Big space in Internet Explorer 8 - internet-explorer-8

Not sure if you can help but I have a problem with a webpage I have built.
In Firefox and Chrome it appears fine but in IE (8) there is a gap at the top. It's not related to any incorrect div tags but appears to be a doctype issue. I'm more of a SQL programmer than a web developer but any ideas on how I can remove that gap?
Not too good with IE coding..


Oracle APEX Font APEX Issue with IE

We just upgraded to APEX 19.2 from 5.14. The applications seemed to migrate fine in general but I have noticed an issue with applications in IE 11. The font apex icons are not displaying. I have regions with a refresh icon and they do not display. The button operates fine but it's just an empty square. Has anyone else encountered this or know of a solution? This is mainly on my home page. If I navigate away to another page in the application they are also missing from that page. But when I navigate back they show up. Everything is fine in Chrome but not IE. I have to have this work in both.
Any help here is appreciated.
To be honest, you should be recommending that your users use a more modern browser such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Even if you do manage to find a workaround for your icon issue, Oracle has stated that they will be dropping support for IE 11 in APEX 20.2.

SymbolSet Issues in IE8

I have been using Symbolset fonts (Standard and Social) for a few months now and love them. Recently I have been noticing some issues in IE8 though. Some sites I am doing are not loading at all in IE8. It has this in the bottom social bar:, which makes me think it has to do with the Symbolset files. I can't for the life of me figure out what the issue is though. Any ideas what might be causing the issue or something I may be missing?
It's possible that the font format you're trying to feed to IE 8 is not supported.
TTF/OTF, for example, is partially supported in IE 9 and 10 but not supported in IE 8.
I would check the compatibility table on this page.
For IE8 I have used the unicode option to get the desired result.
<i class="ss-icon ss-social"></i>

Why does StageVideo not work locally in IE?

I'm having troubles testing a StageVideo file locally. The HTML file that contains the swf loads perfectly in Chrome & FireFox, but when I go to open it in Internet Explorer 9 nothing happens (it just shows a white screen).
I've added the permissions for the location to the 'Global Security Settings' tab of the Flash settings manager (on the Macromedia website). I've also checked in the IE9 settings to make sure that it allows GPU rendering.
Has anyone encountered anything similar or have any suggestions as to why it might be blocked in IE9?
Thanks in advance.
My gut feeling is that you don't have the latest Flash Player for IE, but do have it for Chrome/FF since they're 2 different versions. The swf probably doesn't even load up because of the Flash Player requirement.

Images won't display in IE9

When I open my website on IE9 the images simply dissappear. It works fine with IE7, IE8, Firefox, Chrome and Safari.
What is the problem?
The images are declared as:
<img src="" alt="alternative text">
Thanks in advance! :S
If you have Kaspersky or other antivirus software programs installed, they sometimes block images from loading in IE but not chrome.
For example, the anti-banner protection in Kaspersky today kept a few of my website images from loading. I added it to the exclusion list and they popped right up.
Thanks for your answers everybody, in the end all was working properly. The only problem was that I was testing the website via the software IETester, and for some reasons the simulation it did not display the images. Later on I upgraded to IE 9 and all images display correctly.

IE 8 and IE 7 compatability issues

I have a site that was designed mostly for IE 8, but we've now discovered that some of our clientele use IE 7 and even IE 6 as well. Unfortunately, because of what I'm assuming are CSS issues, these pages don't look the same in IE 7 as they do IE 8. I was wondering if there were any tips or things to avoid when develop a site to be cross-browser version compatible. The main problem in IE 7 is the position of items in the navigation menu. The elements seem to be pushed to the right in IE 7 when compared with IE 8.
The link for the site is here
I would love to post the html and css but I'm new and can't really figure it out. Please let me know if you need any other info. If anybody had any ideas or thoughts, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Google "ie conditional stylesheet", its a pain, but it works. Then setup some virtual machine(s) with the main targets you want to test. Alternatively, I believe that the recent versions of Visual Studio for web development ship with some tooling to see a comparison between how the different versions of IE would render a page.
