Rollover image PowerPoint - powerpoint

Is any change to obtain a rollover image effect on a single slide ? I mean whitout using custom show or hyperlink to another slide.I'am using PP 2010.
I was think at something like to hide an image behind another and on mouse over first image bring to front the second...but I don't found anything about this on the internet.Does anyone know any other solution?

Two ideas how to approach this
Create Shape1 and Shape2 at the same position. Add a show animation to Shape2 that is triggered by a click on Shape1
Create an action button that triggers a macro on mouse-over that will change the appearance of the button or makes another shape visible.
However, I am not sure if there is a way to reverse the effect.


How to deactivate click event on Unity Slider UI?

In Unity, I would like to use the slider in my canvas but only the handle.
A default behaviour is that if the user clicks on a certain point in the slider , the handle will jump right to that point. I would like to disable this behaviour, allowing the user only to drag the handle to move it.
How can this be done?
Thank you.
Simply uncheck the Raycast Target property of the Image component located on the Background GameObject.
Otherwise you could always override the Slider class to fit your need but i guess this would be a bit overkill in your case.
Hope this helps,
Disable interactable checkbox in inspector. This option added with new versions.

Issue with animating ui elements in unity 3d

I've added an animation clip to a canvas which animates position and alpha channel of its children (like buttons etc.). Now I'm gonna play this animation via pressing the play button (one of itself's children) as shown as here:
(Click om images to see in full screen)
I created a trigger in mecanim and sat as the trigger of transiting to that animation but it didn't work. Is there any ways else or was my job correct and did I some mistakes?
Please help, thanks
In the animator window just making the trigger doesn't do anything. You need to set the trigger by getting a reference to the animator and calling SetTrigger("yourTriggerName"). You can call this in the inspector using the UI button's OnClick() method.
Go to the inspector for the play button and scroll down to where you see this:
click the plus sign and then drag the game object with the animator you want to trigger onto the field that says None(Empty) then select the animator from the drop down menu that appears and select the SetTrigger function. Then type in the name of your trigger Exactly. Upper case matters. That's it. It should look something like this when you are done:
Obviously, you will have to use the correct GameObject and trigger name so yours will look a little different.

How to make a button appear pressed in libGDX?

So I have an ImageButton that has a texture for when it's not clicked and another one for when it is.
I'd like to make it so that under certain circumstances it becomes disabled also appear as if it's clicked (displaying its "clicked" texture).
So far button.setDisabled(true) has worked wonders but it doesn't make the button appear clicked. I searched through the whole Scene2d ImageButton doc and couldn't find a single method that could do that for me. Any ideas how can I achieve it?
Try using ImageButtonStyle to set the drawables for the various states of the button. It also includes a drawable for the disabled state, which you can set to be the same drawable that you used for the checked state.

Drawing on an image which is inside a QScrollArea?

If I subclass QLabel and I add a QLabel directly to my QDialog, it works fine. If I add this label inside a ScrollArea, the thing I’m drawing doesn’t show unless I resize the dialog itself. Yes, weird.
I’ve setup compilable example code that indicates what the problem is. What I am trying to do is to select an area of an image with my mouse, by drawing a rectangle on the corresponding area. The images my program is designed to work with can be very large, and thus, I need to have a scroll area so as the dialog to stay at a logical dimension, and not to fill the entire screen (or even multiple workspaces, if we are talking about a linux machine with multiple desktops).
Everything works fine, except that the drawing (selection-rectangle) isn’t visible unless the dialog is resized – manually. I think I have to update something while drawing, but I’m not sure what. Well, here’s the example code:
Another issues that I don’t know how to solve (and I want your suggestions there) are (1) when the user is selecting an area, how to set it to automatically scroll when the user actually selects an area by pushing against to a wall of the scroll area (I guess I am understandable here). (2) is there a way to let the user select a rectangle and then, when he left-clicks on a position with holding down the [Shift] button, the bottom right edge of his previous selection to actually go through the point he clicks at?
The documentation indicates that you have to set a Layout somehow somewhere, but I'm not sure how to do this to my occassion.
Thanks in advance for any help.
about problem (1):
just use of Event. i think mouse Enter Event or Leave Event is good for that.
and to do that i think you can use a hidden rectangular that fill the whole of the screen.
and over write the mouse leave Event for that rectangular and tell in that function , to scroll the page.

NSTrackingArea and performance

I have a NSTrackingArea to determine whether I should show a close "button" in my view. I would like to show a rollover image.
What is better,
Actually using a button ( as a subview ) instead of drawing my own thing, then adding another tracking area to the button and then showing the rollover image..
Using a second NSTrackingArea to determine when the mouse is on top of the close button so I can show the rollover image.
I personally think the second one is easier, the only thing that I would have to do extra what the button would do for me is implementing a click action.
Use whichever approach is simplest for you to implement. It is extremely unlikely that either will cause any performance problems (NSTrackingArea is already highly optimized.)
