USPS not showing in Magento storefront for some stores - magento

We're using Magento version to house multiple websites/stores (setup via API). Recently, we noticed that some of the newly added stores does not display USPS in the shopping cart even though all of them follow the same configuration. Products have been verified to have the weight value entered. Toggled on/off other shipping methods, e.g. UPS, and they worked fine. Cache had been cleared and deleted as well. Logs do not indicate any issue pertaining to shipping methods.
What else could we check?
USPS Setting:

Found the issue. We have a separate database that contains store information including ship-from address. Affected stores have country set to 'United States of America' while the rest have plain 'US'. Updated the value to 'US' for all stores and that fixed it.


Magento 2 - Transfer cart items from API to web store

I am creating a complex shopping configurator app that allows a user to customize and visualize a product which consists of multiple store items. Once they confirm their purchase, I iterate and add all of the selected products to a guest cart using the .../rest/V1/guest-carts API endpoint.
I would now like to forward the user to the store checkout to continue the purchasing process from the web store, e.g. https://store.url/checkout/cart. Of course, that basket needs to be populated with the items that were added via the API. I've looked through the documentation but not been able to find
anything relevant but I wonder if I can pass over the store_id or the quote_id and the relevant products be inserted accordingly?
Not sure if this is still relevant for you but, I was also working on a similar problem and came across this plugin for Magento 2. Basically what this plugin does is use a customer's token and a quote_id and creates a temporary session on the Magento2 Store and then redirect the user to the checkout page. This was a starting point for me, as I had to customize this plugin further to suit my requirements.
Hope this helps.

Custom registration field data is not visible in magento 1.7

I am following the instructions here.
I have created a custom field in magento 1.7 CE, registration field called Mobile.
Its working fine i.e, taking input while the time registration,but while click on my account its not showing the value.
All other field’s values are coming e.g., first name last name email.
But not in my mobile filed. It is coming as blank.
I know its for v 1.6. but i made it to work on v1.7 somehow.
Did you flush the backend cache? In magento system > configuration > cache page it is the top right orange button. Magento caches the db structure

Magento and onepage checkout

I am using Magento and I'm trying to fix a small issue I have with the OnePageCheckout.
I have a single Billing Address and a single Shipping Address, which are both fine.
When selecting a New Address under Shipping Information, I'd expect the form to be reset, instead it uses the default Shipping Address
It just seems odd that you add a New Address and it is pre-populated wit an adress already.
if this is something Magento does out of the box and if so, is there a file(s) I'd need to change?
Many thanks
I had to hack a js file and add Field.clear('billing:firstname') etc etc so that these fields would be cleared whenever resetSelectedAddress was called

Shared shopping cart between subsites

I'm trying to get a fully functionally Magento installation with 3 sub-sites and a main site (configured each as store inside Magento), that share of course the clients information across the all the stores.
The problem is that I can't seems to be able to have a persistent shopping cart across the all stores, allowing the customers to get products from a sub-site then another and so on without having to pay each time the shipping fees for what is at the end only 1 order.
I've followed several different tutorials that claimed to be able to achieve that but none of them worked as expected, and also none of them specified to which version of Magento they where supposed to work.
Any tip is welcome, thanks to everyone.

My client can't see any of products - Magento

I am having a weird situation. I worked on a magneto ecommerce website. My friends and I can see the products on the website, but only my client can't see any of them.
I suspected magento cache, so I refreshed and disabled all the caches. My client still can't see all the products. I made him to clear browser cache. It didn't work as well. I also let him use FF or Safari. He still can't see the products.
What is the problem??? I can't try any other things now...
In addition to checking multiple websites, are you logged in or do you have a specific customer group? Magento allows you to show products only to certain customers. Check to make sure that as a logged-out, anonymous user, you can see the products.
Hope that helps,
Have you configured multiple stores, websites or store views in your Magento instance? Whether or not Magento displays a product depends on a lot of settings, but if one user can, and another user cannot see them, it's most likely related to which store view they are accessing.
The store view Magento is showing isn't always determined by the URL alone, there is also a setting which is stored in the cookie and can be changed via a dropdown (in the default templates anyway).
Stores are configured via System > Manage Stores. If you have multiple rows in there you have multiple store views (or websites or stores).
