flash player doesn't work in explorer 8 - internet-explorer-8

Flash player doesn't work in explorer 8 ( Windows 7 64 bit ) , I can't load the pages which use adobe flash. If I disable flash plug-in, the pages can be loaded but naturally without flash animations . It doesn't make auto updates. Chrome works without problem. What can I do ?

You could try upgrading to a more recent version of Internet Explorer. IE8 is over six years old.

Updating to IE9 didn't work but I updated later Flash. Version 11.1.102 works properly on IE9


Download Safari 8 for Windows

I'm trying to find Safari 8 for Windows as I am programming a website and I want to see if it all works properly in the Safari browser.
I got Windows 8 and the Application Server and the database both run locally on my PC right now.
Is there a way to test the website on Safari 8 without having a Mac or iPhone?
Latest version of Safari for Windows was 5.1.7, then they discontinued the Windows version.
But if you want to test how your website renders under Safari, you can use online emulators like Browserstack.

mediaelement.js in Safari in Windows XP SP3

I'm testing mediaelement.js with various OS (Win XP and 7 so far) and browser combinations (Chrome, FF, IE8, Opera) before using it on my own website. Those combinations seem great but after hours of effort I can't get Safari to work well enough under Windows XP SP3 to do a true test of whether mediaelement.js works in Safari under Windows XP (Safari normally doesn't respond when visiting web pages with or without mediaelement).
Forum posters say that one shouldn't bother to try to make Safari and XP work together but my users worldwide use many combinations of OS and browser so I need to know whether to warn them off from trying to use my mediaelement-based pages with Safari and XP.
Can someone please confirm or deny that Safari on a Windows XP PC can play the video on http://mediaelementjs.com ? I would be most grateful.
I also tried this running an XP VM with all the latest updates. It worked with Safari 5.1.5 and I also upgraded it to 5.1.7 and both played the video without a hitch.
I found an old Win XP PC in the attic, installed Safari 5.1.7 and it handled the video on http://mediaelementjs.com fine.
I've been having this issue too. It's only on Safari on Windows. So far, I've had issues with Safari telling me that certain MediaElement functions don't exist:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'this.pluginApi.loadMedia()')
It's obviously an issue with the Flash fallback and it occurs after calling .load(). It seems like a bug in MediaElementJS because that is an internal function.
I started setting the source like this:
var player = $('#wp_mep_1')[0].player.media;
player.src = 'video_url.mp4';
and then for Safari, or the Flash fallback, I had to manually change the flashvars after clicking to get the video to update:

Testing both in IE 8 and IE 9?

I need to test the styling of my web in both IE8 and IE9.
If I install IE9 then it will upgrade into IE8, So is there any way to install both IE8 and IE9 ?
Use a Virtual PC for testing on older IE.
Microsoft built a set of VHDs with different variations of OS/IE which do not requires activation. But these images will expires after a few months and you will need to download a new set.
Try IETester is a great tool for web developers. You can check Browser Compatibility for Internet Explorer Versions from 5.5 to 10
Thanks for your help, Right now I got a way to test in IE 7, 8 and 9. after installing IE 9, When we press F12 for developer tool, there's a option for Document mode. There you can have all IE 7, 8 and 9 to test your website.

GWT, Firefox and Windows 7 Touch

i am trying to set up an application with GWT. The problem is that Firefox and GWT not handling Windows 7 touch gestures properly. When using Firefox on an sample GWT page i am not able to do everytime touch gestures handled by Windows. Normally Windows 7 converts those touch gesture into keyboard shortcuts, but with Firefox they work like 20% of the time...
With Chrome and IE 9 there are no problems.
Does anyone have suggestions?
maybe this answer and below comments may help on clarifying various issues related to the problems above: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24942720/1915920

Developer tools, browser mode - setting IE7 and IE8 simulateneously for different windows

Is it possible to have two windows of IE8, one in IE8 browser mode and another one in IE7? When I work with IE, I don't want all my windows to be affected when I change the mode to test a specific page in IE7.
You can use IETester.
IETester is a free WebBrowser that allows you to have the rendering and javascript engines of IE8, IE7 IE 6 and IE5.5 on Windows 7, Vista and XP, as well as the installed IE in the same process.
I didn't try it but you should be able to do it with maxthon (using the split view) and a plugin.
