I have a 403 error on my Joomla homepage, but the page still renders. What could be causing it? - joomla

I manage this website: https://www.llscientific.com/ which is built with the Joomla Placebo template and running on Joomla 3.7.3.
The problem is that the homepage returns a 403 error even though it continues to display the page in full with all its assigned content. The other pages on the site return 200 and display properly.
These are the things I have checked so far without seeing any change:
File and folder permissions, 644 and 755, respectively
Verified that the config.php file is set to 444
Changed the default template from Placebo to something else
Disabled plugins one by one (cleaning cache and rechecking)
Disabled content modules on the homepage to see there is something there that is causing the error


How to show error page in joomla if page is not found ?

I am completely new in joomla.
I have website e.g mysite.com
When I visit this site it's opening the url like bellow :
When I go to this link
It's successfully showing 404 page.
But how can I show this 404 error page when someone go to bellow link:
Many thanks :)
This can be done in one of two ways
Method 1
Open your configuration file (configuration.php) and look for the line public $error_reporting = ‘default’;You will then need to change this to the following based on your needs:
E_ALL | E_STRICT – All errors, warnings, notices, and strict
standards will be displayed on the website
E_ALL – All errors, warnings, notices will be displayed on the
E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE – All errors, warnings, but no notices will be
displayed on the website
Errors. No warnings or notices will be displayed on the website;
0 – No error reporting at all
Method 2
In your Admin Panel, navigate through Global Configuration >> Server tab >> Error Reporting. Choose an option as follows:
System Default: Joomla will inherit error reporting defaults set in the server (usually in php.ini file).
Simple: Overrides server settings to give a basic report with warnings only about the fatal errors.
Maximum (Recommended): Overrides server settings to gives full report with all the errors, warnings, notices, deprecated functions call, strict standards on the website.
None: switched off
Go to administrator.
In global configuration you'll see a SEO Settings.
Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes
Use URL Rewriting Yes - Follow instruction how to modify files according wich server you use.
Warning when you enable these all link with index.php will be modifies.
will go to:
Hope these help.
First go to admin panel > Global Configuration and turn mode_rewrite on.
Then go to your root folder (Joomla! Installation Folder) and rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Magento store home page missing

I am working on a magento store, i have done some change in the admin panel like scope change in store, and update some project using CSV file after that i am seeing a different as a default page on my store.
if i type domain.com/cms correct page is coming, but if i type domain.com page is not correct and it is also without js and css, and not able to if the page in the cms/pages,
also tried system> configuration> design and web chages, but it vain, also tried categories > url rewtire but no luck.
can anybody help me on this.

Codeigniter based website on Mochahost displaying blank pages

Hi i'm a bit new at uploading a website to a webserver and i've encountered a problem.
my site is using codeigniter and my host is MochaHost.
First of all I already successfully uploaded the site i made it run twice,
but on my last upload of updated files the power went out and the upload stopped half-way through. And when the power was back I reuploaded the updated files.
Now, the problem is that when ever i try to open my site it only displays a blank page. I've tried to view specific page but it still displays a blank page. Here's the site: http://www.sph-mis.com/ .. displaying only blank pages
I read somewhere that the problem might be the directory in were i put the files, and i put it on the public_html directory
The 1st and 2nd try i did worked with the same directory but now its doesnt work.
now it just displayig blank sapce;
Can anyone help me with this?
check the reply i made below
So really the question is how to I debug a blank page in CodeIgniter. I don't know if there are some php errors waiting to be found behind that white screen of death but its your first step to figuring it out. So here goes some ways to get some errors you can actually work with.
in your .htaccess file where index.php is located put this into it: (if none exists create it)
# display php errors
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag html_errors on
if you get a 500 error your host may be using suPHP and you cant do it this way.
another thing to do is try this
for ci older then 2.x modify the error_reporting function in index.php to use E_ALL
for ci newer then 2.x instead set ENVIRONMENT in index.php as:
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
this sets the error_reporting to E_ALL.
You can also set in application/config/config.php
$config['log_threshold'] = 4;//or 1 for error messages only
then check for a log file in the application/logs/ directory (make sure its writable)
Also make sure your db settings are correct. CI may suppress a database connection error.
Lets see if that gets you any further.
I already fixed it, what i did was got a clean copy of codeigniter and replace the application folder and added my assets folder to it and then uploaded it.. and it worked. Something must have been wrong within my old system folder.

Joomla homepage and global configuration showing 404 error, how do I fix it?

When I go to the homepage url of my joomla site a 404 error shows up that simply says 404 Not Found. I have the home page set as the default in the menus item manager. Are there any other ways to fix this? Also, I am getting a 404 error when I go to the global configuration page.
I believe we have the same problem. I think your joomla site may have been hacked as well, and the fix for this is easy. You just basically need to delete files. Here's a reference to the problem http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=428&t=786545.

Compilation renders my home page content blank

I want to enable Compilation on our Magento website, but when I enable it, I get blank content for my home page. It stops rendering before outputting the menu. Category and product pages seem to be fine.
We use the Mercado theme, and the home page uses a HomepageGrid block which is a CMS page.
Could anybody provide some insight?
all you have to do is to check your error log. blank page means php error, and your output configured into error log, not screen. possible places to look: path_to/magento/var/log/ files system.log and exception.log. or /var/log/ and folders httpd/error_log etc. looks like you have some module like featured products or other custom stuff on front page, check your CMS > Pages > Homepage content. thank you
