Youtube images are broken in firefox - image

Youtube images are broken in firefox. When I use the web developer extention to reload the images they appear briefly for a few seconds and then go blank again. The videos work fine but many of the buttons show their alt attribues instead.

Have you tried clearing cache/temporary files of your browser?


One Embedded youtube video not playing, the other works

I have two youtube videos, which are both on my account, embedded in my website. The first one works fine, the second one gives me this message:
"Firefox Can’t Open This Page
To protect your security, will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window."
I have clicked on more and as far as I understand its youtube blocking my video? How can I fix this please?
The website is
Than you in advance - sorry am a novice!

Google play store reviews images not loading in firefox

I am trying to display google play store reviews on my site. I used the reviewer images by directly using their images link. Which worked fine in chrome. However, it's not coming at all in Firefox. If I try to download the images from firefox, it's getting downloaded. Don't know what's the issue with firefox.
Try this fiddle in chrome and firefox.Fiddle
<img src=""/>
Remove -rw from your link and it should be fine in firefox and other non-chrome based browsers:

Links displaying as full urls

I recently through together a quick wordpress site for a friend. They're in a different state and I don't have access to my friend's device. When he goes to the website he sees what's in the image below; basically all the links are displaying full urls. I looked at it in IE, Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, and none of them do it for me. Is this a setting in the browser or in Windows that would show the full URL? He's not tech savvy, so he wouldn't have anything like Firebug or Developer Tools installed. It happens for him in both IE and Chrome, so I'm wondering if it could be an accessibility setting on his device. I doubt it's the theme, but I'm willing to swap it out if it is.
It looks like your friend is viewing the site in a way that displays the print stylesheet information.
In Chrome, I opened the developer tools, went to Emulation, and turned on the Print styles, and ended up with this:

Chrome 27 not loading background images anymore

This is a really weird problem that appeared in the recent version of Chrome.
I have a huge app that loads hundreds of stylesheets (in dev mode). When the page loads, obviously all styles are applied but background images are missing!
If I just do nothing and wait, suddenly the images start loading randomly...
Using dev tools I checked the network tab to see if the images are requested.. but no, just a few of them appear in contrast to the previous version of Chrome.
Does anyone know if any kind of optimization has been added in Chrome that makes images load lazily? Obviously that implementation is buggy and does not consider a page with a lot of stylesheets!
This problem does not affect the app in production, where all the stylesheets are packed and reduced to just ~10.
Tested on Linux and Windows 7
I had a similar problem with our web site on Chrome 27.0.1453.93 and 27.0.1453.94. It turns out that Chrome seemed to think that all of our .gif images were corrupt. They wouldn't render in Chrome but they would render fine in IE, Firefox, and older Chrome versions.
I'm not sure what the underlying issue was, but I opened the images in Photoshop and re-saved them and now it works fine.

Images won't display in IE9

When I open my website on IE9 the images simply dissappear. It works fine with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
What is the problem?
The images are declared as:
<img src="" alt="alternative text">
Thanks in advance! :S
If you have Kaspersky or other antivirus software programs installed, they sometimes block images from loading in IE but not chrome.
For example, the anti-banner protection in Kaspersky today kept a few of my website images from loading. I added it to the exclusion list and they popped right up.
Thanks for your answers everybody, in the end all was working properly. The only problem was that I was testing the website via the software IETester, and for some reasons the simulation it did not display the images. Later on I upgraded to IE 9 and all images display correctly.
