Hello world example for circos? - circos

Can somebody provide me with a "hello world" example for circos? (www.circos.ca)
I know there are tons of tutorials provided with the zipped distribution, yet the way I learn is to take the very minimum config and then build from that - and I could not find that.
So, anyone to help me please?

The developer of circos answered my question on another forum:

Yeah, Martin (circos's author) is very nice in circos's google group ( http://groups.google.com/group/circos-data-visualization ).
BTW, your problem is very simple :) Just follow this after you download and install circos :
cd your-circos-root-dir
bin/circos -conf example/circos.conf
Maybe you will meet some common errors like perl modules installation error when install circos, just follow here: http://circos.ca/documentation/tutorials/configuration/


Mean.js, where do I start?

I have to make a web application with Meanstack for a school project. I have downloaded and installed the newest version of the Mean.js boilerplate (http://meanjs.org/) and got the sample site working. But I have no idea how to continue. There are so many files in the project directory. Can somebody please tell me the files I can/need to change to start building my own app?
I'm very new to programming, so sorry if this is a stupid question. I'd really appreciate an answer.
This is what the project folder looks like.
The meanjs.org documentation (here) has plenty of great information about what each file does, and what you might need to research to get started. Besides that there are a lot of great tutorials out there, one I liked in particular was this youtube series.
Please note that in these examples I am using the mean stack from meanjs.org, not mean.io, and I am using version 0.3. If you are using a different MEAN stack, or version, I would still recommend first looking through the official documentation, and then various tutorials online.

OpenMDAO: First Steps

I am new in the world of OpenMDAO (and also on Python) and I am having some problems to understand the use of the software. I have already installed Anaconda (pyth v2.7) and the OpenMDAO, but I don't know how to run it. I am following this tutorial but I am not sure if I am doing it properly. I write the .py files in notepad++, and I try to run on the IPython but when I use the command : from paraboloid import Paraboloid it appears an error : No module named.api. I think that maybe I am not using the correct path (I'm in the folder where I have the .py files). Probably it's an stupid error, so sorry for the question.
Thank you all, Jose M O
If your tutorial link above is correct, I see that you are using a tutorial for OpenMDAO 0.1.0. That version is 5.5 years old at this time, and is no longer supported. We will be happy to help with your questions, but to get a better foundation, and a much more useful tool, please consider:
Install OpenMDAO 1.5.0 (pip install openmdao or read these installation docs)
Try this paraboloid tutorial instead.
Good luck,
NOTE: If you installed OpenMDAO 1.x.x and are using the tutorial from 0.1.0, you would have many problems with api imports, as many things have changed since 0.1.0.

What IDE to use to start contributing code for CKEditor?

It's my first question here on stackoverflow so please be easy on me.
I've been trying to set up the source for CKEditor so I can start contributing to this editor. I have followed this link: http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/guide/dev_contributing_code but I got stuck on step 4 as I haven't got the following file: bender.js. I also need something called gruntfile for step 5. Do you know where I can get them from as when I fork https://github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor-dev, the following project does not come with them. Also, what IDE do I need to use to develop code? Sorry, for this question as it might seem a bit stupid but I come from the Java background and Node.js is really new to me, therefore I'm struggling a bit here.
Thanks for any help
There are no requirements regarding IDE, at the end it's all just text.
Regarding your problems: Make sure you're forking ckeditor-dev, and not ckeditor-releases repository. Only dev repository contains all the helpers like gruntfile.
The gruntfile is there so if you cloned CKEditor repository, you must have it.
Then all you need to do is follow up the instructions of CKEditor contribution guide closesly, and you're good to go!

Is there a Football (soccer) Manager Open Source in Ruby?

Does anybody knows of a open source football manager lib written in Ruby?
I am writing one would like to have some base to match against, any hints?
Quick search on GitHub revealed these:
champz - Championship management. Seems pretty active.
rojos_soccer - Team management. Rather old, last commit was near the beggining of 2009.
Solebury-Soccer - Practice log tracker, if I understood right. Looks pretty old too.
It seems champz's your best shot.
Most recente GitHub search, revealed one more:
I've found a installed version here:

Help me with my first Mozilla Extension

I am new to Mozilla extensions and i have been trying to build the "hello world" following this tutorial https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Building_an_Extension but unfortunately its not showing anything on the right of my status bar when i start Firefox with my development profile. I have checked everything many times and not found any mistake in my code or file pattern. I'm doing everything they say in that tutorial. Now I'm seriously getting doubts on this tutorial is there something wrong with it ? have they missed out on anything that i should know? help me out here please
I would like to post this information about that tutorial on building firefox extensions that it has major flaws in it which result in no output of what is being said in it, i have reported it and for starters here is another very helpful link thanks to which i was able to build my extension.
