How to fix: Xcode cannot be opened because of a problem? - xcode

After installing Xcode 4.0.2, I get this error when I try to launch it by double-clicking on an existing project:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/DevToolsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/DevToolsFoundation
Referenced from: /Developer/Developer/Applications/
Reason: image not found
Launching Xcode via the dock and opening the project from inside Xcode works fine. Also note that doing a repair install of Xcode did not resolve the issue. I haven't tried completely uninstalling Xcode and installing from scratch, but I would prefer to avoid that as I have my IDE nicely customized the way I like it.
Update: I just tried a complete uninstall of Xcode via sudo Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all then rebooted and reinstalled. Still having the same issue.

Before you reinstall, make sure your project file is set to open with the expected copy of Xcode 4. Select it in Finder, press Cmd-I, and make sure the Open With... popup is set to the right copy of Xcode 4.

According to the discussion below, the problem is that it is not in the /Developer/Applications/ folder. However, I think that is just a clue to the source of the problem, because Xcode is supposed to work in multiple locations. It is possible that Xcode sets fixed paths when installed and can't be moved. Did you happen to move it after installing?

It is the ALIAS that is busted, not Xcode. If you reinstalled Xcode, you should make a new alias for your Dock or Desktop or wherever. Delete the old alias as it is no good any more.
Xcode (should) install in /Developer . You can get to that by going to your hard drive named something like "Macintosh HD". Make a new alias from there.


Problems running on iOS

I've tried on 3 different computers but it still has the same problem that prevents me from running the project on the Mac. When I use Windows and connect to my Mac to run, it shows the same error on all 3 computers.
The error message displayed:
Can not resolve reference: /Library/Frameworks/Xamarim.iOS.framework/Versions/Current/lilb/mono/Xamarin.iOS/Facades/System.Memory.dll
Quick fix steps
VS on PC:
in iOS poject open References list
find Xamarin.iOS and check the path in properties
open containing folder, open Facades folder, copy System.Memory.dll
open Finder and Go > Go to folder... > type Library
paste System.Memory.dll
.. rebuild and you are good to go
From what I understand, this is usually do to a pending update for Xcode.
Make sure Xcode is installed and updated. Once it is updated, launch Xcode to ensure that all updates are finished(I don't know why, but a lot of times you have to run Xcode for the update to finalize.)
Then clean and rebuild your project. That should fix the issue.

"Add Documentation" is disabled in Xcode 9.1 (9B55)

For example:
Any ideas?
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.1
Xcode 9.1 9B55
As KellyTheDude mentioned, renaming or moving the will fix the issue on OSX 10.13 (High Sierra) since /usr/libexec/xpccachectl (the preferred solution) does not seem to exist under this version of the OS. To fix quickly:
Rename Xcode in the applications folder temporarily.
Name it back to Xcode
UPDATE: This fix also works on macOS Mojave (10.14) and Xcode 10
UPDATE: This also fixes the Xcode Source Editor not showing up in System Preferences under Extensions (for Swiftify, etc.)
Oddly I was able to fix this by moving my to Applications. I originally had it nested in a subdirectory under there to version it, but alas, someone must have hardcoded a path somewhere.
I fixed this by quitting Xcode and deleting all the files in directory ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/.
This happens to me once in awhile and deleting derived data and restarting Xcode doesn't work for me. I usually have to do the following:
Close Xcode
Execute command in terminal: sudo /usr/libexec/xpccachectl
Restart my computer.
Restarting the computer is a required step.
Source: Apple Forum
I had the same issue with Xcode10.1.
All Answers here did not work for me.
I was able to solve this issue only by reinstalling Xcode.
Delete Xcode10.1 and empty trash.
Delete all files in ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/ directory and empty trash.
Restart Mac.
Download and install Xcode10.1.
Step 1:
Xcode > Preferences > Key bindinds > Now Search for "Documentation" in search bar you will see key for Add Documentation
Step 2:
Double click and assign new key as "Alt + Control + /"
Result: It will work now but if you want to change it back to what it was (Alt + command + /) you can do that.
Also, this will enable the Add Documentation in Editor > Structure
Its a hack and worked for me.

Xcode 8.2.1 install xvim plugin not working?

This is the first time I tried to use xvim.
I downloaded xvim from github, then follow the instuctions in README.
Recodesign Xcode
then sudo make
build succeeded.
But when I opened xcode, didn't see any changes. I dont know whether I install xvim correctly, or just xvim did'nt start.
Where should I open xvim? Please give me a hint.
Well, I fixed this problem myself.
I believe the problem is that others could simply run make,
but I had to run sudo make to successfully built Xvim, which caused XVim.xcplugin to install in
While you open Xcode as a normal user, Xcode needs plugins from
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins
so I copied XVim.xcplugin to the right place ,then problem solved...
I had the same issue (though it showed after xcode update). To fix it I had to re-codesign Xcode.
After that I did make and XVim was working

XCode 7.3.1 Update Not Installing

It looks like XCode came out with a new update. This issue seems to be persistent where the iTunes Store does not render the update even though it posts it in the "Updates Installed in Last 30 Days" section. After I restart, I am then prompted to update again even though I have already done it twice. Ultimately, the update does not apply when I open XCode (it still shows 7.3, not 7.3.1):
There is only one way! For this you need:
1. Delete the XCode 7.3 from Applications folder
2. Download the Xcode 7.3.1 from here
3. install it manually
That's it))
A possible method of resolving this issue which has worked for people including myself, is as follows:
Close App Store.
Using terminal type the following:
open $TMPDIR/../C
Locate and then delete the folder named
Empty Trash folder, if you get an error message saying that files are in use try the following:
sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash/*
Restart Mac.
Once you have restarted your Mac try to install the update.
If this does not work delete Xcode from /Applications and repeat the above method.

Issue with uninstalling Xcode 3.2 on Mountain Lion

I just upgraded to Mountain Lion (from Snow Leopard) so as to take advantage of Xcode 4.
Before installing Xcode 4, I would like to remove Xcode 3 (not required, but want to clean up before moving on).
The standard method of removing Xcode 3 is:
$ sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
However, when I issue this command, even from within the /Library folder, the only thing that happens is I get a "command not found" after entering my password.
I can see uninstall-devtools in Finder, so I know it's there. I just can't execute it for some reason. I've tried every possible way of running the uninstall tools.
Assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If the file really is there, type sudo in the terminal window (with a trailing space), drag and drop the uninstall-devtools file on the window, then append --mode=all. That should clear any chance you have to make a typo or any other mistake.
Similarly to information I found in another SO article, my laptop's old XCode 3.2 didn't even have the uninstall-tools utility.
So it worked fine for me to simply delete the folder.
