Payment methods in admin panel not showing Paypal methods list in - magento

When I click on "Payment Methods" tab .i.e. System -> Configuration -> Payment Methods (from left tab under sales), It load the page as seen in the image and shows loading status forever.
I did notice one more thing, that only on this page, footer also don't show up. I tried by disabling all extensions from app/etc/modules folder but no luck.
I turn ON the path hints for admin and compared files with the my local running magento but these were identical.

Are you having any other problems in the admin panel? I had some problems displaying contents on certain pages due to the memory limit for php being set too low. You may want to try increasing it in your php.ini.
You may want to set developer mode to true in .htaccess and uncomment the php debugging line in index.php to get more info on your problem.
htaccess add the following:
index.php uncomment the following (line 77?):
#ini_set('display_errors', 1);
EDIT:Without permission to change .htaccess, refer to the line above at around 74 that says
You can add this just below the uncommented line to activate developer mode regardless of the environment variable being set.
If your memory is too low you'll probably see an error message indicating that situation when you go back to the page.
If your server config supports it, you can adjust the memory limit in the htaccess file. I use these values personally.
php_value memory_limit 256M
php_value max_execution_time 18000
Good luck.

As half the page content is displayed to trouble shoot do the following:
1) check what all admin permissions given if all is ok here then.
Magento logs few things for developers( Your log should be set to on)
1. Go to var/log folder and check if there is any exception log or system log generated.
2. Also in var/reports folder check it any report there.
If in Magento log nothing is found then check site level error log.
If this too is ok then you need to check things at code level or check for .xml file in app/etc/ folder path

After digging every which way to rectify this issue, I did find at least a work-around. I stripped the app/core/Paypal/etc/system.xml of everything inside the tag.
Is it recommended? No. Will it get you out of your jam if you don't need PayPal? Yes.
As far as the issue itself, memory limit is at 512, timeout is over 1,000. Still get the error (or lack there of). Page loads just timeout at seemingly random amounts of the page. Only seems to happen on this page. Can't explain it, but have run out of time to debug it.


How to show error page in joomla if page is not found ?

I am completely new in joomla.
I have website e.g
When I visit this site it's opening the url like bellow :
When I go to this link
It's successfully showing 404 page.
But how can I show this 404 error page when someone go to bellow link:
Many thanks :)
This can be done in one of two ways
Method 1
Open your configuration file (configuration.php) and look for the line public $error_reporting = ‘default’;You will then need to change this to the following based on your needs:
E_ALL | E_STRICT – All errors, warnings, notices, and strict
standards will be displayed on the website
E_ALL – All errors, warnings, notices will be displayed on the
E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE – All errors, warnings, but no notices will be
displayed on the website
Errors. No warnings or notices will be displayed on the website;
0 – No error reporting at all
Method 2
In your Admin Panel, navigate through Global Configuration >> Server tab >> Error Reporting. Choose an option as follows:
System Default: Joomla will inherit error reporting defaults set in the server (usually in php.ini file).
Simple: Overrides server settings to give a basic report with warnings only about the fatal errors.
Maximum (Recommended): Overrides server settings to gives full report with all the errors, warnings, notices, deprecated functions call, strict standards on the website.
None: switched off
Go to administrator.
In global configuration you'll see a SEO Settings.
Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes
Use URL Rewriting Yes - Follow instruction how to modify files according wich server you use.
Warning when you enable these all link with index.php will be modifies.
will go to:
Hope these help.
First go to admin panel > Global Configuration and turn mode_rewrite on.
Then go to your root folder (Joomla! Installation Folder) and rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess

Joomla cache make website's first page really late to open

I have an e-shop made with Joomla - Virtuemart.
The issue is that, at the first page, the website starts to open after 20-30seconds you hit the URL.
After discussing it with my hosting provider, they found that index.php sends for about 20s requests at the file :
Even if i manually delete it, joomla recreates the file and continue to be slow.
In global configuration cache is off.
Any idea, from what is this file coming from and how should i handle the situation?
<?php die("Access Denied");?>
ECB is virtuemart currency conversion rates file. That file is downloaded 3 to 4 times daily depending on your settings. It is in cache ditetory and updated with new file names.
You have to uninstall the module as by disabling it will still download xml conversion file. Login to administrator and then go to Control panel, Extensions - Install/Uninstall. Search and select "mod_virtuemart_currencies" now click on the uninstall button at the top.
It seems that you have more than one currency (maybe you have one product priced with another currency - once this is the case, the ECB will automatically be triggered). In any case, the fact that it's waiting 20-30 seconds means that it's timing out on something. Maybe it's trying to open a URL that has the IP of your website banned (this is very possible, and we had the exact scenario with one of our clients before).
If you can provide us with the contents of the cache file that is being called by your index.php file, maybe we can be of more help.

Codeigniter based website on Mochahost displaying blank pages

Hi i'm a bit new at uploading a website to a webserver and i've encountered a problem.
my site is using codeigniter and my host is MochaHost.
First of all I already successfully uploaded the site i made it run twice,
but on my last upload of updated files the power went out and the upload stopped half-way through. And when the power was back I reuploaded the updated files.
Now, the problem is that when ever i try to open my site it only displays a blank page. I've tried to view specific page but it still displays a blank page. Here's the site: .. displaying only blank pages
I read somewhere that the problem might be the directory in were i put the files, and i put it on the public_html directory
The 1st and 2nd try i did worked with the same directory but now its doesnt work.
now it just displayig blank sapce;
Can anyone help me with this?
check the reply i made below
So really the question is how to I debug a blank page in CodeIgniter. I don't know if there are some php errors waiting to be found behind that white screen of death but its your first step to figuring it out. So here goes some ways to get some errors you can actually work with.
in your .htaccess file where index.php is located put this into it: (if none exists create it)
# display php errors
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_flag display_errors on
php_flag html_errors on
if you get a 500 error your host may be using suPHP and you cant do it this way.
another thing to do is try this
for ci older then 2.x modify the error_reporting function in index.php to use E_ALL
for ci newer then 2.x instead set ENVIRONMENT in index.php as:
define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');
this sets the error_reporting to E_ALL.
You can also set in application/config/config.php
$config['log_threshold'] = 4;//or 1 for error messages only
then check for a log file in the application/logs/ directory (make sure its writable)
Also make sure your db settings are correct. CI may suppress a database connection error.
Lets see if that gets you any further.
I already fixed it, what i did was got a clean copy of codeigniter and replace the application folder and added my assets folder to it and then uploaded it.. and it worked. Something must have been wrong within my old system folder.

Magento - Checkout - Cart page blank

I am looking for a solution to my checkout cart page in Magento. When I put items into add to cart then cart page is getting blank.!!
I have tried several options & still it is showing blank. I have enabled cookies etc but still no luck. I am using firefox browser and attached a screen shot of the cookies settings.
Page URL - index.php/checkout/cart/add/uenc/aHR0cDovLzE5Mi4xNjguMS4xMTQ6ODEvZXNzZW50aWFsbHkvaW5kZXgucGhwL2NsZWFuc2UuaHRtbD9fX19TSUQ9VQ,,/product/2/
Please anyone can help me with this issue??
Thanks in advance.
This is a PHP Memory Limit Issues. Its happens to me.
Even if 256 MB will not work so go for 500m
Go to magento Root and .htaccess and change the current value to as per this and then Flush the cache and check your shopping cart and it will work.
## adjust memory limit
php_value memory_limit 500M
php_value max_execution_time 18000
Please Note: This is not an Extension issues.
This issue does not seem like a cookie problem. You will need to debug the problem more. Open your index.php in the web root and add the following lines - ini_set('display_errors', 1); & Mage::setIsDeveloperMode(true); then refresh the page.
This should give you a clear indication of any issues with the php file.
Blank page is a result of error.
Checkout page needs more memory and it has been observed that due to memory constraint there will be out of memory error.Which inturn will result in blank page.
I had gotten the same error. Firstly add ini_set('display_errors', 1); in your index.php to check what is the error.
Mine was Cannot instantiate interface Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterfaceFactory in developer.php line 73
There was nothing wrong in both of these files. PaymentTokenInterfaceFactory is no more autogenerated in magento 2.1.x so to resolve this, add the following in your vendor/magento/module-vault/etc/di.xml file in between line 10-15:
<preference for="Magento\Vault\Api\Data\PaymentTokenInterfaceFactory" type="Magento\Vault\Model\AccountPaymentTokenFactory"/>
Then flush the cache and check if it still exists. That's how I resolved my error.
I recommend starting with Steven's solution, When did this problem being to occur, were there any major changes made?
This issue is almost always due to a
Memory issue. Try increasing the memory limit, an also enable cache in the admin config.
This usually happens on the cart and checkout if the system doesn't have enough ram
Depending on your setup you can modify this inside the htaccess file or inside php.ini
Check if the php mcrypt module is installed and activated
I recommend you to check your PHP version.

Why my changes on template files are not showing up?

I am working on Magento and trying to make some changes on one of the .phtml files. But my changes never reflect on the web site. I have tried the following things:
Clear Magento cache and delete cache storage
Open the path hint and make sure I am editing the correct file
Go to magento admin panel, System->Configuration->Design, and make sure templates, skin, layout and default folders are correct.
None of the above action worked. Is there anything else that I could do?
Thanks a lot.
Screen shot
First thing you would want to check is the cache. System > Cache Management. Disable the Layout and Blocks HTML output caches and refresh the frontend page where you've put your changes.
If cache isn't the problem there is a way to find out which template is rendered in a specific location because you may not be editing the correct file.
Go to System > Configuration, select your website from top left Current Configuration Scope, then go to Developer > Debug and set Template Path Hints to Yes.
After this, save your config and refresh the page where you want to modify the .phtml.
If you are working on a live environment make sure not everybody will be able to see the template paths by putting your IP in the Allowed IPs input from Developer Client Restrictions.
After you are finished with this re-enable the cache.
