 2.5

I have created a site where registered users can publish articles.
Is there a way to make the articles they publish be enabled automatically without me, as administrator, have to check if there are new articles submitted.
EDIT 1: Found a solution by setting the mysql default value of state to 1 from 0. But, is this a good way?
The ability to publish is controlled by the edit.state permission. You would want to give edit.state allow for registered for either all of content or just for specific categories they are allowed to publish in.

Is there a way in Joomla to have public user profiles?

I installed Joomla 1.7 and I noticed that you can have user profiles with the user profile plugin. However, is there a way to publicly access a user's profile (without loging in)?
For instance, I noticed that you can go to:
However, that seems to pull up my own profile, If I am logged out it always redirects you to the login form. I have tried adding additional variables like "id=1", "user_id=1", or "userId=1".
Is there a way to do this? Or will I have to develop a component to pull in this information publicly?
Even though it not possible with clean Joomla website a lot of useful code come with it, which you could include to your component if you prefer to create one.
But... there is a great extension Community Builder with a great team behind it. Having used it in the past, I would highly recommend it as a solution for community based sites.
It changes the login form to a much better & bug-free form, enables more fields to be created for registration, and allows special pages for individual users, plus, community builder has extension-specific plugins.
EDIT: This answer needs an update as since it was added more extensions have been introduced like JomSocial or EasySocial. I cannot recomment CommunityBuilder any more
This post is tagged with Joomla 1.7 however I wanted to mention that if using Joomla 3.7.4 you now have the ability to show the User Profile plugin data from the core Contacts component. You can also add more custom fields to the Users component and they will also show from the Contacts component. You can set the display of the Users Profile info by going to the Admin panel -> Contacts -> Options. Turn on the option under; Contact -> User Profile -> set to "Show".

show specific content for each registered user in joomla 1.6

I am looking for a module/extension, or something that can help me to
make a page/item that only one specific user registered can see.
I would like also create a space dedicated to this user, where i can publish there pages and aticles.
Maybe using php and the variable that contains the username and an iframe, but I dont know how to doit.
Thank for the help
GMAccess is a Joomla! component that makes managing groups and access permissions easy, you will be able to create a special group and add your user (via Joomla's user management) to it and manage which pages can be viewed by that group.
