Joomla show only Contact Form - joomla

I have created a contact form for my Joomla site. There are two items in that contact page as Contact (my contact details are listed here) and Contact Form. I don't need that Contact item to display. i need to show only Contact Form. How could i remove Contact item and display only Contact Form ? ( I'm using Joomla 2.5 )

Don't edit components/com_contact/views/contact/tmpl/default.php the whole point of template overrides is not to touch core files. Instead, make a copy of
and put it in
templates/YOUR TEMPLATE/html/com_contact/contact/default.php
Now you can make all the changes you want to that file without having to worry about an update overwriting your edits and if you mess up the file all you have to do is make a new copy and start over.
As for the changes you want, all of the various contact details are display between line 19-65. There is a <p></p> at the end of the contact info display. You can simply remove any or all of that code as needed.

Short cut:
Go to Components -> Contacts -> Options -> Contact -> Display format: Plain


Joomla 3: Customize the greeting text of login module

I would like to edit the joomla 3 log in greeting and I have no idea how to do that at the moment.
Greeting usually goes "Hi, username/name". I want it to go like "Hi, Mr username/name". I want the title of the user to preceed his or her name.
Now, I have already set up the database table for the title. I have already edited the joomla php and xml files to get these tables to show on my registration pages and user pages at the backend. So all that is left is calling the user's title to display before his/her name. Can anyone assist please?
You can go with a Language Override for the mod_login.
In backend, go to: Extensions -> Language Manager
From the left sidebar, click on: Overrides
From the Toolbar (top) click the "New" button, to create new Language Override.
In next screen add the following:
Language Constant: MOD_LOGIN_HINAME
Value: Your desired salutation, e.g. Hi Mr. %s,.
This will result to a greeting like: "Hi Mr username".
As a side note, I can't imagine what kind of changes you did on Joomla php and xml files and the database tables and how they could be related to changing the greeting text of the login module. Whatever the case, you want to make sure that you don't touch any Joomla core files and count the future of your site on such modifications.

Not understanding newsletter properly

I am developing one website. For now i just need to design home page for it.
So i made changes from cms/home/content(I am not sure it's good idea or not).
I added newsletter to home page. it's displaying in the top left.
I want to put it at specific position around the middle of the page.
So how i can change the position of the newsletter?
And when i enter any email it gives message "Thanks for your subscription".
will it make entry to automatically to any table or i have to do it manually ?
Can i change this message "Thanks for your subscription". ?
for newsletter file call from
you can change design from css
and message come from
$session->addSuccess($this->__('Thank you for your subscription.'));
This can also be edited in /app/locale/en_US/Mage_Newsletter.csv file, and any other language that you wish to support.
instead of en_US you can check from your language pack
Change "Thank you for your subscription.","Thank you for your subscription."
"Thank you for your subscription.","This will be my new message, that I wish to display to users, after subscribing."
and subscriber user details you get from admin
Newsletter >Newsletter Subscribers

Joomla, standard contact-form in article

I have site on joomla.
I have page contact (html-text and picture).
In the end of this page, how to add standard joomla contact form?
In the components menu in the admin go to contacts.
Create a new contact and fill in the information.
You can use street address for text if you want, that is at the top or you can use miscellaneous information.
Make sure to include an email address or a link to a user so that the user's email is used.
Then make a single contact menu link to that contact from whatever menu you want it shown on.
You can either use a component for this from the Joomla! Extensions Directory. Else you can build one yourself using basic html markup.

Magento - New Order mail

I am using Magento 1.6.2.
I need to edit the new order mail. Which file is the template for the items? I need the specific file where the items are being generated and formatted.
I already found it.
To edit the New Order email you go into System -> Transactional Emails and click on 'Add New Template'.
Then you load in the existing New Order template by selecting 'New Order' from the drop down menu in the Template input field and click the 'Load Template' button. In the Template Information section you assign a new name to your new template and make the modifications to it before hitting 'Save Template'.
To apply it you go to System -> Configuration -> Sales and Select the Sales Emails option.
In the Order tab you apply your newly saved template to the New Order Confirmation Template dropdown.
Do the same for New order from Guest if you are allowing guest checkout.
The email templates are located under /app/locale/en_us/template/email and /app/locale/en_us/template/email/sales.
The disappointing thing about email templates in Magento is that they expect store owners to manage these using the backend rather than by editing the template files. Of course, you can always just edit the templates directly, but make sure to keep backups of them before updating to a new version of Magento.
It ends up being a lot of work, and from what I've seen, mostly clients do little more than update the logo. If your client wants to have fully custom email templates, expect a good 20+ hours to get them right (cross email client compatibility, client changes, etc).

How to add a custom field button in Virtuemart

I hope this question has a simple answer. I am creating a product catalogue with Joomla 2.5.6 and VirtueMart version 2.0.8e. On the product details page I want to include my own pdf button which will link to the brochure of the product.
Under the suggestion of a reply on the Virtuemart form, I created an image custom field in virtuemart but encountered two major problems.
I don't know now to link the image to a pdf.
I can't seem to remove the title from the image.
Please advise.
My suggestion would be to use the Virtuemart Files feature. From the admin control panel, under "Shop", choose "Media". There you can upload the file(s) that you want to have downloaded. Be sure to associate them with a product, and they'll be included on the product page for download. To make a button out of the link(s), you could investigate using CSS to style them as a button. The only alternative I can think of would be to build a custom plugin for VM, which would be a great deal of extra work.
To make Custom fields in Joomla Virtuemart 2.0 is so simple.
You need to open your administrator and then go to:
Virtuemart->Products->Custom Field
there you will find a link to create new custom fiels and you can create your custom field with your choice. It provides various Custom Field Types. After creating and saving your custom field you need to go to product whom you want to add it. like:
Products->your product name->
open your product and go to Custom Fields and there at bottom you can see your custom field. add your custom field to product, save it and check this product from front-end of your site.
I hope this makes sense.
