Product moved from Cat to Sub-Cat not showing up on site search - magento

In Admin I created new subcats for my CyberPower category. When I search for BH1500 on our site for the product I get the whoops page. If I go step by step through our site to get to the product it works just fine. Why is the URL missing, or nor showing the link properly?, is what shows up.
However this
should be the right link.
New to Magento, help me if you can!!

All you should need to do is run a reindex and flush your cache! Basically, your catalog URL rewrites are incorrect or out of date.
System > Index Management - Best to select all elements, choose the Reindex Data action and click the Submit button.
System > Cache Management - Flush Magento Cache


Products disappeared on frontend after magento update

I updated my Magento to the version
After the successful message, without any errors on Magento Connect, the product widgets carrousel at frontend don't show the products anymore.
Any idea to fix this?
My project URL is:
try reindexing and cache clear. It worked for me
I just got the answer.
Since the update, Magento updated it's security on the Widget Blocks. All you need to do is add this permissions at System > Permissions > Blocks.
After the new page loads, you'll see the widget blocks who have Magento permissions to load. To setup a new widget permission, just click on 'Add New Block'.
On next page, add your block type, like 'ultimo/product_list_featured' (you can get the block type at CMS > Pages). Select 'Allow' and click on save.
Refresh your cache and it's finished.
Thanks for the help.

How to display products in home page which are created from a program in magento?

I created products using a controller in magento.The products are successfully created and are shown in list of products in Magento admin panel.But these are not shown in Magento home page.
But once I click on EDIT of these products and save them unchanged,they are shown on home page.
I am new to magento...
What might be the reason and how to overcome?
First you need to flush all Cache you can do it form admin->system->Cache Management now click on "Flush Magento Cache" Button
secondly you need to Index you can do it form admin->system->Index Management
select all indexes and select reindex data and click on submit button now check your home page it should work.make sure your product should be in stock
and status = enable.

404 page not found when trying to access CMS -> Pages in admin panel Magento

Shortly after configuring my site to have two separate websites I could not access CMS -> Pages to manage my pages.
I followed the steps on this two links | Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages where they mention “cms_page_store” table. But that table obviously does not exist in Magento version.
Old question, but still happened to me in Magento Some leftover CMS-Page database entries were referencing a store_id of a store that no longer existed after I deleted it.
So here's what solved it for me:
Find out the ids of your stores: Under System > Manage Stores in the column Store View Name look for the Store's id that pop up when hovering the link and also in the link url (e.g. ...admin/system_store/editStore/store_id/3/key/...)
To be safe, make a database backup under System > Tools > Backups
Go to your database and find the table cms_page_store. Delete all entries with a store id in the field store_id that points to a store, that does no longer exist.
Refresh CMS > Pages, 404 should be gone.

Magento not showing products while saving in backend

I have a small problem with my Magento 1.5
The products is showing ok in the frontend, but on open a product in backend and press Save or Save and Continue, the frontend is not showing nothing.
I think that here is a problem with Index Management.
What can i do to no reindex the hole category or the hole database on save product ?
Any help is appreciated.
You can change the behavior of the index to not update on every product change, and only do it manually (i.e. via cronjob)
You can change that in the admin area at System / Index Management. Select the Product Index and choose "Change index mode" in the dropdown.

Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages

I'm using Magento which works great other then the 404 when I'm trying to enter CMS/Pages in the navigation.
All other pages work great and even other items in CMS menu, only Pages gives 404.
What should I do?
Had this exact problem..
You are getting a 404 on CMS pages because of the remains of old store views still hanging around in the database after deleting store views from Magento admin, to clean up ( delete ) old unused CMS pages for store views you have deleted run this MySQL query.
DELETE FROM cms_page_store WHERE store_id NOT IN (SELECT store_id FROM core_store)
You could also use an app like phpmyadmin to manually look for CMS entries that have store IDs that you know not to be in use, but this could get messy.
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