Custom registration field data is not visible in magento 1.7 - magento

I am following the instructions here.
I have created a custom field in magento 1.7 CE, registration field called Mobile.
Its working fine i.e, taking input while the time registration,but while click on my account its not showing the value.
All other field’s values are coming e.g., first name last name email.
But not in my mobile filed. It is coming as blank.
I know its for v 1.6. but i made it to work on v1.7 somehow.

Did you flush the backend cache? In magento system > configuration > cache page it is the top right orange button. Magento caches the db structure


USPS not showing in Magento storefront for some stores

We're using Magento version to house multiple websites/stores (setup via API). Recently, we noticed that some of the newly added stores does not display USPS in the shopping cart even though all of them follow the same configuration. Products have been verified to have the weight value entered. Toggled on/off other shipping methods, e.g. UPS, and they worked fine. Cache had been cleared and deleted as well. Logs do not indicate any issue pertaining to shipping methods.
What else could we check?
USPS Setting:
Found the issue. We have a separate database that contains store information including ship-from address. Affected stores have country set to 'United States of America' while the rest have plain 'US'. Updated the value to 'US' for all stores and that fixed it.

add custom image field for custom options in magento

I am working on magento 1.9 version.I want to add a custom image field in drop down of custom options.
I added a text field using following guide
which is working fine.but when I add a file field then it shows in admin but not save image field value in database.
please help me to solve this.
Did you specifically click "flush cache storage" By following this guide and adding new tables directly to the database, Magento already has this record in cache. By flushing cache storage, you will allow magento to recognize the new structure and be able to save the record. I have accidentally forgotten to do this quite a few times and you end up with the inability to save a record even though your structure is there.

Embed Custom Text Fields in OnePAgeCheckOut Magento

I need to add text fields in Magento OnepageCheckout form. It is not possible to add text fields via admin panel. It is a module installed for one page check out and has its fixed fields so only possible via coding.
I have made changes in
app/design/frontend/base/default/template/onpagecheckout/onepage/billing.phtml which is the exact page I am suppose to make changes in but form displays as previous. I did flush the cache every time but not getting whats going wrong.

Product moved from Cat to Sub-Cat not showing up on site search

In Admin I created new subcats for my CyberPower category. When I search for BH1500 on our site for the product I get the whoops page. If I go step by step through our site to get to the product it works just fine. Why is the URL missing, or nor showing the link properly?, is what shows up.
However this
should be the right link.
New to Magento, help me if you can!!
All you should need to do is run a reindex and flush your cache! Basically, your catalog URL rewrites are incorrect or out of date.
System > Index Management - Best to select all elements, choose the Reindex Data action and click the Submit button.
System > Cache Management - Flush Magento Cache

magento attributes on back end

Hey guys
I have a problem, that is I have a d.o.b attribute
displayed on the front-end but the info that gets written
by the customer, I don't get on the back-end or the magento dashboard
can I please get help on how to get the d.o.b info on the back-end customer info
please help.....
In the latest Magento 1.5, there is a Date of Birth attribute for the Customer entity. This attribute is on the Account Information section of the Customer Information tab in the admin. I'm not sure if this is the case prior to 1.5 as I currently don't have access to an earlier install. But this attribute is not available for entry on the front end (in customer/account/create/ or customer/account/edit/) in the latest or previous versions.
Which leads me to believe that you're using a pre 1.5 version of Magento and that you or someone you know may have modified a core design template to add that field to the front end. If this is the case, then that field needs to be an actual attribute of the Customer entity. Once it is so, you can rewrite the content block for the Account Information section of the Customer Information tab to a block in a new module of yours to display that field.
