Available chromedriver is not working on 64-bit Mac - macos

I am trying to use chromedriver on a 64-bit mac, but haven't been successful yet. I keep getting error "Cannot execute binary file". The permissions are all correct and I don't see any other missing piece either. I am not sure if the available 32-bit version for mac would actually work on 64-bit mac.
Any help on this would be appreciable.

I had the same problem on my 64 bit MacOS. Turns out when I downloaded the zip file (mac_32.zip) from download page, and extracted the file from it, and then moved to the the directory where I wanted it to be... MacOS had created shortcut for me. Once I killed shortcut and made sure the target directory contains the real file, the problem went away.


CLION: WSL not found, ssh connected?

Today I got this error message:
"WSL not found at: C:\Users\Nick\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\debian.exe"
Before this message today, everything worked fine (I start Debian through start menu, restart the ssh service, then start CLion and it linked up just fine.).
The executable is there, just 0kb. The strange thing is that the Linux environment can be opened from windows as always (debian), I can ssh into it just fine (looks like CLion can as well, see picture).
This happened after an update tot CLion 2018.2.2 from 2018.2.1. Rolling back did not fix the issue.
What could be going wrong here?
I've found a fix for the issue. In Windows config select the apps list, find Debian and press advanced settings. Then end the service and recover it (the mild recovery was enough for my case). Although I'm not certain it aided in fixing the issue I've also removed the Jetbrains folder in the LocalCache/Local folder of the Debian folder in my AppData\Local\Packages.

pycharm swig how to? [windows]

I would require some guidance in regards to installing a module/package in pycharm (free edition). I have to mention that i have not worked with this IDE yet and wanted to try it out on a little project containing smartcards.
When i try to install "pyscard" i get the error that boils down to
error: command 'swig.exe' failed: No such file or directory
People say just install SWIG, which i guessed already ^^.
The issue i have is that i actually have no idea how to... and none of the pages i found has really enlightended me on this issue.
I downloaded the zip "swigwin-3.0.12" but i am at a loss what to do with it now. EDIT: According to the SWIG page this is an already compiled version and i have to somehow make pycharm recognize that the folder it is in contains the swig.exe it requires.
EDIT2: Adding the folder containing the swig.exe to the PATH variable also did not work ... which i thought would be the issue
Ok the link in the comments from "wp78de" was correct my problem was that pycharm/pc restart were needed for it to catch the added PATH variable to the swig.exe (for pycharm that is)
Any advice is appriciated.
Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit
Pycharm 2017.2.4
Python 3.6
Basically, you just have to add the directory that contains the swig executable the PATH environment variable. You can do it via CMD or the Windows UI.
If you have added swig to your path, you should be able to call it in the command prompt from any directory: open "cmd", and type swig --help" on that prompt.
A restart of PyCharm (or whatever your IDE is) and Windows might be required.

External makefile in Atmel Studio won't build. Windows error 0xc0000142

I downloaded bitcloud, the atmel zigbee stack and I am trying to compile one of the default applications, ZLLDemo.
It is located currently at:
Everytime I try to compile the application I get a windows message screen for "mkdir.exe" error 0xc0000142. In the Output screen I see the line "make: *** [directories] Error -1073741502"
This same error and error code occurs later in the build process for cp.exe if I manually make the folders myself.
I have tried the following things to fix the error:
Change folder and contents to different owners, everyone having full
run make command manually from a command prompt window as admin
clean solution before retrying
all other examples files
ran directly from C: as "C:\BitCloud_MEGARF_3_1_0\Applications\ZLLDemo\atmelStudio_projects\ATmega256RFR2.cproj" - as per general suggestion for the windows error I tried
"sfc /scannow" in case mkdir had somehow been corrupted
Changed AppInitDLLs Reg key to 0 to load all DLLs at start of application
Disabled Internet security
Does this have a general fix or is there perhaps something else at work here? General compilations work, its just external ones. My friend did the same and it seems to work just fine for him.
Windows 8.1
Atmel Studio 6.2
Avrfreaks had a solution that I finally found here.
Their solution is to download an old version of the msys file for winavr. Which means that their is something more than likely wrong with the latest version of winavr for windows 8.1
sebastor wrote:
I found solution.
Copy this file:
to utils\bin directory (WinAVR)

vim could load not tcl86.dll

Yesterday I built gvim (7.4.552, 32-bit) on Windows XP with +tcl +lua +python, MinGW make gave a few error messages about tcl lib (I'm using ActiveTcl8.6.3), but still gvim.exe was created.
I tried lua and tcl and everything worked as expected. But today gvim said it could not load library tcl86.dll. I had not changed anything to the system, and tcl86.dll is on search path. This is so confusing I don't even know where to look at.
This is my build command:
mingw32-make.exe -f Make_ming.mak LUA="d:/Lua/5.1" LUA_VER=52 TCL="D:/Tcl" TCL_VER=86 PYTHON="D:/Python27" PYTHON_VER=27 DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes PYTHON3="D:/Python33" PYTHON3_VER=33 DYNAMIC_PYTHON3=yes FEATURES=HUGE GUI=yes gvim.exe
From os_win32.c, I built a tiny exe to load tcl86.dll, the error message pointed to zlib1.dll. A search showed there was a copy in c:\windows\system32, it was of lower version and smaller size than the one in tcl/bin.
Copying tcl/bin/zlib1.dll to $VIMRUNTIME solved the problem. Or, even better I thought, just delete the one in windows/system32.

CVSNT install hangs forever in Windows XP 64-bit

I need to access some source code stored on SourceForge using CVS.
I used (many computers ago) to use WinCVS, so I downloaded it from SourceForge and installed it on this machine, which runs Windows XP 64-bit (latest SP).
However, during the second part of the install, when it tries to install CVSNT, the install asks all the usual questions, and hangs during the actual install.
I have traced the install using ProcMon, and the installer starts up, creates a temporary file in my temp directory (which is on drive E:), and then executes it.
I can't see any particular reason why the install hangs - there is no obvious loop. Both the original installer, and the temporary file create 2 threads, and one thread exits. So I guess the other thread is waiting for something which never happens.
Any idea how to proceed from here?
The issue is that the installer doesn't like the default installation path of c:\Program files (x86)\cvsnt — if you use c:\cvsnt the installer will proceed.
Update: this appears correct. If you still would like it in the default location under C:\Program Files (x86)..., use the 8.3 name (you can find it with dir /x), usually C:\PROGRA~2. As you can see in the screenshot, the last step appears correctly now. With a path with a space in it, it would hang forever.
Second part of wincvs --> cvsnt.exe get hangs with windows 7 due to incompatible, So you may try tortoiseCVS. It has the portable version and also working fine
SOLUTION FOR Windows 8 64-bit:
On Windows 8 64-bit I was unable to install CVSNT (even to c:\cvsnt), but I solved the problem by simple copy the whole CVTNT directory from my old pc.
I copied to C:\Program Files (x86)\cvsnt (exact location where wincvs expected to find cvsnt).
We had a similar problem on a machine at work (the difference being it was Windows 7 64-bit in our case). Even though the user had admin privileges, we were only able to resolve the issue by logging on directly as the admin before installing cvsnt.
Do not install the version of CVSNT that comes with WinCVS. It's an old, outdated, buggy version. Install a later release (at least
