One Embedded youtube video not playing, the other works - firefox

I have two youtube videos, which are both on my account, embedded in my website. The first one works fine, the second one gives me this message:
"Firefox Can’t Open This Page
To protect your security, will not allow Firefox to display the page if another site has embedded it. To see this page, you need to open it in a new window."
I have clicked on more and as far as I understand its youtube blocking my video? How can I fix this please?
The website is
Than you in advance - sorry am a novice!


How to retrieve filled PDF from Google Chrome

I had all filed PDF on Google Chrome, that I accessed from a site. The site lets you fill like
Unfortunately, I hit back from MacBook pro touch pad.
Is there a way to retrieve the filled one from the Chrome cache? I know the time window.
According to this similar Super User question, Google Chrome Help thread, and Adobe Support Community post, the PDF Viewer does not automatically save the data.
Other browsers provide a warning such as This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave — information you’ve entered may not be saved.

Webview webpage + Video or Youtube

I recently found a digital billboard project called DisplayMonkey, which shows me digital content such as: images, videos, html, etc. The problem is that when you show a YouTube video or any other media this does not automatically reproduce.
To which I refer, the project that I use that would be the Display, shows me in html file all the content that I have and does it in a random way, when it comes to the video it does not reproduce it.
Need autoplay youtube or alternative server videos
The web page that the display shows me is the following:
user: test
password: 2019**
Any opinion on how you should do this? html + js code pure?
I have tried several alternatives and it has not worked for me, need help, thanks

cobalt does not handle KEY_BACKSPACE in updated youtube tv search page

With the update of the youtube tv search page, the KEY_BACKSPACE seems not functional anymore. The KEY_BACKSPACE is intended to clear previous text in the search text field. The KEY_BACKSPACE still works on chrome. Is it possible to fix this?
We're looking at this issue on our YouTube server side.

Youtube images are broken in firefox

Youtube images are broken in firefox. When I use the web developer extention to reload the images they appear briefly for a few seconds and then go blank again. The videos work fine but many of the buttons show their alt attribues instead.
Have you tried clearing cache/temporary files of your browser?

Playing youtube link sound only without showing video in Xcode

I am writing an application in Xcode. Now I wanna play a music from youtube link without showing the video!! I wanna only play the sound of the video. So can you help me in the code. right now I am only showing the music list from my site on the table view and also showing the link. but couldn't plug the youtube feature!!
Thanks in advance.
