Magento - New Order mail - magento

I am using Magento 1.6.2.
I need to edit the new order mail. Which file is the template for the items? I need the specific file where the items are being generated and formatted.

I already found it.

To edit the New Order email you go into System -> Transactional Emails and click on 'Add New Template'.
Then you load in the existing New Order template by selecting 'New Order' from the drop down menu in the Template input field and click the 'Load Template' button. In the Template Information section you assign a new name to your new template and make the modifications to it before hitting 'Save Template'.
To apply it you go to System -> Configuration -> Sales and Select the Sales Emails option.
In the Order tab you apply your newly saved template to the New Order Confirmation Template dropdown.
Do the same for New order from Guest if you are allowing guest checkout.

The email templates are located under /app/locale/en_us/template/email and /app/locale/en_us/template/email/sales.
The disappointing thing about email templates in Magento is that they expect store owners to manage these using the backend rather than by editing the template files. Of course, you can always just edit the templates directly, but make sure to keep backups of them before updating to a new version of Magento.
It ends up being a lot of work, and from what I've seen, mostly clients do little more than update the logo. If your client wants to have fully custom email templates, expect a good 20+ hours to get them right (cross email client compatibility, client changes, etc).


magento google calendar integration

I am new to magento, and working on already installed magento system. The thing is, we have integrated google calendar with our magento booking system. But, nowdays, the bookings are not getting pushed into the calendar.I also checked the configuration settings, and the username password for Google calendar are correct. So, when I go to any product, then the dropdownlist for google calendar doesnt pop up anything. Please I need some help in bringing this calendar back.
I think you could open Firebug and try to click in the calender, then select the element which stands in your way. It could be something wrong with the HTML or CSS.
Besides that, keep in mind don't overwrite the original file as it will be overwritten again on next update. Create a new file and include this instead via layout xml.
Hopes that can help.

Magento doesn't appear any default email template

I'm trying to create a transactional email in magento 1.7, but when I try to add a new template the default template select is empty and I can't continue creating it.
The problem comes from the fact that no email is set in the database and you can wether get the data from a clean installation or set it by yourself througth the admin : System > configuration > transactionnal emails.
I would advise you the second solution that is in my opinion safier and permits to define the email as you wish with the design you want to use.
If you do not have any default template in your selectbox, you can check under the app / locale / yourlanguage / template / email if you do not have anything, you should have under the en_US folder. You can copy and adapt. If you have nothing under these two folder, you can get it from a basic installation.

change system table information (newsletter_subscriber)

I am developing website in Magento in which i have used default newsletter feature provided by Magento.
But i want to customize default feature provided by Magento.
customizations i want to do
Change the default table name to "emails"
add fields to the table(found way to do this, but don't know if it's possible after changing table name)
Is this possible to do this customizations?
If it's possible, then how i can do this ?
Changing the default new letter email structure can be done with changing the format of newsletter in your themes locale folder or creating a new newsletter template in admin panel and assigning it throught the configuration menu.
Suppose you want to change the template of unsubscribe of newsletter, In admin panel, we have the option of creating a newsletter template by system/transaction emails. Here you can create a new template. After creating the template as required, In system/configuration, customers/newsletters, Here if we select the tetbox of unsubscription email sender dropdown, You can see your newly created newsletter template. Then save page. I hope it helps u.

Customize Newsletter Template?

i am using Magento I Have already changed all transaction E-Mails in my Magento Project. But i have one last Problem. I have not found a way to change the newsletter Template? Is there a way to change the used template like the other transaction E-Mails?
I have 1.7 but i think the menu is the same
If i understand your question, in your admin dashboard you should look under System > Transactional Emails > Add new template. From the options field (labeled Template) choose Newsletter ... (there are three templates), load each of them and change them.
Also for the actual newsletter, from admin dashboard chose Newsletter > Newsletter Templates and add a new email.

Joomla show only Contact Form

I have created a contact form for my Joomla site. There are two items in that contact page as Contact (my contact details are listed here) and Contact Form. I don't need that Contact item to display. i need to show only Contact Form. How could i remove Contact item and display only Contact Form ? ( I'm using Joomla 2.5 )
Don't edit components/com_contact/views/contact/tmpl/default.php the whole point of template overrides is not to touch core files. Instead, make a copy of
and put it in
templates/YOUR TEMPLATE/html/com_contact/contact/default.php
Now you can make all the changes you want to that file without having to worry about an update overwriting your edits and if you mess up the file all you have to do is make a new copy and start over.
As for the changes you want, all of the various contact details are display between line 19-65. There is a <p></p> at the end of the contact info display. You can simply remove any or all of that code as needed.
Short cut:
Go to Components -> Contacts -> Options -> Contact -> Display format: Plain
