OSX Package not running executable - xcode

I am new to development on OSX and am having an issue that is confusing me.
I am using xcode for work and I everything works when I debug from xcodes debugger.
However, when I am running the package manually, it doesn't seem to run the executable in the packages MacOS.
Basically, in xcode, is there something I need to set so that it knows where and how to run the executable in the MacOS directory?
I already changed the plist to have the executable set to the correct name. I am stuck as to even where to start looking for the issue.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give, developing for the mac has been a crash course for me :P

Archive the project (Product->Archive) and then open the Organizer (Window->Organizer), select the archived version and click on "Distribute" and select "Export as Application".


Launching Starlink GAIA on Mac OS: "developer cannot be verified" error

I'm trying to set up Starlink v2018A on Mac OS Monterey. I followed the install instructions on the Starlink website and so the installation seemed to go smoothly. However, now that Starlink is installed, whenever I try to launch gaia I get " "<file_name>" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. ".
I know how to manually work around this for individual files, but when I fix it for one file, the error simply re-occurs for another file.
Has anyone else had this issue and know a quick fix? Or will I just have to manually approve each file?

Mono.framework is missing on my mac ... but it's... there?

Please help me interwebs.
I'm having trouble getting my xamarin app to work. I've done a reinstall of Mac OS X and installed Xamarin using the installer, which adds mono and all the rest of it.
Now when I open up terminal and type which mono i get
...which is what I expect.
But when I navigate to that place (again in terminal) there's nothing there.
From my root folder I go "cd System/Library/Frameworks " and then hit ls and I get a looooong list of installed frameworks but no Mono.framework.
If I go to Apple > About this Mac > System Report > Frameworks Mono IS listed. I can execute Mono commands on the command line. If I look in paths.d the specified path for mono is /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mono but I can't find that location so how is it even a thing?
My linux skills are not great, can anyone please help me understand what's going on here?
I think you are looking in the 'wrong' Library folder. There are a few different Library folders. There is one under the Disk Drive (root) directory, one under the User directory, one under the System directory. I think they are all hidden by default. So you need to set your folder/view options explicitly to show the Library folder since it might be hidden by default. The directory you are looking for is directly under you Disk Drive (root).

Available chromedriver is not working on 64-bit Mac

I am trying to use chromedriver on a 64-bit mac, but haven't been successful yet. I keep getting error "Cannot execute binary file". The permissions are all correct and I don't see any other missing piece either. I am not sure if the available 32-bit version for mac would actually work on 64-bit mac.
Any help on this would be appreciable.
I had the same problem on my 64 bit MacOS. Turns out when I downloaded the zip file (mac_32.zip) from download page, and extracted the file from it, and then moved to the the directory where I wanted it to be... MacOS had created shortcut for me. Once I killed shortcut and made sure the target directory contains the real file, the problem went away.

Symbolicate crash file with dSYM and .ipa file

Is there any concreate way to symbolicate crash logs from my app, i have following things
dSYM file
.ipa Application file
I have tried symbolicatecrash script but it does not work somehow
Xcode does not work also i have Xcode 4.3
I even tried system 'atos' command but it gives me some c or c++ file
I dont have build file in my archive is it because of that, because app was build in different machine ?
This may be too late.. but i saw the method in another link that i am now trying to find :P
Rename your .ipa file to .zip
Open the zip file to extract the app
now run symbolicatecrash script or delete the .symbolicated folder
and restart xcode
if not helpful to you, hope this helps others.
Edit: found the place Symbolicating iPhone App Crash Reports
Aside from xcode's tools, you can use atos: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4954949/312725
Be sure to take slide into account as well: https://stackoverflow.com/a/13576028/312725

How to fix: Xcode cannot be opened because of a problem?

After installing Xcode 4.0.2, I get this error when I try to launch it by double-clicking on an existing project:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/DevToolsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/DevToolsFoundation
Referenced from: /Developer/Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
Reason: image not found
Launching Xcode via the dock and opening the project from inside Xcode works fine. Also note that doing a repair install of Xcode did not resolve the issue. I haven't tried completely uninstalling Xcode and installing from scratch, but I would prefer to avoid that as I have my IDE nicely customized the way I like it.
Update: I just tried a complete uninstall of Xcode via sudo Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all then rebooted and reinstalled. Still having the same issue.
Before you reinstall, make sure your project file is set to open with the expected copy of Xcode 4. Select it in Finder, press Cmd-I, and make sure the Open With... popup is set to the right copy of Xcode 4.
According to the discussion below, the problem is that it is not in the /Developer/Applications/ folder. However, I think that is just a clue to the source of the problem, because Xcode is supposed to work in multiple locations. It is possible that Xcode sets fixed paths when installed and can't be moved. Did you happen to move it after installing?
It is the ALIAS that is busted, not Xcode. If you reinstalled Xcode, you should make a new alias for your Dock or Desktop or wherever. Delete the old alias as it is no good any more.
Xcode (should) install in /Developer . You can get to that by going to your hard drive named something like "Macintosh HD". Make a new alias from there.
