Images won't display in IE9 - image

When I open my website on IE9 the images simply dissappear. It works fine with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
What is the problem?
The images are declared as:
<img src="" alt="alternative text">
Thanks in advance! :S

If you have Kaspersky or other antivirus software programs installed, they sometimes block images from loading in IE but not chrome.
For example, the anti-banner protection in Kaspersky today kept a few of my website images from loading. I added it to the exclusion list and they popped right up.

Thanks for your answers everybody, in the end all was working properly. The only problem was that I was testing the website via the software IETester, and for some reasons the simulation it did not display the images. Later on I upgraded to IE 9 and all images display correctly.


error parallax effect in firefox but works on google chrome

I need your help my website is not functioning properly on firefox browser but in edge, chrome and opera and safari it works only firefox is not functioning properly
Firefox Browser
Google Chrome Browser
I would recommend setting up all your projects in Xampp or something similar first before testing it. If you are going to upload to a server you need to replicate the environment locally before you decide whether it is going to work or not. It seems complicated but it is quite simple, you can find out more here.
That said, check your urls, they are not the same for your two different screens, the one is referencing an anchor tag.

WebINK Web fonts not rendering in Firefox

My website is using Proxima Nova from WebINK and works fine on all browsers (even IE!!) except Firefox.
I am using the latest FF on a Mac.
All fonts are rendering as Times
Here is the link.
Has anyone got any ideas?

jQuery Plugin Galleriffic working locally in chrome - but not online

under Demo Gallery i've a small gallery running - using the jQuery Plugin Galleriffic.
I developed it in chrome locally. There everything works fine.
But when i upload it, in Chrome are no pictures shown. That's really strange, because safari, firefox, ... are showing it as wanted.
Can anyone give me a hint what's the problem here?
ok now i found the error..
it was only adblock...! after disabling it, it works fine!
adblock thought my pics are ads, because they were in the folder "ads". Stupid error on my part.

Chrome 27 not loading background images anymore

This is a really weird problem that appeared in the recent version of Chrome.
I have a huge app that loads hundreds of stylesheets (in dev mode). When the page loads, obviously all styles are applied but background images are missing!
If I just do nothing and wait, suddenly the images start loading randomly...
Using dev tools I checked the network tab to see if the images are requested.. but no, just a few of them appear in contrast to the previous version of Chrome.
Does anyone know if any kind of optimization has been added in Chrome that makes images load lazily? Obviously that implementation is buggy and does not consider a page with a lot of stylesheets!
This problem does not affect the app in production, where all the stylesheets are packed and reduced to just ~10.
Tested on Linux and Windows 7
I had a similar problem with our web site on Chrome 27.0.1453.93 and 27.0.1453.94. It turns out that Chrome seemed to think that all of our .gif images were corrupt. They wouldn't render in Chrome but they would render fine in IE, Firefox, and older Chrome versions.
I'm not sure what the underlying issue was, but I opened the images in Photoshop and re-saved them and now it works fine.

Why does StageVideo not work locally in IE?

I'm having troubles testing a StageVideo file locally. The HTML file that contains the swf loads perfectly in Chrome & FireFox, but when I go to open it in Internet Explorer 9 nothing happens (it just shows a white screen).
I've added the permissions for the location to the 'Global Security Settings' tab of the Flash settings manager (on the Macromedia website). I've also checked in the IE9 settings to make sure that it allows GPU rendering.
Has anyone encountered anything similar or have any suggestions as to why it might be blocked in IE9?
Thanks in advance.
My gut feeling is that you don't have the latest Flash Player for IE, but do have it for Chrome/FF since they're 2 different versions. The swf probably doesn't even load up because of the Flash Player requirement.
