magento attributes on back end - magento

Hey guys
I have a problem, that is I have a d.o.b attribute
displayed on the front-end but the info that gets written
by the customer, I don't get on the back-end or the magento dashboard
can I please get help on how to get the d.o.b info on the back-end customer info
please help.....

In the latest Magento 1.5, there is a Date of Birth attribute for the Customer entity. This attribute is on the Account Information section of the Customer Information tab in the admin. I'm not sure if this is the case prior to 1.5 as I currently don't have access to an earlier install. But this attribute is not available for entry on the front end (in customer/account/create/ or customer/account/edit/) in the latest or previous versions.
Which leads me to believe that you're using a pre 1.5 version of Magento and that you or someone you know may have modified a core design template to add that field to the front end. If this is the case, then that field needs to be an actual attribute of the Customer entity. Once it is so, you can rewrite the content block for the Account Information section of the Customer Information tab to a block in a new module of yours to display that field.


Magento 2 - Transfer cart items from API to web store

I am creating a complex shopping configurator app that allows a user to customize and visualize a product which consists of multiple store items. Once they confirm their purchase, I iterate and add all of the selected products to a guest cart using the .../rest/V1/guest-carts API endpoint.
I would now like to forward the user to the store checkout to continue the purchasing process from the web store, e.g. https://store.url/checkout/cart. Of course, that basket needs to be populated with the items that were added via the API. I've looked through the documentation but not been able to find
anything relevant but I wonder if I can pass over the store_id or the quote_id and the relevant products be inserted accordingly?
Not sure if this is still relevant for you but, I was also working on a similar problem and came across this plugin for Magento 2. Basically what this plugin does is use a customer's token and a quote_id and creates a temporary session on the Magento2 Store and then redirect the user to the checkout page. This was a starting point for me, as I had to customize this plugin further to suit my requirements.
Hope this helps.

Magento drop down to be selected by buyer

I am new to Magento. The website I am working on sells contact lenses and some custom attributes need to be added on the product page. Now requirement states that user has to select some prescription values from drop-down fields before adding the product to cart. I am totally lost on how to do it. This question asks the same thing:
Fields to be filled by the buyer in magento product page
But the answer points to dead link. How to retrieve some custom information from user on product page and store it along with order?
This is possible with custom option. Magento provide custom option facility. when you create custom option then it displayed on product page and you will get information from customer and that information stored in order automatically.
reference link :
You can create Dynamic custom option. I have answered thw whole process here:
dynamically add product custom options magento
As the Custom option applicaple to particular category. so you need to add required conditionon on precription form on product detail page.
You can manage this using custom option and there is a great module available in magento connect to achieve your goal.

Store VM User First Name + VM User Last Name as Joomla Full Name

This is a Virtuemart specific question, and I have also posted this question on the official Virtuemart forum, but I have not yet had any replies. This is why I post my question here also, hoping someone might know the answer.
I´m using Virtuemart v.2.0.26d
It seems that when a customer creates a new profile via the Virtuemart registration form or via order creation then the user´s email is stored as Joomla user "Full Name"
Instead I would like it to store Virtuemart first name + last name as Joomla "Full Name"
Does anyone know how to accomplish this or which file I need to look into to solve this problem?
If you want to grab vendors name(see the table names below) to joomla full name the just fetch the vendor name and add it to '_users' table name and username are the needed column there. (joomla 2.5)
Or in opposite case,
Dont know about VM 2.0 but in VM 2.6 while a user uploads a product at table
'_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb' and '_virtuemart_vendors' stores data about product uploader.So either make a column there and find out the registration functionality add the full username there or at update the vendor_name in '_virtuemart_vendors' and vendor_store_name in '_virtuemart_vendors_en_gb'.

Magento adding a new filed on the registration panel

Hi guys i'm trying to add a new field in magento registration panel named hospital address and i need to add more fields... i've done this with some changes in magento core files like register.phtml AccountController.php config.xml Grid.php Account.php CustomerController.php edit.phtml everything has been working but at the end i have found that admin can edit the hospital address but customers can't edit this when they login to account edit page is any one here know this issue and have a solution ? here is the full script
Since magento is based on entitiy attribute model. You can not manage the attribute of the registration field directly. If you are a software developer you can create attribibute in database and change in your code in the same way. If you are not a software developer you can install a module which provide facelity to manage your resistration page. You can search on google by keyword "magento registration field manager" and found verious module for the registration field management.

Custom registration field data is not visible in magento 1.7

I am following the instructions here.
I have created a custom field in magento 1.7 CE, registration field called Mobile.
Its working fine i.e, taking input while the time registration,but while click on my account its not showing the value.
All other field’s values are coming e.g., first name last name email.
But not in my mobile filed. It is coming as blank.
I know its for v 1.6. but i made it to work on v1.7 somehow.
Did you flush the backend cache? In magento system > configuration > cache page it is the top right orange button. Magento caches the db structure
