Pragmatic solution for Sencha Touch 2 on Windows Phone 7.5+? - windows-phone-7

Ok so Sencha Touch 2 doesn't officially support Windows Phone, although it may arrive someday. But does anyone have a pragmatic solution to running a Sencha Touch 2 web app on Windows Phone 7.5+? Such as a 3rd-party browser app that seems to work, PhoneGap / Cordova, other polyfills/libraries or combination?
Doesn't have to be perfect. Most interested in functioning GUI.

Sencha Touch may announce support for Windows Phone in the future but unfortunately in the meantime the framework will not render in IE9 Mobile and therefore it is not yet possible to use Sencha in this context.


CefSharp TouchInput on Windows 7

I have my application installed on a Windows 7 Pos Ready computer and I've issues with the touch input. It just doesn't work and doesn't respond to any touches. If try to click things with my mouse everything is fine.
The CefSharp version I'm using is v79.1.360 and I use Windows Forms.
Does anyone have any pointers?
Thank you for your inputs.
I figured it out, basically the previous dev was using CefSharp Forms in a WPF project. I exchanged the implementation with CefSharp WPF and it started to work just nicely.

UI Automation doesn't work in Windows Phone 8 app.

I developed an app for Windows Phone 8 some time ago. The client wants the app to be accessible for Blind users.
I have given "AutomationProperties.Name" values to all the app elements, but Narrator doesn't detect the elements at all. It detects the main window of the app but none of its containers and items.
I made a new app and narrator detects all the controls I put in there.
I have not been able to find any help on this topic anywhere and any help will be highly appreciated.
Apparently Windows 8 doesn't support this feature. I upgraded my target OS to 8.1 and narrator is working just fine.

Is there a way to opt-out from WP8 when submiting an Windows Phone app?

I have a Windows Phone app build using the 7.1 SDK that works great on WP7 but does not work at all on WP8 (I am using multicast using UDP and WP8 can join the group but send/receives no message for some reason, other people having the same problem: UDP multicast group on Windows Phone 8).
Is there a way to opt-out from WP8 when I submit my app? I just want the app to be available t WP7 users. I am looking for something like the 256MB opt-out option.
No, there's no way to opt-out for 3rd party apps to opt-out from WP8. A few apps using 1st party APIs on WP7 were opted out from WP8 while they upgraded to WP8, but that's mostly it.
It sounds like you've hit a nasty application comptability bug in your app. Is there a way to get your code to work on WP8? If it's a minor enough change I'd suggest you use a runtime check to apply some WP8 specific code. More on sharing code between WP7 and WP8 can be found in this article #!co-development-and-porting-guide.html
if (IsRunningOnWP8)
// add some WP8 specific UDP Magic
public bool IsRunningOnWP8
return Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 8;
There is no way to opt-out from having your 7.1 app published and downloadable for Windows Phone 8.
An app targeted to run on Windows Phone 7.1 will run in a quirks mode on Windows Phone 8.0. This means that API's that introduced breaking changes will preserve their old behavior when running 7.1 apps.
There are some caveats, however, which are documented at

GWT, Firefox and Windows 7 Touch

i am trying to set up an application with GWT. The problem is that Firefox and GWT not handling Windows 7 touch gestures properly. When using Firefox on an sample GWT page i am not able to do everytime touch gestures handled by Windows. Normally Windows 7 converts those touch gesture into keyboard shortcuts, but with Firefox they work like 20% of the time...
With Chrome and IE 9 there are no problems.
Does anyone have suggestions?
maybe this answer and below comments may help on clarifying various issues related to the problems above:

jQueryMobile alternative for windows phone 7?

i have a problem, i'm using jquerymobile for some android apps and it runs very nice.
after trying it on windows phone which dont uses the webkit, it relly disapointed me.
when e.g. you click a button its looks very ugly.
do someone know a framework which is quite equal to jquerymobile but optimized for windows phone?
Have you tried using the jQuery Mobile Metro theme? It is, as far as I know, the only HTML5 mobile framework optimised for WP7.
