Joomla 3: Customize the greeting text of login module - joomla

I would like to edit the joomla 3 log in greeting and I have no idea how to do that at the moment.
Greeting usually goes "Hi, username/name". I want it to go like "Hi, Mr username/name". I want the title of the user to preceed his or her name.
Now, I have already set up the database table for the title. I have already edited the joomla php and xml files to get these tables to show on my registration pages and user pages at the backend. So all that is left is calling the user's title to display before his/her name. Can anyone assist please?

You can go with a Language Override for the mod_login.
In backend, go to: Extensions -> Language Manager
From the left sidebar, click on: Overrides
From the Toolbar (top) click the "New" button, to create new Language Override.
In next screen add the following:
Language Constant: MOD_LOGIN_HINAME
Value: Your desired salutation, e.g. Hi Mr. %s,.
This will result to a greeting like: "Hi Mr username".
As a side note, I can't imagine what kind of changes you did on Joomla php and xml files and the database tables and how they could be related to changing the greeting text of the login module. Whatever the case, you want to make sure that you don't touch any Joomla core files and count the future of your site on such modifications.


Joomla article permissions, show alternative text for user without access

I am trying to get an article to show some text like "You do not have permission to view this article" when a user doesn't have the correct access level.
Currently the article just shows no content if the user doesn't have the right permissions. how would I go about showing content for a user who doesn't have access?
Joomla's normal behaviour for any resource that a user doesn't have viewing permissions for is to display a message. e.g. this is the default message in Joomla 2.5 in the default template:
and this a Joomla 3.2 example:
If you're seeing a page with nothing in the content area then (as #Elin suggests) it's likely that your template doesn't have a message block. Specifically your looking for a line like this in you templates index.php code:
<jdoc:include type="message" />
When Joomla renders the page it replaces this jdoc tag with any system messages such as the not authorised one.
If you don't like the wording of the message you can over-ride the language key JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR using the Extensions->Language Manager->Language Overrides feature, just remember to select "Site" before creating a new over-ride as this is a front-end message.

Display product name on sendfriend page

I need to pull in the product name and display it at the top of the send to a friend page template.
So, when a user clicks on send to a friend from a product page it (the product name) is at the top of the send to a friend page, above the form itself. Not in the email template (although that is useful - I have seen answers on this elsewhere).
I am very new to Magento and have been asked to do a few modifications and tidy up a few things, but am really a front end dev and have no Magento experience. Any pointers in the right direction would be great help to me.
Also, could anyone recommend a decent Magento Developer book that a Front End Developer with good HTML, CSS & JavaScript (but not so great PHP) would find useful?
Copy the sendfriend template in app/design/frontend/base/default/template/sendfriend/send.phtml
to your theme. Then you can modify it. You shouldn't modify magento core files.
You can print the product name wih echo Mage::registry('product')->getName(); The product is added to the registry in Mage_Sendfriend_ProductController.

Changing the edit form in Joomla 3.x for specific article category

I have a bunch of articles in a Joomla 3.1 site that all live under a single category.
I'm creating a specific editor group for each article, ie a small group of users will have edit permissions for 1 article.
I'd like to do something so that when an article that is within the prescribed category (not all articles) is edited, the user (editor) sees a short block of text at the top of the edit page.
Is that possible within Joomla or would I have to edit the PHP file that creates the form?
You could accomplish this using a tool like content templater.

Not understanding newsletter properly

I am developing one website. For now i just need to design home page for it.
So i made changes from cms/home/content(I am not sure it's good idea or not).
I added newsletter to home page. it's displaying in the top left.
I want to put it at specific position around the middle of the page.
So how i can change the position of the newsletter?
And when i enter any email it gives message "Thanks for your subscription".
will it make entry to automatically to any table or i have to do it manually ?
Can i change this message "Thanks for your subscription". ?
for newsletter file call from
you can change design from css
and message come from
$session->addSuccess($this->__('Thank you for your subscription.'));
This can also be edited in /app/locale/en_US/Mage_Newsletter.csv file, and any other language that you wish to support.
instead of en_US you can check from your language pack
Change "Thank you for your subscription.","Thank you for your subscription."
"Thank you for your subscription.","This will be my new message, that I wish to display to users, after subscribing."
and subscriber user details you get from admin
Newsletter >Newsletter Subscribers

Joomla, standard contact-form in article

I have site on joomla.
I have page contact (html-text and picture).
In the end of this page, how to add standard joomla contact form?
In the components menu in the admin go to contacts.
Create a new contact and fill in the information.
You can use street address for text if you want, that is at the top or you can use miscellaneous information.
Make sure to include an email address or a link to a user so that the user's email is used.
Then make a single contact menu link to that contact from whatever menu you want it shown on.
You can either use a component for this from the Joomla! Extensions Directory. Else you can build one yourself using basic html markup.
