Launching Starlink GAIA on Mac OS: "developer cannot be verified" error - macos

I'm trying to set up Starlink v2018A on Mac OS Monterey. I followed the install instructions on the Starlink website and so the installation seemed to go smoothly. However, now that Starlink is installed, whenever I try to launch gaia I get " "<file_name>" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. ".
I know how to manually work around this for individual files, but when I fix it for one file, the error simply re-occurs for another file.
Has anyone else had this issue and know a quick fix? Or will I just have to manually approve each file?


Unable to open LiClipse 6.1.0 on MacOS/Catalina (10.15.3)

I have downloaded LiClipse 6.1.0 from three times (to ensure that I don't have a corrupt/damaged file) and installed it on a MacPro Notebook with MacOS Catalina (10.15.3). I have followed the installation instructions at for Native Mac OS Install, but every time I get "“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash."
Since it gets installed without any problem, I think that downloaded file is not corrupted/damaged, but when opening it I always get the warning about its being damaged even when I have run sudo spctl --master-disable to enable apps from "Anywhere" to run.
I would appreciate if anyone who had succeeded in opening it on a MacPro/Catalina would share his/her steps. Thanks.
You can try removing the quarantine flag (when Mac downloads a file it marks it as quarantined and it won't run unless it has an Apple signature -- which LiClipse doesn't have, so, Apple is making it always a bit harder to run files you download).
To remove the quarantine flag, run:
xattr -d <FILE>
(<FILE> being /Applications/ and maybe /Applications/ too -- I don't really have Catalina to check).

Not able to copy and install android studio on mac

I have downloaded android stdio setup from android developer site i.e. of version 3.1.2.
When I started the installation, it ask for copy android stdio to "Application" folder. when I do that mac give error like
"The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items."
Please let know how to install.
I also faced similar issue.
Drag it to Desktop. Then move it to Applications folder. and it will work fine.
Best of luck
I tried the above solution and it did not work. I got it to work by accident. The last action i did was:
Drag the .dmg into the Applications folder, and back into Downloads
Drag the Android Studio icon into Applications and it worked.
I had similar issues.
First, repair disk permissions with Disk Utility, for both volumes!
If that doesn't fix the problem, then right-click (or control-option-left click) on the folders. Then select Get Info, and then check the Sharing & Permissions for them. There you want to see Read & Write, in case you see Read Only, then change it!
Had the same issue with the installer getting to 528MB and then the same error as in your screenshot:
"The operation can't be completed because you don't have permission to access some of the items."
I was installing version 3.1.4 so change the below so that the paths are correct:
sudo rsync -rvzPKh /Volumes/Android\ Studio\ 3.1.4/Android\ /Applications/
That will copy all the files into place, but you will still get an error related to a missing dylib if you try launch via terminal.
For some reason there is a symlink that does not get copied over so we have to patch that:
cd /Applications/Android\
sudo ln -s ../Home/jre/lib/jli/libjli.dylib libjli.dylib
Now just launch the app from Applications as you usually would. That should get you moving.
Personally, I've been having other issues with my other intellij platforms like PyCharm and WebStorm that give me an error intermittently when I try to launch them. Namely a popup containing:
Start Failed: Internal error. Please report to
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager
at com.intellij.util.lang.UrlClassLoader.findClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at com.intellij.ide.Bootstrap.main(
at com.intellij.idea.Main.main(
However since I feel this issue is specific to me I think it might work for some of you out there. Would be interested to know if this works for anyone, please let me know in the comments.
I have the same problem yesterday and here's how I solve it today.
open the
enter "sudo spctl --master-disable" and enter the password
System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Allow apps downloaded from: -> select "Anywhere"
install again, and it will be fine.

-bash : rvictl: command not found, Mac book pro OS X 10.7.5 & Xcode 4.6

I want to debug some network bug with my application ,I found a way to create rvi to trace, But I even can't finish step 1 :
rvictl -s
-bash : rvictl: command not found
what should I do ?
I follow the site:
help! thanks
Mavericks and beyond: You need to install XCode from the App Store, and then you need to launch XCode once, and accept installation of additional tools. Restart your terminal. Good to go.
I found the solution here.
In summary, the link above explains that the issue may stem from installing Xcode without installing the additional components.
Check rvictl is installed by looking for the /usr/bin/rvictl folder. If it does not exist, then rvictl is not installed. To install the packages, open your application folder through finder, right click on the Xcode app, and follow the path below to find the items which need to be installed manually:
Restart your terminal and.... Voila !! it should work now.
Based #KarthicRaghupathi's comments. the rvictl location was changed in Catalina. The rvictl file is now located at /Library/Apple/usr/bin.
The rest of the process stays the same as above.
I'm using macOS Catalina and Xcode 11, Could able to find rvictl file in /Library/Apple/usr/bin. but still got the same error
-bash : rvictl: command not found
Tried all provided solution nothing worked for me. Adding sudo saved me,
sudo rvictl -s [DEVICE UDID]
sudo /Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl -s [DEVICE UDID]
This may help some one.
You need to install the Command Line Tools for Xcode, available here:
That includes the rvictl program.
It seems like default location and installed location of rvictl on Catalina are different.
rvictl should be installed by Xcode. Look for it at path: /Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl. The default shell has /Library/Apple/usr/bin/ in its path, either customise it or provide full qualified path i.e
/Library/Apple/usr/bin/rvictl -s 00008020-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
When you say: the command line tools for 10.10 apparently do not include the rvictl program - I get the error message: command not found
You need to see the comment above: Mavericks and beyond: You need to install XCode from the App Store, and then you need to launch XCode once, and accept installation of additional tools. Restart your terminal.
It will then appear.

OSX Package not running executable

I am new to development on OSX and am having an issue that is confusing me.
I am using xcode for work and I everything works when I debug from xcodes debugger.
However, when I am running the package manually, it doesn't seem to run the executable in the packages MacOS.
Basically, in xcode, is there something I need to set so that it knows where and how to run the executable in the MacOS directory?
I already changed the plist to have the executable set to the correct name. I am stuck as to even where to start looking for the issue.
Thanks in advance for any help you can give, developing for the mac has been a crash course for me :P
Archive the project (Product->Archive) and then open the Organizer (Window->Organizer), select the archived version and click on "Distribute" and select "Export as Application".

Can't launch anything from terminal after uninstalling fink! Mac Lion

I've got a big problem, I can't launch anything from the terminal, not python, not emacs (or aquamacs), not even 'which'.
I was using homebrew to try to install ffmpeg and was having difficulties so I decided to pay attention to the warning that always come up advising me to uninstall fink. I removed the sw directory from my root directory, which is what the fink website told me to do and was confirmed on many blogs and message boards after a quick google search.
And since then nothing has worked, I'm almost certain that this was the cause of the problem because after removing sw I immediately tried home brew again and it said 'brew: command not found'. I get the same warning with any and every program I try to launch.
I use Mac OS Lion on a 6 year old MacBook.
Any ideas?
You probably busted your PATH. You can use absolute paths to commands until you get it fixed. For example:
/bin/mv ~/.profile ~/.profile.bak
/bin/mv ~/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile.bak
Then open a new Terminal window, where standard things should now work. and repair your profile script.
