How to deactivate click event on Unity Slider UI? - user-interface

In Unity, I would like to use the slider in my canvas but only the handle.
A default behaviour is that if the user clicks on a certain point in the slider , the handle will jump right to that point. I would like to disable this behaviour, allowing the user only to drag the handle to move it.
How can this be done?
Thank you.

Simply uncheck the Raycast Target property of the Image component located on the Background GameObject.
Otherwise you could always override the Slider class to fit your need but i guess this would be a bit overkill in your case.
Hope this helps,

Disable interactable checkbox in inspector. This option added with new versions.


Why is the titlebar overlapping view controller content?

Can anyone tell me why this is happening and how can I fix this? I thought the content is suppose to display after the titlebar, not under it. The only way for me to fix this is to create a new project.
The Button on top is being overlapped by the titlebar. Not sure how that became possible. There's a lot of room for the window to adjust the view controller but not sure why it's not doing that.
Check window properties. You might have enabled “Full Size Content View” property.

How to make a button appear pressed in libGDX?

So I have an ImageButton that has a texture for when it's not clicked and another one for when it is.
I'd like to make it so that under certain circumstances it becomes disabled also appear as if it's clicked (displaying its "clicked" texture).
So far button.setDisabled(true) has worked wonders but it doesn't make the button appear clicked. I searched through the whole Scene2d ImageButton doc and couldn't find a single method that could do that for me. Any ideas how can I achieve it?
Try using ImageButtonStyle to set the drawables for the various states of the button. It also includes a drawable for the disabled state, which you can set to be the same drawable that you used for the checked state.

Rollover image PowerPoint

Is any change to obtain a rollover image effect on a single slide ? I mean whitout using custom show or hyperlink to another slide.I'am using PP 2010.
I was think at something like to hide an image behind another and on mouse over first image bring to front the second...but I don't found anything about this on the internet.Does anyone know any other solution?
Two ideas how to approach this
Create Shape1 and Shape2 at the same position. Add a show animation to Shape2 that is triggered by a click on Shape1
Create an action button that triggers a macro on mouse-over that will change the appearance of the button or makes another shape visible.
However, I am not sure if there is a way to reverse the effect.

Slider stops working after first use

I have a Slider control inside a ScrollView (there are other elements, but those are the pertinent ones). When you "let go" of the slider (OnMouseLeftButtonUp - also works for taps), a network command is sent and the slider is momentarily greyed out. After the slider becomes available again, when I try to drag it, it will not work, and the "let go" event doesn't fire.
I have already tried setting e.Handled to True/False but it seems to do nothing. What would cause a Slider to stop working after it's used one time? -Or- Is there a better event I should be using to detect when the value changes on the slider after the user has let go of it?
Found the problem. You can't use a Toggle Switch (from the Silverlight SDK) with a slider because one takes exclusive control of a GestureListener.
Here's the fix I used, it worked perfectly (near the bottom):
You just have to wrap your sliders in a <Canvas> element and insert some event handlers.

What Qt4 widgets should I use and how to approximate a ribbon-style interface?

I am trying to create an interface for my application using Qt Designer. I want it to have a tabbed, ribbon-style set of controls at the top, and a MDI-style area with docked windows which I plan to show and hide depending on which tab of the ribbon is currently selected. I am just beginning with Qt Designer as well as Qt4 itself for that matter so I'm not quite sure how to setup the window, which widgets and layouts should I use etc.
It's quite obvious there should be a QTabWidget at the top, but I'm not sure about the bottom. Should I use a QFrame? A QMdiArea? A dock widget? What layouts can I use to make sure the tab widget has a fixed height, occupies the whole width of the window at all times and the bottom area scales as the window is resized?
I've read in the manual that splitter layouts allow for manual adjustment of the size of the widgets they contain, but I can't drag the box size of a widget after I place them inside a splitter. Thus I'm unable to setup the area below the ribbon. Anyone, help?
You should look into the QMainWindow and check the multiple utilities it can provide you (Toolbar, StatusBar, DockWidgets, CentralWidget, etc...).
The way I understood your case is that you will always have the MDI Area visible, and that the tab bar will only be used to change the dockWidgets. Here's how I would do it.
The centralWidget of the mainWindow would be a QWidget with a QVBoxLayout containing a QTabBar widget first (up) and a QMdiArea under it. The sizes should be handled automatically.
This will allow the user (or you) to dock widgets on the left, bottom, top or right areas of the mainWindow's central widget. Keep pointers to the dockWidgets to be able to move and show/hide them at will.
Hope this helps.
VTK Designer, which is built on Qt, has a Ribbon-ish interface. You might take a look at the source code for reference.
