IE 8 and IE 7 compatability issues - internet-explorer-8

I have a site that was designed mostly for IE 8, but we've now discovered that some of our clientele use IE 7 and even IE 6 as well. Unfortunately, because of what I'm assuming are CSS issues, these pages don't look the same in IE 7 as they do IE 8. I was wondering if there were any tips or things to avoid when develop a site to be cross-browser version compatible. The main problem in IE 7 is the position of items in the navigation menu. The elements seem to be pushed to the right in IE 7 when compared with IE 8.
The link for the site is here
I would love to post the html and css but I'm new and can't really figure it out. Please let me know if you need any other info. If anybody had any ideas or thoughts, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Google "ie conditional stylesheet", its a pain, but it works. Then setup some virtual machine(s) with the main targets you want to test. Alternatively, I believe that the recent versions of Visual Studio for web development ship with some tooling to see a comparison between how the different versions of IE would render a page.


flexbox not working in safari 5.1 windows

I am new to CSS, Flexbox and Frontend development. I wanted to build a site with Flexbox, CSS3 and HTML5. (No Frameworks)
Safari 5.1 for Windows does not work with Flexbox .
I played with Chris Coyier's "Old and New Browser Comparability" solution and it worked but seems limited.
My questions are:
Do I have to build a second stylesheet specifically for Safari?
How do I integrate styling without messing up the "Coyier" Structure CSS in my Safari stylesheet?
How can I get the Safari browser to ignore the stylesheet created for other browsers?
Can you suggest reading, site examples or what you did to address this problem?
Thank you so much.
Safari for Windows was available from 2007 to 2012 before it was discontinued. As it hasn't been updated in five years, it doesn't support many modern web standards - and as such, virtually nobody is using it. You shouldn't need to test against it for compatibility.
More information:

Way to make IE 10 open in IE8 mode

does anyone know how can i force IE 10 to open in IE8 browser mode. Is it possible, Change something in IE settings? Does IE have some kind of a config file what can define it? Or can i make some changes in REGEDIT to force it to open in IE8 mode?
If you want cross-browser testing, take a look here. This offers multiple browser testing without the need to have virtual machines etc.
If your specifically looking for IE, then take a look here.
EDIT: You can look at IE10 on Windows 7 Side-by-Side IE8 for the issue you have.

SymbolSet Issues in IE8

I have been using Symbolset fonts (Standard and Social) for a few months now and love them. Recently I have been noticing some issues in IE8 though. Some sites I am doing are not loading at all in IE8. It has this in the bottom social bar:, which makes me think it has to do with the Symbolset files. I can't for the life of me figure out what the issue is though. Any ideas what might be causing the issue or something I may be missing?
It's possible that the font format you're trying to feed to IE 8 is not supported.
TTF/OTF, for example, is partially supported in IE 9 and 10 but not supported in IE 8.
I would check the compatibility table on this page.
For IE8 I have used the unicode option to get the desired result.
<i class="ss-icon ss-social"></i>

Testing both in IE 8 and IE 9?

I need to test the styling of my web in both IE8 and IE9.
If I install IE9 then it will upgrade into IE8, So is there any way to install both IE8 and IE9 ?
Use a Virtual PC for testing on older IE.
Microsoft built a set of VHDs with different variations of OS/IE which do not requires activation. But these images will expires after a few months and you will need to download a new set.
Try IETester is a great tool for web developers. You can check Browser Compatibility for Internet Explorer Versions from 5.5 to 10
Thanks for your help, Right now I got a way to test in IE 7, 8 and 9. after installing IE 9, When we press F12 for developer tool, there's a option for Document mode. There you can have all IE 7, 8 and 9 to test your website.

Scripting disabled in WebBrowser control?

I have a VB6 application using the WebBrowser control. It displays HTML pages from a local folder (using file:// URI scheme). Some of those pages contain embedded JavaScript code.
It all works well for the vast majority of users, but occasionally we get reports from people who have problems with everything JavaScript-related in the pages. Basically, it looks like they have scripting disabled inside the WebBrowser control.
The problem is: I cannot even reproduce the problem. I was trying to fiddle with various settings in IE security (IE8 on Win XP Pro SP3), disabling various scripting-related options for different zones (which zone includes local file system, by the way?), - I'm always having JavaScript running well in my tests.
Does anybody have any idea of what may be going wrong?
I think I know why this is happening, it's because the IE version the WebBrowser control renders under is IE 7.0 in most, and if they are using a browser older than IE 7, it will render under IE 4.0 (seriously). They do this for backwards compatibility. So if some of your users have IE 6, their default IE rendering engine will be IE 4.0. Of course, since you are probably using IE 9, yors would be IE 7 engine.
You can change the engine, if this is what you want to do, to the current engine (ie: to the current version of internet explorer installed on the users system).
Also, I'd like you to go to on your IE browser, and then through the hosted WebBrowser control; you'll see the difference.
Also, ask your problemed users to go to through their hosted WebBrowser control if they can, and note the results, if they are running pre-IE-7 then most likely their hosted webbrowser control will show IE 4.0. This is almost certainly the reason for your problem.
