SymbolSet Issues in IE8 - internet-explorer-8

I have been using Symbolset fonts (Standard and Social) for a few months now and love them. Recently I have been noticing some issues in IE8 though. Some sites I am doing are not loading at all in IE8. It has this in the bottom social bar:, which makes me think it has to do with the Symbolset files. I can't for the life of me figure out what the issue is though. Any ideas what might be causing the issue or something I may be missing?

It's possible that the font format you're trying to feed to IE 8 is not supported.
TTF/OTF, for example, is partially supported in IE 9 and 10 but not supported in IE 8.

I would check the compatibility table on this page.
For IE8 I have used the unicode option to get the desired result.
<i class="ss-icon ss-social"></i>


Ie 8 issues - control wrapper - Google charts

I am using google charts and is working fine on all browsers except IE 8.
The problem in ie8 is, the graph will continue to stretch to the down and doesn't stop.
I am using following thing.
and my packages are
google.load("visualization", "1.1", {packages:["controls",'corechart']});
Please give me a workaround for IE 8 in particular.
Waiting for the reply.
I solved this issue. The issue was in "smart resize". This doesn't work in IE 8. So please avoid this in IE 8.
NOTE : Google chart do work in IE.

Big space in Internet Explorer 8

Not sure if you can help but I have a problem with a webpage I have built.
In Firefox and Chrome it appears fine but in IE (8) there is a gap at the top. It's not related to any incorrect div tags but appears to be a doctype issue. I'm more of a SQL programmer than a web developer but any ideas on how I can remove that gap?
Not too good with IE coding.. file incorrectly appearing as http_referer with IE8 and IIS6

I'm working on a corporate intranet and we have recently redesigned it using all sorts of CSS3 goodness as specified by a design agency. Our corporate standard browser is (still) IE8 so in order to make the CSS3 work I employed CSS3 PIE ( which recreates the CSS functionality using VML via a .htc file - and it works great. However I've noticed that the http_referer value for pages viewed in IE8 is being returned as the location for instead of the actual referring page and it was working just fine before the redesign. Firefox is tolerated as an alternative browser and for pages viewed in that browser all the http_referer values are as they should be. This is causing quite a headache for forms which redirect using this variable, as well as the logs which dump various environment variables to database for easy querying - and the guys who analyse the stats aren't remotely happy!
I have flagged this with the developer of CSS3 PIE and it's a mystery to him, but before I register a bug I wanted to see if it might be some failing of IIS or some setting I've missed in it (I'm using version 6 on Windows 2003). We have an Linux server with Apache as well for different purposes which I redesigned using the same technique and that doesn't seem to be displaying the same behaviour.
Does anyone have any related experience with PIE or any other .htc files on IIS which they were able to solve? Or is it some kind of IE8 bug that will never be fixed?
we experience the same issue. We removed it from the html. It could be an IE bug, I don't see any reason why the referer of the .htc should be the same as the page.

DropShadowExtender in ie9

I have a very wierd problem and I dont know where to begin to fix it. I have tried my website on 8 computers using IE9 and for 2 of them the page doesnt show the correctly. I found out that when I take out the dropshadowextender it looks ok. So what I did is first try to go in cleared out all cookies, etc.. and then went into advanced settings to compare the ones that were working to the ones that were not, but that didnt work. I tried the site on all machines using FireFox on all computers and they work fine. My problem is what could it be causing those 2 computers to not show up correctly. I could see if it showed up wrong when I ran the site on all computers.
CSS3 Pie is a .htc file that, when placed on your server, provides extra code for IE so it can render many CSS3 styles on IE9, 8 and 7 properly.
Works well. Worth checking out.

IE 8 and IE 7 compatability issues

I have a site that was designed mostly for IE 8, but we've now discovered that some of our clientele use IE 7 and even IE 6 as well. Unfortunately, because of what I'm assuming are CSS issues, these pages don't look the same in IE 7 as they do IE 8. I was wondering if there were any tips or things to avoid when develop a site to be cross-browser version compatible. The main problem in IE 7 is the position of items in the navigation menu. The elements seem to be pushed to the right in IE 7 when compared with IE 8.
The link for the site is here
I would love to post the html and css but I'm new and can't really figure it out. Please let me know if you need any other info. If anybody had any ideas or thoughts, they would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Google "ie conditional stylesheet", its a pain, but it works. Then setup some virtual machine(s) with the main targets you want to test. Alternatively, I believe that the recent versions of Visual Studio for web development ship with some tooling to see a comparison between how the different versions of IE would render a page.
