Joomla blank screen after moving servers - joomla

I moved a Joomla installation from one server to another. Copied the database and all files. When I moved it into place it all loaded, everything worked fine and after a period of time (like 20 minutes) it now just loads a blank page.
I've traced through the Joomla framework, if I put an echo in before the call to $app->render() it works fine and outputs, but the call to $app->render() never enters. I.e. I put an echo statement at the top of render() and it was not output. Very bizare, no errors, no output.
Any ideas? Joomla 1.7.3.
EDIT: I just timed it, it worked up until 30 minutes exactly. At this point I get two lines in PHP error_log -
[22-Mar-2012 01:35:46 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/off/public_html/components/com_k2/router.php on line 114
[22-Mar-2012 01:35:46 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined variable: text in /home/off/public_html/templates/gk_boutique/error.php on line 27

Try putting this in to the .htaccess
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
The problem is that there is a (sometimes) invisible index.html on the server. There isn't actually a problem causing the blank page, it is just that a blank page. To prove this is whats wrong trying typing in
The page should then appear.
Note don't just delete that .html file, it has its reasons (security), add that to the .htaccess and it should automatically go forward to the index page when you type in

If you can login in administrator (, try to clear all the cache. The cache was preserved during the migration.


I have a 403 error on my Joomla homepage, but the page still renders. What could be causing it?

I manage this website: which is built with the Joomla Placebo template and running on Joomla 3.7.3.
The problem is that the homepage returns a 403 error even though it continues to display the page in full with all its assigned content. The other pages on the site return 200 and display properly.
These are the things I have checked so far without seeing any change:
File and folder permissions, 644 and 755, respectively
Verified that the config.php file is set to 444
Changed the default template from Placebo to something else
Disabled plugins one by one (cleaning cache and rechecking)
Disabled content modules on the homepage to see there is something there that is causing the error

Codeigniter based website on Mochahost displaying blank pages

Hi i'm a bit new at uploading a website to a webserver and i've encountered a problem.
my site is using codeigniter and my host is MochaHost.
First of all I already successfully uploaded the site i made it run twice,
but on my last upload of updated files the power went out and the upload stopped half-way through. And when the power was back I reuploaded the updated files.
Now, the problem is that when ever i try to open my site it only displays a blank page. I've tried to view specific page but it still displays a blank page. Here's the site: .. displaying only blank pages
I read somewhere that the problem might be the directory in were i put the files, and i put it on the public_html directory
The 1st and 2nd try i did worked with the same directory but now its doesnt work.
now it just displayig blank sapce;
Can anyone help me with this?
check the reply i made below
So really the question is how to I debug a blank page in CodeIgniter. I don't know if there are some php errors waiting to be found behind that white screen of death but its your first step to figuring it out. So here goes some ways to get some errors you can actually work with.
in your .htaccess file where index.php is located put this into it: (if none exists create it)
# display php errors
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag html_errors on
if you get a 500 error your host may be using suPHP and you cant do it this way.
another thing to do is try this
for ci older then 2.x modify the error_reporting function in index.php to use E_ALL
for ci newer then 2.x instead set ENVIRONMENT in index.php as:
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
this sets the error_reporting to E_ALL.
You can also set in application/config/config.php
$config['log_threshold'] = 4;//or 1 for error messages only
then check for a log file in the application/logs/ directory (make sure its writable)
Also make sure your db settings are correct. CI may suppress a database connection error.
Lets see if that gets you any further.
I already fixed it, what i did was got a clean copy of codeigniter and replace the application folder and added my assets folder to it and then uploaded it.. and it worked. Something must have been wrong within my old system folder.

Payment methods in admin panel not showing Paypal methods list in

When I click on "Payment Methods" tab .i.e. System -> Configuration -> Payment Methods (from left tab under sales), It load the page as seen in the image and shows loading status forever.
I did notice one more thing, that only on this page, footer also don't show up. I tried by disabling all extensions from app/etc/modules folder but no luck.
I turn ON the path hints for admin and compared files with the my local running magento but these were identical.
Are you having any other problems in the admin panel? I had some problems displaying contents on certain pages due to the memory limit for php being set too low. You may want to try increasing it in your php.ini.
You may want to set developer mode to true in .htaccess and uncomment the php debugging line in index.php to get more info on your problem.
htaccess add the following:
index.php uncomment the following (line 77?):
#ini_set('display_errors', 1);
EDIT:Without permission to change .htaccess, refer to the line above at around 74 that says
You can add this just below the uncommented line to activate developer mode regardless of the environment variable being set.
If your memory is too low you'll probably see an error message indicating that situation when you go back to the page.
If your server config supports it, you can adjust the memory limit in the htaccess file. I use these values personally.
php_value memory_limit 256M
php_value max_execution_time 18000
Good luck.
As half the page content is displayed to trouble shoot do the following:
1) check what all admin permissions given if all is ok here then.
Magento logs few things for developers( Your log should be set to on)
1. Go to var/log folder and check if there is any exception log or system log generated.
2. Also in var/reports folder check it any report there.
If in Magento log nothing is found then check site level error log.
If this too is ok then you need to check things at code level or check for .xml file in app/etc/ folder path
After digging every which way to rectify this issue, I did find at least a work-around. I stripped the app/core/Paypal/etc/system.xml of everything inside the tag.
Is it recommended? No. Will it get you out of your jam if you don't need PayPal? Yes.
As far as the issue itself, memory limit is at 512, timeout is over 1,000. Still get the error (or lack there of). Page loads just timeout at seemingly random amounts of the page. Only seems to happen on this page. Can't explain it, but have run out of time to debug it.

After moving CI from one provider to another I get white screen of death on my homepage

I have moved my CodeIgniter application from my first server provider where everything works great to another one ( because of better speed etc.) and I have now two strange problems with WSOD.
When I go to my homepage I get a WSOD.
Well, I tried to remve the index.html file in the root and it magically works.
My question is why I need to remove the index.html file if it is there as a default file in CI package?
Is this a problem of the server? What should they change so I can leave index.html in my root? Should they enable some module or?
I think it is better for security reason to have index.html in the root folder or am I wrong?
My another problem is that when there is a redirect, e.g. on login, submiting form. I get after hitting submit a WSOD. But only when the validation is successful, so I am asssuming that the redirect failed.
One thing to notice. I am not using refresh as the second parameter, bacause it causes problems WSOD on my localhost.
Could this be a problem?
Which Apache or PHP server configuration paramter could cause this problem?
EDIT: I tried redirect('admin', 'refresh'); and also redirect('admin', 'location', 301); but I am still getting WSOD :(.
EDIT 2: Could this be an issue of disabled FastCGI PHP5?
EDIT 3: My base url in config file is OK: $config['base_url'] = ''; . It has the trailing slash and everything what is needed. I am not using subfolders etc.
EDIT 4: I have changed the title of this post to be clear that everything works on my first provider, but this problem emerges after moving to another
OK, so after enabling showing errors in index.php (changing production to development mode) I saw that the problem was on the first line of the form_validation_lang.php file in my application/language/english folder. But I didn't saw any whitespaces before the first UTF-8 without BOM and BANG!... the problem disappeared. Probably the BOM was the troublemaker. However, I still don't know how could it work on the previous hosting.

Magento backend problem

I've just installed Magento on my website, but I can't access the backend. The frontend works fine, but in the backend once I successfully login, it takes me to a blank screen. I've read there's an issue with cookies and I've tried a range of commenting out lines in varien.php, but didn't work.
Go to /var/log/exception.log and check for any errors.
Alternatively in index.php just before the last line:
Mage::run($mageRunCode, $mageRunType);
put this
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
It should throw some sort of error now, and go from there.
Blank screen is almost always a PHP error of some kind (as opposed to a Magento Exception). Check/turn-on your PHP error logs and you should find the error you're looking for.
For the cookies issue, install and access Magento using htp:// instead of htp://localhost/magento/
Please clear var/cache/ folder and var/session/ folder and refresh .
