GWT, Firefox and Windows 7 Touch - firefox

i am trying to set up an application with GWT. The problem is that Firefox and GWT not handling Windows 7 touch gestures properly. When using Firefox on an sample GWT page i am not able to do everytime touch gestures handled by Windows. Normally Windows 7 converts those touch gesture into keyboard shortcuts, but with Firefox they work like 20% of the time...
With Chrome and IE 9 there are no problems.
Does anyone have suggestions?

maybe this answer and below comments may help on clarifying various issues related to the problems above:


CefSharp TouchInput on Windows 7

I have my application installed on a Windows 7 Pos Ready computer and I've issues with the touch input. It just doesn't work and doesn't respond to any touches. If try to click things with my mouse everything is fine.
The CefSharp version I'm using is v79.1.360 and I use Windows Forms.
Does anyone have any pointers?
Thank you for your inputs.
I figured it out, basically the previous dev was using CefSharp Forms in a WPF project. I exchanged the implementation with CefSharp WPF and it started to work just nicely.

flash player doesn't work in explorer 8

Flash player doesn't work in explorer 8 ( Windows 7 64 bit ) , I can't load the pages which use adobe flash. If I disable flash plug-in, the pages can be loaded but naturally without flash animations . It doesn't make auto updates. Chrome works without problem. What can I do ?
You could try upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer. IE8 is over six years old.
Updating to IE9 didn't work but I updated later Flash. Version 11.1.102 works properly on IE9

Pragmatic solution for Sencha Touch 2 on Windows Phone 7.5+?

Ok so Sencha Touch 2 doesn't officially support Windows Phone, although it may arrive someday. But does anyone have a pragmatic solution to running a Sencha Touch 2 web app on Windows Phone 7.5+? Such as a 3rd-party browser app that seems to work, PhoneGap / Cordova, other polyfills/libraries or combination?
Doesn't have to be perfect. Most interested in functioning GUI.
Sencha Touch may announce support for Windows Phone in the future but unfortunately in the meantime the framework will not render in IE9 Mobile and therefore it is not yet possible to use Sencha in this context.

IE 8 and IE 7 compatability issues

I have a site that was designed mostly for IE 8, but we've now discovered that some of our clientele use IE 7 and even IE 6 as well. Unfortunately, because of what I'm assuming are CSS issues, these pages don't look the same in IE 7 as they do IE 8. I was wondering if there were any tips or things to avoid when develop a site to be cross-browser version compatible. The main problem in IE 7 is the position of items in the navigation menu. The elements seem to be pushed to the right in IE 7 when compared with IE 8.
The link for the site is here
I would love to post the html and css but I'm new and can't really figure it out. Please let me know if you need any other info. If anybody had any ideas or thoughts, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Google "ie conditional stylesheet", its a pain, but it works. Then setup some virtual machine(s) with the main targets you want to test. Alternatively, I believe that the recent versions of Visual Studio for web development ship with some tooling to see a comparison between how the different versions of IE would render a page.

Windows 7 multitouch capabilities with HTML5

I have a problem: There are HTML5/CSS3 mobile frameworks on the market like Sencha Touch and Phonegap which can use the multi-touch gestures of the iPad/iPhone, Android, etc.
That's working fine, I can test it. But now I need to know what's about Multi-Touch displays based on a Windows 7 OS. Are there also multi-touch capable in a webkit-based webbrowser like Safari or Google Chrome?
On a normal PC with mouse / keyboard I can do tap, double-tap, etc. but of course no pinch (zoom a picture with two fingers). Is this possible on a Win7 multi-touch display?
Does anyone know that or can test it? There is a demo:
-> Events
Doing a two-finger zoom there must be a "pinch" output. On the iPad, there is one, on the normal PC, I can not get it. But it is only possible on a Safari, Chrome, perhaps FireFox 4 webbrowser, because IE8 FireFox 3 does not support HTML5/CSS3 very much.
Best Regards.
Firefox 4 supports multi-touch, see here. However, the Sencha-touch only really supports webkit browsers, and doesn't work with firefox so you might have to try the Starlight browser, however it is so old (well over a year!) that it might not work with Sencha either...
